6/11 The Rape of Serbia (Part 2)

The Rape of Serbia (Part 2)


By Sir Vojislav Milosevic Part 2.

The War is About The Mines Of Kosovo

„Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter to sweet, and sweet for bitter!“

– Isaiah 5:20.

Wars are at root about economics, and the Kosovo war was no different.

So, why have had hundreds of millions of dollars in high-tech weapons suddenly become available to the, according to State Department – terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army? By way, of the USA and Germany!

At the beginning, the biggest winners of all in this war were Boeing, Northrop-Grumman and Raytheon. And, of course, their happy shareholders.

A Pentagon source has told me that US used 63% of munitions inventory to destroy Serbia. Shortly, U.S. Congress rushed through a $13 billion military spending package after the first two weeks of bombing. Such a bill would not have been possible without this bombing campaign. After that, US Congress requested an additional $120 billion for the next five years, and over $250 billion through the year 2010. What a bonanza for the munitions makers !

„Rambouillet peace conference“ and „Rambouillet Accords“ were nothing else but organized theft of Serbian resources by Western corporations. Even the Serbophobic New York Times admitted in 1998 article: “Below Kosovo, a war’s glittering prize awaits the conqueror“. However, that same media rarely mentioned the 17 trillion dollars in mineral assets of Serbia.

Serbia’s mineral resources are the richest in all Europe – west of Russia.

Kosovo is often portrayed in the media as an isolated mountainous region, poor and without resources. It might seem, from theese accounts, to be an area of interest only to those who live there.

The New York Times, for example, has carried dozens of such articles by Chris Hedges. Only once Hedges wrote about the real wealth of Kosovo’s „Stari Trg“ mining complex. It was a tip-off that something more was at stake in this war: Hedges’s visit to the „Stari Trg“ („Old Square“) mining complex was an eye opener. He described the glittering veins of lead, zinc, cadmium, gold and silver in „Stari Trg“. This is Serbian „Kuwait“, the heart of Kosovo… In addition to all of this, Kosovo has 17 billion tons of coal reserves. Lignite deposits in the Kosovo mines are, according to experts, sufficient for the next 13 centuries. The capacity of the lead and zinc refineries ranks third in the world. Web site: http://www.yu.gov described Trepca as the „richest lead and zinc mines in Europe“.

Yes, there is coal to be had in Kosovo. But, the real prize is the zinc-lead-gold-silver mining complex at „Stari Trg“. The „Zinc air“ battery will be probably to the next decade what oil and gasoline are now, as the now perfected Electric Car becomes widely marketed. The West NEEDS that Zinc mining complex, the third largest in the world.

Although the average person watching the news in the evening has never heard of „Stari Trg“, it has been a prize changing hands for 2.000 years.

The wealth of „Stari Trg“ is legendary. Precious metals were mined there more than 2.000 years ago, first by the Greeks, than by the Romans.

These mines were the grand prize in the Nazi occupation of the Balkans, after Germany grabbed control from the British. The mines have great industrial and military importance. The Nazis used batteries produced there to power their U-boats. Today, submarine batteries are still made there.

The enormous mineral wealth of Kosovo is never publicly discussed by U.S. President Clinton, UN Ambassador Richard Holbrooke or the Pentagon generals. They spoke only of „self-determination“ of the Albanian population of Kosovo. They never mentioned what US-imposed „self-determination“ means. It means colonization under the guise of „liberation“, like what U.S. did to Puerto Rico, Cuba, Philippines, or elsewhere, hundred years ago. Serbia wanted to preserve its industry and natural resources for the future.

In early February 2008, „Gustafson Association“, on behalf of „Manas Petroleum Company“, said it has discovered big oil and gas reserves in northern Albania: 2.987 billion barrels of oil and 1.004 trillion cubic meters of gas. This is 50% of the established reserves. Where is the other half? The other half, the same 3 billion barrels of oil and 1 trillion cubic meters of gas is located in Kosovo. „God bless America“!!!


There was no „ethnic cleansing“ in Kosovo before the NATO attacks,

Only an ongoing conflict between Yugoslav (Serbian) security forces and KLA separatists. In January 1999, an intelligence report from the German Foreign Office stated: „Even in Kosovo an explicit political persecution linked to Albanian ethnicity is not verifiable. The East of Kosovo is still not involved in armed conflict. Public life in cities like Pristina, Urosevac, Gnjilan, etc. Has, in the entire conflict period, continued on a relatively normal basis“. The „actions of the security forces (were) not directed against the Kosovo-Albanians as an ethnically defined group, but against the military opponent and its actual or alleged supporters.“

Once the NATO air attacs began, Yugoslavia (Serbia&Montenegro) took the essential defensive step of moving an army into Kosovo to wipe out KLA („Kosovo Liberation Army“, proclaimed by U.S. State Department as terrorist organization) terrorist bases, and secure the borders against a possible ground attack by NATO. The war between the government and KLA along with the NATO bombing, created an unstable environment in many areas that caused large numbers to flee. About 200.000 Kosovo refugees of all ethnic backgrounds have moved further into Yugoslavia, into either Montenegro or other Serbian territories.

Serbian troops were involved in expulsions where they perceived a security threat in the event of invasion or saw an area as heavily compromised with the KLA. The United States had similar motivation in 1941 with the internment of Japanese Americans because of American’s fears of invasion. It is not nice, but it happens when war breaks out.

