High-ranking Australian Satanist on Deathbed: Satanists Rule the World. Everything Indicates He Is Right

High-ranking Australian Satanist on Deathbed: Satanists Rule the World. Everything Indicates He Is Right

Posted by Anders under English, Euromed

Summary: Satanism is no longer an exclusively occult movement. The foundation of the New World Order is illuminism, which the EU professes. Illuminism is a global freemasonic brotherhood which declares Lucifer to be its god in an all out endeavour to secure domination of this planet for the benefit of a small clique of international bankers and their political and media henchmen – for the sake of their enrichment at our cost, to make us subservient slaves and to reduce our number by 70% or more. Here a highranking Satanist allegedly reveals on his deathbed his luxurious sensual reward for promoting that movement: Satanists rule the world, he says and so confirms what Pres. Clinton´s mentor, Carroll Quigley, stated in other words. The dying Satanist belonged to an Alpha Lodge in Sydney and states Sydney to be the centre of global Satanism. He describes a luxurious brothel being used as part of the satanic cult for the Dark Goddess, that child molesting by politicians world wide is ususal – as well as child sacrifices to the Devil, whose temple the world is to be.
They are finishing a gigantic act of treason to our societies. They owe anything and everybody of importance – nearly: Businesses, companies, many Christian churches, people incl. military men, actors, preachers, are even in control of the Vatican. Intelligence services are their tools. They also use tools like the war on terror, taxation, multiculturalism, dissolution of the family – all according to the Hegelian strategy towards total world domination. People who revealed their identities and plans were put in prison and killed. They imagine to be able to do anything they like. Our sheeple youth is being seduced and corrupted by pop music using Satanic symbols and drugs in order to dull future generations from opposing them. This may seem incredible. But readers who have regularly been reading this blog will recognize this, as most of it constititutes the political elements of the New World Order politics so often depicted as Luciferian here.

The following is so weird that I have been asking myself if this is really true. I came to the conclusion that even if it may be a figment it does explain so many of the irrational phenomena associated with EU´s illuminism (explanatory statement) and Barroso´s, Gordon Brown´s, Sarkozy´s , Angela Merkel´s, Obama´s Ban Ki-moon´s, Henry Kissinger´s and Pres. Bush sr.´s talk about the New World Order (see videos on right margin of this blog) that I decided to post it here. That Satanism has spread into the pop industry is beyond doubt. See this video performance on TV featuring the rapper Jay-Z and the explanation for this bizarre behaviour. Here is another pop singer, Lady Gaga, sings reversed: Me love Satan – and on this video she makes Satanic illuminist symbols. In particular heavy metal music is connected with Satanism. I have previously described Satanism in the UN and here as well as in the the EU.

Left Rapper Jay-Z – notice his halo, right Lady Gaga – notice S for Satan and her Osiris/Lucifer all-seeing eye sign.

What is satanism?
It is a belief in Satan being god.
Wikipedia: Luciferianism can be understood best as a belief system or intellectual creed that venerates the essential and inherent characteristics that are affixed and commonly given to Lucifer.
Luciferianism is the religion that believes the Serpent is the good god, who liberated Adam and Eve from captivity and ignorance in Paradise by the evil Creator (Gen. 3:4–5). After the liberation a small fraction of mankind believes to have developed into being God´s equals. One of them is to rule the world with Lucifer, the Light Bearer (Esaiah 14:12–14). (This is the religion of illuminists/illuminati.)
LaVeyan Satanism is a religion founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey.Unlike Theistic Satanists, LaVeyan Satanists are atheists, agnostics, and Deists who regard Satan as a symbol of man’s inherent nature. Its beliefs were first detailed in The Satanic Bible and it is overseen by the Church of Satan.
Symbolic Satanism (sometimes called Modern Satanism) is the observance and practice of Satanic religious beliefs, philosophies, customs and rituals. Casual or adolescent satanism. In this context, adolescents use satanic symbols like the inverted pentagram, the trappings of the black mass, or demonic imagery to provide the impression of satanism.

