Islam on Capitol Hill: “no we don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy” “We love you, America – and we want your children for Islam”

Islam on Capitol Hill: “no we don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy” “We love you, America – and we want your children for Islam”





On September 8th, I alerted Atlas readers that Islamists organizing and leading the “Islam on the Capital” mass prayer on September 25th had disturbing backgrounds and had made outrageous statements. Normally I would not post on a prayer event; I mean, who cares? But when I got a gander at, and saw the Islamists involved, it set off red flags and it was clearly in need of its own post.
I blogged on three of the leading players calling thousands of Muslims in prayer: Sheik Muhammad Jebril and Sheik Ahmed Dewidar, two Egyptians (home base to the Muslim Brotherhood); and prayer organizer Hassen Abdellah is a lawyer for terrorists
Ahmed Dewidar is the New York Imam who said Jews control America. Read my post for a refresher on these treasonous clowns …..

I failed to mention Imam Abdul Malik of Brooklyn, NY. The New York based imam, Abdul Malik,  delivered a sermon to thousands of Muslims who gathered on Capitol Hill. He said:

America is one of the best places in the world to live. What we have done here today we couldn’t do in any Muslim country.

And he made it clear that Islam would seek to make converts.

America, I announce to you, it is my intention to invite your children to the worship of one God. It is my intention to remove every idol from every place – nothing physical. It is a confrontation of ideas, because, brothers and sisters, the most powerful weapon you have in your hand … is truth.

The following is a quote from the Imam Malik’s Facebook page:

“Democracy is not revelation, and democracy does not equal freedom, for in democracy you have apartheid, you have slavery, you have homosexuality, you have lesbianism, you have gambling, you have all of the vices that are against the spirit of …truth; so no we don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy! That’s what we want.

Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Over at Docstalk: Cal Thomas

If you are an enemy of America seeking her destruction, you would add to your pursuit of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons the undermining of this nation from within. You would do this largely through deception, putting on a peaceful face while subtly plotting ways to bring America down. That tactic was on display last Friday in Washington as a crowd estimated at 3,000 Muslims gathered to pray. The organizer of the rally, Imam Abdul Malik of Brooklyn, N.Y., told Americans what we like to hear: “What we’ve done today, you couldn’t do in any Muslim country. If you prayed on the palace lawn there, they’d lock you up.”

As reported by The Washington Times Sadara Shaw, a resident of Washington, D.C., was quoted as saying “It’s a show of solidarity to show all Muslims are not terrorists but law-abiding citizens.” That is probably true, but irrelevant since it takes only a small number of terrorists to cause havoc.

“We believe in America’s possibilities,” Malik told the crowd. “We didn’t come to criticize our nation … I want the American people to know that we love you.”

The Imam’s Facebook page tells a different story. But only The Times bothered to look at it. While Malik’s Facebook shows him dressed in Western clothing, he attended the ceremony dressed as a sheik. That seems more appropriate to the real Imam Malik, because on his Web page he has written: “Democracy is not revelation, and democracy does not equal freedom, for in democracy you have apartheid, you have slavery, you have homosexuality, you have lesbianism, you have gambling, you have all of the vices that are against the spirit of truth; so no we don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy…”

Which Imam is telling the truth and which is practicing deception?


Unlike the (pre-socialist) West, Islam has never recognized the law of cause and effect. Until they do, we will never be able to peacefully coexist.

Mr. Malik says, “America is one of the best places in the world to live. What we have done here today we couldn’t do in any Muslim country.” The logical conclusion one should draw from this observation is that America’s political and economic system and moral values are responsible for this result. Mr. Malik completely ignores logic, however, and instead advocates that we import the failure of Islam to America.

It is an indisputable fact that Muslims produce next to nothing. Their religion teaches them to take (i.e., steal) from others. Their economic system is based on conquest and theft. This is why they must constantly seek to expand. Once they have conquered a region and sucked all the productivity from it, they must move on in order to survive. They are like human locusts, and so long as they refuse to change they should be dealt with as such.

Islam delenda est!


For an example of cheerfully putting us down and trying to impose islamic ways, see today’s Toledo Blade article by Dr. Hussain with “Mr. Whipple” cutely mentioned in the title. Hussain’s premise is Americans waste too many trees on toilet paper, and its better to use bidet like the French–and here’s the stealth jihad–or the Muslims. Sneakily mentioned near the end. I suppose next would come wiping with the left hand. The toilet paper industry is one hundred percent American and his story makes me want to stock up to help the industry out!


 Time has come for ALL God loving Americans to stand the hell up!! Let Israel know they are NOT alone. We have no president, but we do have a voice with power to match.

Obama must be arrested and removed from office. Carter, Reid, Pelosi all brought up on High Treason charges. This can be done by our military.

We, at home, will begin to unite. I would rather go down with a bullet then to stand idle while my country dies.
Can you imagine what our soldiers are thinking when they here this.
I want them to know.. United We Stand!!