Serbian troops may also have targeted Albanians who are „illegal aliens“ in the country (U.S. and EU countries are faced with that kind of problem too) who may number around 300.000. These people, born in Albania with no sense of Serbian citizenship, have been a major contributor to dissidence in the province. Many of them fled as soon as the bombing started, deciding to return to their homes in Albania. They made up a goodly portion of the „refugees“. It is worth nothing that there were 100.000 Albanians living in Belgrade – who were NOT TOUCHED!!!

U.S. leaders profess concern for the Kosovo Albanians as an oppressed group, yet they uttered not a single word of outrage against the Czech Republic mistreatment of Gypsies, the British oppression of the Roman Catholic minority in Northern Ireland, the Hutu mass murder of 800.000 Tutsis in Rwanda, the 38.000 Kurds slaughtered and 4 million displaced by Turkey, NATO partner, nor the one million Christians killed in the Sudan. NATO even seems oblivious to the ongoing slaughter in Sri Lanka and East Timor.

Turkish persecution of the Kurds is going on now, and it has been going on for decades, but You have never seen the need to drop „smart“ bombs on Istanbul and demand that the Turks let Western or NATO countries to run their country for them. In spite of 38.000 Kurds slaughtered and 4 million displaced?

Apparently, none of these victims fall into the category of U.S. so called „national interest“.

In a interview on „60 minutes“, Laslie Stahl asked Madeleine Albright:

„I understand that 500.000 Iraqi children have died due to U.S. sanctions… was it worth it?“ Albright replied: „It was worth it“. What does it mean? It means that U.S. and the whole American people have no aversion to starving a half million Arab children to death?

U.S. should be concerned ! You should not let yours armed forces to be used as a „private death squads“ by anybody. When NATO attacked Serbia and Montenegro, year 1999, with NO PERMISSION of UN, U.S. and other NATO members have committed raw, naked aggression against a sovereign country. They have committed international crime! It must be prosecuted. And, we, the people of the modern World, should also be concerned about the U.S. government policy and hypocrisy and lying. We should not pretend to have principles when we don’t!

I want to make something clear: I do not approve of rape, torture and throat-cutting as a means of settling ethnic conflicts, neither anywhere in the World nor especially in the Balkans, whether it is the Serbs or the Albanians or some other group committing the atrocities. But, I’m sure that media bosses in America and in Western European countries have exaggerated atrocities committed by Serbs and ignored atrocities committed against Serbs. But I’ll say it again: I don’t approve of the sort of brutality that the Serbs have been accused of inflicting on Albanians or Croats or Bosnian Moslems. Or vice-versa. I believe that ethnic cleansing, if necessary, can be done without atrocities! If there were atrocities in Bosnia, Croatia or Kosovo, however, a substantial portion of the blame must go to the „Clintonistas“ in Washington. One U.S. politician said:

„We don’t choose targets according to our friends. We choose our friends according to our targets“!!! President Clinton told to American people that „he wanted to build a bridge to the 21st Century“. He just forgot to tell to the same people – he planned to destroy all the old ones first!

What U.S. and EU countries did? To break this resistance, Western countries played a major role in the breakup, first of Yugoslavia – and then of Serbia.

They produced imagined oppression: they secretly finance and arm the secessionists, misrepresent the suppression of violence as a violation of human rights. The easy part was to disseminate fake stories in the media of atrocities, particularly to „human rights groups“… and BINGO… We now have the model for „humanitarian wars“ for the 21st century.

I am defending the Serbian struggle, not merely because it is the moral thing to do, but because this is the last truly multinational state in Europe and the last free people in Europe. The Serbs proved to be a stubborn and powerful obstacle to the IMF and NATO domination of southeastern Europe. This is why Serbia was savagely demonized, betrayed and finally slaughtered. Since the truth would be unpopular with American voters, the administration’s foreign policy had to invent lies to justify their actions.

The big lie is triumphant. The possible defeat of the Serbs leaves us all with a much more dangerous world.


November 7, 2011 – 6:38 am
Yes, Kosovo is a tragedy. I knew about the mines. I knew about the systematic destruction of the ancient Orthodox cathedrals and churches there, which is criminal. It makes sense that munitions compnaies made money bombing Kosovo. But as for the mines, why couldn’t the West just buy shares in those mines? Were those mines compeletely nationalized befrore? And who owns them now? Perhaps that could be in a future article?

Another thing that makes no sense is the reaction at the UN. Smaller states KNOW what happened in Kosovo was wrong. Why has there been no widespread condemnation in the UN? I note that Russia has supported Serbia on the subject of Kosovo. So why isn’t more done?

Log in to Reply JS
November 7, 2011 – 6:54 am
Why doesn’t the UN support Serbia in this?

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Gordon Duff
November 7, 2011 – 2:07 pm
I have friends in the region, most in Serbia but some in albania also.

this is a thousand year old conflict.

Initially, the UN was dragged in by Helmut Kohl, who was tried to the Croatians and Slovenians. (I have friends in Slovenia also).

No matter what I saw, I am going to be in trouble with someone.


2 responses to “6/11 The Rape of Serbia (Part 2)

  1. In early February 2008, „Gustafson Association“, on behalf of „Manas Petroleum Company“, said it has discovered big oil and gas reserves in northern Albania: 2.987 billion barrels of oil and 1.004 trillion cubic meters of gas. This is 50% of the established reserves. Where is the other half? The other half, the same 3 billion barrels of oil and 1 trillion cubic meters of gas is located in Kosovo. „God bless America“!!!


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