Now, my dear reader, you will have to decide for yourself, the trustworthyness of the following “death bed statement” below. Here is an article by a Satanist – who, of course, stamps the Frater 616 statement as a blatant hoax. On the other side, Satan is the father of lies (John 8:44). The Satanist states that there are no alpha lodges – not in Sydney either. But there are many such freemasonic lodges, in fact. No. 158 , No. 172 , No 449 here , No 116 here . Her Alpha Lodge 970 in Blacktown, 74 km from Sydney, and here Alpha Lodge No 81 in Cambridge, New Zealand. If the Alpha Lodge in Sydney is so poisonous as stated, it would probably be kept secret. In fact, there is an Alpha Lodge in Sydney – without an obvious homepage: March 9, 2009, The Brisbane Nova Scotia Lodge: We are also about to welcome W.B. Bill Brien into the lodge as an affiliate. Bill comes from Sydney where he attended Alpha Lodge.

The Alpha church course is indeed a Satanic matter – since the 1990es they are encroaching on US Churches, are active in 160 countries, have snared 13 mio people and are running 33.500 alphacourses. The freemasons behind them have hooked the Anglican Church since the 1970es – and are in control of the Vatican according to this book.
Here are lay catholic remarks: “The real aim of the Alpha course it seems is to get everyone to believe in a sort of “lowest common denominator” of Christianity, with nobody causing any offense about doctrinal issues (in other words, “let’s have unity at the expense of truth”), and everyone believing just some of the absolute basics, but leaving out issues like authority, the nature of justification, grace. If, as stated, it is primarily for the “unchurched,” then why try to encourage practising Catholics who don’t fit that definition to attend the course?”
This means: You can do whatever you please. Christ loves you and saved you through his death. Forget his commandments! This is Antichristian and opens the gate to what follows.
I was present at a few such very well attended meetings at Flensburg at the invitation of a friendly colleague, before their superficiality and Antichristian nature became clear to me.

These Alpha churches have as partners i.a. NM Rothschild & Sons, The Warburgs, The Bank for International Settlements, The London School of Economics – the very backbone of the New World Order. I suppose the freemason alpha lodges have been infiltrating the churches, the alpha lodges being much older. They are eager to get information about children

Australia’s Global Satanic Legacy And Future (Pt. 1)

By Frater 616

“I will go down to The Altars in Hell To Satan, The Giver of Life. O! Prince of Darkness, Hear Me! Our Father who wert in heaven Hallowed be Thy Name In heaven as it is on Earth. Give us this day our Ecstasy And deliver us to evil As well as temptation. For we are your Kingdom. For Aeons and Aeons.”

January 3, 2010 Henry Makow Ph.D.: In an explosive deathbed confession, a former head of the satanist “Alpha Lodge” in Sydney, Australia, revealed the pervasive worldwide power of organized Satanism, which is synonymous with the Illuminati/illuminists. Excerpt
“Things are not as they seem ,” he wrote, describing a wholesale betrayal of society by its ostensible leaders. “Petor Narsagonan” aka “Frater 616” died March 25, 2004. Recently, his executor, an “Aloysius Fozdyke” (their satanic names) sent the 15 pp. document by email to Arthur Cristian, webmaster of Love for Life – using this contact form. Aloysius Fozdike was Outer Head of the Alpha Lodge Australasia.
Among the material was this disjointed essay concerning the Alpha Lodges. It was His intention to have this published in the popular media.

Satanic influence is “now so pervasive as not to be readily noticed,” Frater says.
Satanists are laced throughout Australian society, and the pattern is replicated everywhere. They include politicians, doctors, high ranking police officers, lawyers, decorated military men, media personalities, fashion models and social workers.
“A mentor” in the Satanic network set him up in the travel business and for years Frater live a life of unimaginable wealth, occultism and debauchery.