One response to “Islam on Capitol Hill: “no we don’t want to democratize Islam, we want to Islamize democracy” “We love you, America – and we want your children for Islam”

  1. August 28, 2009

    Miserable Signs of the Times: Swedes and Yalies

    Filed under: Arab-Israeli Conflict,

    Danish Cartoon Scandal, Demopaths and Dupes, Eurabia, Most Valuable Idiot of the Day, Pallywood — Richard Landes @ 8:28 am —

    Apologies to my readers for my long absence during several important events. A brief update and list of articles worth considering for discussion. I am now in a better position to both post and pay attention to the excellent discussions some of you readers have been maintaining while I lurked.

    Swedish article on Organ Transplant

    Among the most significant items on which I need to post has been Aftonbladet controversy, the Swedish article accusing the Israelis of engaging in harvesting organs from dead Palestinians, what many — justifiably to my mind — consider a modern blood libel. By now, it’s clear — and avowed — that the author has no evidence for his claims, and even the families involved admit that they never made the claims. Barry Rubin has some excellent remarks on Facebook about why, even though the media openly admits to holding Israel to a higher standard, it’s equally if not more important for the media to be careful with Israel, given the long history of libels against it.

    So if you say that you hold Jews to higher standards remember equally that they have been treated, misexplained, misunderstood and lied about to lower standards. That there are people–often the main supposed witnesses to the things you denounce Israel for–who have a vested interest in making Israel look bad and who are willing to lie, along with reporters and others who have an antagonism to Israel. What are you doing to correct that side of the balance?

    I’m going to hold you to a higher standard in your coverage of Israel for the same reason.
    Dershowitz addresses the Swedish government’s invocation of “freedom of the press” as an excuse for them to weigh in on this.

    Israeli spokespeople have hit back hard on this, both officially and unofficially. Below is Mordechai Kedar’s responses to the author of the piece, Donald Bostrom, in which he mentions al Durah and invokes Pallywood. Note how Bostrom starts by saying, “It’s not up to me to have any evidence…” How do you think Kedar comes off?

    One of my correspondents shudders at Kedar’s performance.

    This TV interview with Kedar and Bostrom is a disaster. Bostrom comes across as the calm, reasonable speaker. Kedar is overheated and makes unsupported allegations that Palestinians are “compulsive liars” and have a conspiracy—these remarks make him look like a racist. Kedar is right, but his delivery completely undercuts his own message.
    Bostrom, on the other hand, is a poster-boy for Pallywood, as it manifests in journalism. Not only are Palestinian witnesses “as good as anyone’s”, but the work of the NGOs and other journalists in having Israel as a daily human rights violator, make anything the Palestinians claim perfectly believable.

    Yale University Press and the Danish Cartoon Book without Danish Cartoons.

    The appalling decision of Yale U. Press not to publish the cartoons out of concern for the sensitivity of Muslims is, among many issues, a perfect illustration of the role of experts (the unanimous 12 who recommended not to publish the cartoons) of the role of an anomalous consensus among our elites whose opinions matter. All twelve? No one i respect who thinks on the issue of how we deal with militant Islam would have recommended so pusillanimous a course. Was there not one person in the bunch to say something like this?

    This is absurd. Of course you publish the cartoons. Their almost entirely anodine nature is part of the story.

    It attests to the nature of the violent response, which was the bullying of a newly empowered advocacy community: global Jihadis who feel that Muslim sharia should rule the planet. Not to publish would be to act like dhimmi. It would replicate all the errors that were made at the time of the event, in which America’s failure to publish the cartoonbs in every paper at once betrayed Europeans behaving bravely, and signaled to the Islamist triumphalists that indeed the whole world was vulnerable to their demands.
    Or just a simple, “don’t be ridiculous.”

    In any case, the “unanimous 12″ strike me as the most significant elemnt in this lamentable story. It’s testimony to the Emperor’s New Clothes effect. The court has so taken control of the discourse that the simplest and most obvious responses are not merely “voted down,” but excluded. Let’s not forget that the emperor and his court carried on the charade even after the crowd had turned against the hegemonic discourse in which the emperor’s clothes were dazzling.

    But this issue is not confined to Yale alone. This essay, by Yale senior Matt Shaffer, about his time at Yale gives an intellectual backgrtound to this court consensus.

    Condemning prejudice is great, but devoting the keynote speech of Yale orientation to a finger-wagging lecture against bigotry, as Professor Yoshino did, was like opening a conference of physicists with a warning on the dangers of astrology. In short, Despite Dean Salovey’s assertion that, “We will help you learn how to think rather than tell you what to think,” it looked more and more that they were going to teach us neither how to think nor what to think, but rather, what to feel.