The US-based “Church of Satan” was the public face of “an ancient body whose very existence had never before been imagined.” He lists as “influential members” J.P. Morgan, Drs. James McDonald and Rene Hardy, the Kennedy’s (including Jackie), Irving Berlin, Groucho Marx, Elvis Presley, Garner Ted Armstrong, Sammy Davis Jr., Ronald Reagan, Edward Heath, Thomas Plantard de St Claire and the Bushes, Stephen Spielberg, George Lucas and Gerald Ford.

Intelligence agencies are instruments of the Illuminati central bankers. “Many of America’s high ranking military men were members of various Satanic Lodges or kindred organizations.” They overlapped with organized crime and drug trafficking. US and Australian Navy ships were used, as well as oil tankers (Russian claim).

Brothels and porn are a small part of the “International Satanic Empire” (i.e. Illuminati.) Most of the money comes from CIA drug trafficking, sophisticated blackmail, money lending and currency trading. “Satanists of the highest order are behind a number of wealthy, Conservative, New Right Christian churches and organizations in America.”

The aim of the Alpha Lodge is 66% illiteracy rates in the Western World by 2010, and “the destruction of at least 70% of the globe’s population by the year 2030.”Most governments count on their “sheeple” to respond in “typical infantile fashion” and to identify with ” a more powerful force– even if it enslaves, brutalizes and humiliates them.”

Frater attributes the following to the “influence of Satanism in the modern world:”
-The developed world is heading toward Third World status because the central banks and here are owned by Satanists. -Multinationals rape the environment and reap the rewards from Australia’s natural resources. -The media in the Free World is “heavily controlled” and in bed with the government. -Fluoride in Australia’s water supply. -Educational standards dumbed down. -Multiculturalism foisted on the First World (with exception of Japan.) -Illuminati Satanists behind 9-11 and here. -Mossad came up with weapons of mass destruction rationale for Iraq Invasion. Illuminati uses Israel to run US foreign policy.

“Homo sapiens are herd animals, after all! …Give them an election with no policy choices and for the most part they are happy. Allow their children no real prospects of success, inhibit their natural drives, particularly their sex drives; limit their options, coarsen their choices and society (such as it still is) quickly falls apart into predetermined categories. No families, just weak individuals free to do as they are told. Satan is a wonderful ‘systems man.’

What do we say about a youth who can’t tell the difference between good and evil? Increasingly this is the condition of society as a whole. The world is indeed controlled by Satanists who indulge in the most heinous crimes with impunity. Membership in this club appears to be the price of success, whether political, economic or cultural. “Progress” and “social change” are synonymous with mass social induction into Satanism. Frater 616: “Every hour of every day and every night, people are knowingly engaged in Satan’s service. Human sacrifice–whether ritually and quicker, or slowly and degradingly over time — is all harnessed to specific ends. ” “Politicians are introduced by a carefully graded set of criteria and situations that [convince] them that their victims will be “Our Little Secret.” Young children sexually molested and physically abused by politicians worldwide are quickly used as sacrifices.”

Here is more from this Satanistic script
Remember: Aloysius Fozdike was Outer Head of the Alpha Lodge Australasia. “I believe in one Prince, Satan, who reigns over this Earth, And in one Law which triumphs over all. I believe in one Temple Our Temple to Satan, and in one Word which triumphs over all: The Word of ecstasy. I give praise to my Prince The fire-giver and look forward to his reign And the pleasures that are to come!

Satanism finally managed to infiltrate the major left wing and middle of the road political parties on May Day, 1997. Another group long ago bought the American Congress, so the Alpha Lodges concentrated on the Republican Party and this has paid some very high dividends. Currently the U.S. federal government dances to our tune! Unknown – if not always unsuspected – Infernal Temples exist in every major city throughout the world – Vatican City and here included!

I knew her as Lilith, a High Priestess of an ultra-secretive Black Order of Typhon. Hers was the easy smile of a true neurotic and the body of an Angel. Her long cruel fingernails were enamelled in the chic and expensive titillations of her victims and their fantasies. I had first met her at a stately home in an inner Sydney suburb at one of the regular Black Masses held to strengthen the bonds of lust, occult knowledge and perversion. She sacrificed herself to help establish what is considered today, by those in the know, to be the most powerful and important Satanic organization in the world. That group comprises some of the most educated, wealthy, corrupt and corrupting people that have ever existed. And they operate out of Sydney, Australia – but their influence is international.

Lilith procured children to satiate the debased lusts of many Satanists. These were taken from single girls by promises, for a fee or occasionally, simple stolen. Babies were bred for their various purposes by ‘Broodmares’ – young unemployed girls who were paid to hand over their ‘produce’.The most disturbing aspect of the Black Masses held in Sydney was and remains the ease with which victims were and continue to be obtained and the lack of any effective interest by the police. Sex has a ritual character, (porno being introduced by Obama´s safe schools czar in schoolrooms – even as even homosexuality is taught there. Now a British NHS leaflet tells school pupils: “An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away!”)

Some of the deadliest, most effective and disarming assassins are women. Within the Alpha Lodges they are worshipped as embodiments of the dark Goddess and here – who is known by many names and is virgin still! Currently the Outer Head of the Alpha Lodge Australasia is a very highly placed and successful Federal politician. Together and with time, those at the highest echelons of International Satanism believe that there is nothing they cannot achieve. And if you knew even half of what they have already done you would agree.

The Alpha-Lodge to which I was a member placed a great deal of emphasis upon Magic, both in theory and practice. Demons were evoked and dispatched; sigils made and sacrifice and the letting of blood encouraged.

Kissinger refined Hitler’s ‘Terror Technique’ into the more subtle and powerful ‘Tension Technique’: building tension in society and then finding a scapegoat. (Hegelian thesis, antithesis, synthesis – known from The French Revolution). Dark Path adepts do this in insignificant ways until they have the power and ability to move and direct people to more gross and hideous behaviours. In Australia recently, the Business Activity Statement for taxation purposes (and here and here – as decided by the Bilderbergers in 2005) and the ‘immigration debate’ have worked exceptionally well. The ‘War on Terror’ has also been of incalculable international influence (even more so than La Vey’s Satanic Bible continues to be). The rhetorical façade for George’s Presidency may be Christian, but the plan is otherwise! (And for all of the new arrangements the sheeple have adopted, it was still safer to walk the streets in the Second World War than it is now. Who owns and controls the Reserve Bank of Australia (hint, it is the same people who own the American Federal Reserve and the Bank of England)?

The emerging set of Satanic leaders is young, savvy, competent and heartless. They use debasement of their victims as a ritual of power to themselves and their Deities.

Souls and agendas are kidnapped with ease and Luciferian style. ‘Rock and Roll’ Gods and Goddesses captivate the hearts and minds of the next generation. The Alpha Lodge has taken steps to try to ensure that after the next war and here, the Tradition is maintained in the intervening centuries, before civilization, as we know it, begins again. At that time, Satanism will be in the only religion and science. The Sheeple gather for their slaughter. Multi-Billionaires increasingly sought the spiritual comfort and insider information the Satanic Alpha-Lodges could provide.

Comment: Yes! This is diabolical. And who are Lucifer´s Super-henchmen? See this video. There are more reports on illuminati satanism: Fritz Springmeyer in The Satanic Bloodlines. He describes the 13 illuminati families who are intermarried, and through the Collins family they are said to participate in Satanic sacrifices, the Rothschild family being at the top of that pyramid (13 is a holy figure in the Great Seal of the US – donated by Mayer Amschel Rothschild).
Fritz Springmayer was sentenced to 9 years in prison in 2003 for alleged participation in a bank robbery. Springmeyer and his wife have always maintained his innocence – and that he was imprisoned for his revelations on the Satanic elitist bloodlines. John Todd said he was one of the Collins bloodline. He gave a description in Springmeyers Satanic Bloodlines of an illuminati Satanic meeting. You can hear him speaking here about illuminati Satanism: 33. degree masons declare their god to be Lucifer. Tom Collins changed his name to John Todd, became a Christian, was severely discredited – put in prison for alleged rape, where he died mysteriously. William Cooper, a naval officer, who described illuminati Luciferianism and their plans, was gunned down in front of his home by unknown persons.

Secret Threat To British Lives—PC More important than saving British Lives…Mention HIV- YOU’RE A FASCIST!!

easy access link in comment section.

8 responses to “High-ranking Australian Satanist on Deathbed: Satanists Rule the World. Everything Indicates He Is Right


    The Alpha church course is indeed a Satanic matter – since the 1990es they are encroaching on US Churches, are active in 160 countries, have snared 13 mio people and are running 33.500 alphacourses. The freemasons behind them have hooked the Anglican Church since the 1970es – and are in control of the Vatican according to this book.
    Here are lay catholic remarks: “The real aim of the Alpha course it seems is to get everyone to believe in a sort of “lowest common denominator” of Christianity, with nobody causing any offense about doctrinal issues (in other words, “let’s have unity at the expense of truth”), and everyone believing just some of the absolute basics, but leaving out issues like authority, the nature of justification, grace. If, as stated, it is primarily for the “unchurched,” then why try to encourage practising Catholics who don’t fit that definition to attend the course?”
    This means: You can do whatever you please. Christ loves you and saved you through his death. Forget his commandments! This is Antichristian and opens the gate to what follows.
    I was present at a few such very well attended meetings at Flensburg at the invitation of a friendly colleague, before their superficiality and Antichristian nature became clear to me.

    These Alpha churches have as partners i.a. NM Rothschild & Sons, The Warburgs, The Bank for International Settlements, The London School of Economics – the very backbone of the New World Order. I suppose the freemason alpha lodges have been infiltrating the churches, the alpha lodges being much older. They are eager to get information about children




    When masons have been caught for serious criminal offences that is despite masonic prosecutors, judges,lawyers and cops turning a blind eye their masonic buddies give them taxi jobs.
    Do not get drawn into conversations with taxi drivers or speak in confidence to a friend when in ANY taxi. One arm of the masonic listening system and how they find out your off on holiday and your house is empty for their criminal brothers to pay your home a visit.

    Always try and use public transport for the first part of any journey when you intend to be away from home for any length of time.

    Drug dealers and sex offenders among hundreds of criminals given taxi driver licences

    Criminals with convictions for offences including indecent assault and drug dealing are knowingly being granted taxi driver licences.
    An investigation revealed today that 209 people with previous convictions have been given a licence across the West Midlands region over the past three years, despite criminal records checks being carried out.
    In Wolverhampton, a man who between 1985 and 2005 had carried out more than 30 offences was deemed suitable to become a taxi driver in 2006.

    Risk: Criminals got taxi licences despite checks being carried out (file image)

    A spokesman for Wolverhampton City Council said the council had received no complaints regarding this driver since the private licence was granted.
    The investigation findings come after a series of freedom of information requests to councils and police authorities across the region.
    It found several drivers operating in Worcester with criminal convictions.
    A spokesman for the council’s licensing committee said members followed guidelines issued by the Metropolitan Police and by the Lord Chief Justice.
    ‘The third criteria is whether we would allow our daughter, if (we) had one, to get in the cab,’ the spokesman said.
    He added that convictions for drugs and sexual offences were ‘a complete no-no’.
    A spokesman for the National Taxi Association said people with previous convictions tended to have their applications decided on merit.
    He told the BBC: ‘If someone does have a lot of previous convictions he is likely to have to go before a council and explain himself.’

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1242245/Drug-dealers-sex-offenders-hundreds-criminals-given-taxi-driver-licences.html



  3. Pingback: Ο Σατανισμός εκ των έσω… « Διαγγελέας

  4. every child of the devil will route in hell together with the uuseless dragon.

  5. There is a legend that we humans on earth will see angels and demons fighting each other with our physical eyes. No word on ‘when’ this would happen. I heard it from at least 3 religious people. So, does that mean that the demons will become solid? What then?
    Guns! Lots of guns!

    • Demons = Bankers and Politicians!
      Serfs = Angels, we are at their mercy- for now!
      Religious people…..they have no special insight anymore than we spiritual people have.

  6. Some interesting reading..

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