    That evening, things went from mere disappointment to sheer farce. Tedious lectures turned into indoctrination. We were required to attend ‘discussions’ with our freshman counselors about Professor Yoshino’s speech. The freshman counselor set the tone, and then student after student performed a series of variations upon a single theme: white men are bad, Islam is fabulous and judgment is bad. We need to be eternally vigilant and morally courageous in the face of the innumerable male WASP bigots around us. (Why we are allowed to judge white people as bad and Islam as good when judgment is supposedly forbidden is beyond my ken.)
    This article — despite it’s somwhat archaic conclusion about truth beauty and goodness — supports the folllowing lllustrated metaphor in some detail. When I first read this cartoon (HT Michelle Saltzman) I confess to feeling uneasy. The packaging is harsh; the insights, given Shaffer’s reflections, seem quite accurate. Is it Kedar-style? Or something else.

    Comments (269)
    July 13, 2009
    Eurabian loss of depth perception: Only in Belgium?
    Filed under: Arab-Israeli Conflict, Demopaths and Dupes, Eurabia — Richard Landes @ 3:25 am — Print This Post

    Belgian correspondent Rudi Roth writes:

    Only in Belgium

    Belgian NGO urges Muslims to boycott Israeli “bleeding” dates during Ramadan

    Muslims in Brussels are being urged by a Belgian NGO, INTAL, to boycott Israel and Israeli dates during Ramadan. It seems that it is the first time ever that in Belgium – a country of Christian culture – (and in Europe) Muslims are being specifically targeted by non-Muslims with a view to boycotting the Jewish State. Muslims account for 30% of the population in Brussels, which is also the “capital of Europe”. Israeli dates are very popular in Europe.

    Belgique: appel à boycotter les dattes israéliennes à l’occasion du ramadan

    and also on:

    Primo Europe

    It is a real religious importation of the conflict… and maybe an acceptance that it is a religious problem and not a territorial one?

    The Belgian NGO, Intal, received government money from cooperation development for making a brochure for use in school.

    In the brochure stereotyping of Jews and Arabs is exerciced for the young students.

    The same organization already cooperated with the federation of Morocco, and associations of Antwerp to organise other boycott actions against Israel.
    I see this less as a religious phenomenon, than as an excellent example of the scapegoating of Jews and Israel that the European “left,” fearful of Islamism and eager to curry favor with Muslims, engages in. In this sense, such a move represents a perfect illustration of the dynamics of Eurabia – fear of the aggressor prompts Europeans to identify with them (and thereby act like Dhimmi), and uses an “progressive discourse” that has lost its moorings and foundered in blood libels, to justify, indeed intensify the forces hostile to the very existence of progressive values.

    How can one expect Muslim students in Europe to develop civic courage when their alleged “elders” in a civil polity cater to their basest emotions so blatantly.

    As the joke runs, “what’s the difference between a brownnoser and a sh*thead? Depth perception.

    Comments (23)
    June 14, 2009
    Why is Europe Dying Demographically? Check out this Ad
    Filed under: Eurabia, demography — Richard Landes @ 10:52 am — Print This Post

    Here’s an ad that sums up all the elements of a “friction-free” self-indulgent world created by modern freedom without discipline.

    Patient love, self-sacrifice, genuine affection… none of this registers. No wonder Europeans don’t reproduce much. It’s such a… bother.

    Now on the other hand, the people who produce many kids don’t hesitate to smack the little creep. Neither side has the patience for the extraordinary patience it takes to raise a child in an integrity-guilt culture where the product is an autonomous individual who chooses responsible behavior rather than acts out of fear.

    PS. I’m suspicious of this ad. The kid does not strike me as French (bad accent and he says “la bonbon” rather than “le” or “les”); although the father is a perfect replica of the narcissistic hippies I knew in the early 70s.

    Comments (24)
    May 22, 2009
    So what if, by 2020, Rotterdam is a majority Muslim? We already have an answer.
    Filed under: Cognitive Egocentrism, Demopaths and Dupes, Eurabia, Honor-Shame Culture, Most Valuable Idiot of the Day, global jihad warming — Richard Landes @ 4:33 am — Print This Post

    In October of 2004, David Pryce-Jones, whose book on Arab honor-shame culture, The Closed Circle was to be a major player in my new course, “Honor-Shame Cultures, Middle Ages, Middle East,” came to BU to speak. Commentary published a formal draft of the talk in December of that year, “The Islamicization of Europe.” In the question and answer period, Pryce-Jones told the story of turning the tables on a Dutch reporter who was interviewing him.

    “You’re from Rotterdam,” he commented, “are you aware that, by 2020, Rotterdam will be a majority Muslim?

    “So what?” the reporter shot back.

    Well, it’s not even five years later, and we have a pretty good answer, and it’s not very pretty.

    Of course, the reporter was just being “politically correct.” After all, Muslim immigrants, according to the prevailing paradigm, were just like any other immigrant, and to suggest otherwise, was to reveal one’s racist prejudices, one’s Islamophobia. Of course there were some of us, even back then, who felt that anyone who wasn’t afraid of Islam was a cretin.

    You be the judge of the reporter’s remark:

    Eurabia Has A Capital: Rotterdam
    Here entire neighborhoods look like the Middle East, women walk around veiled, the mayor is a Muslim, sharia law is applied in the courts and the theaters. An extensive report from the most Islamized city in Europe

    by Sandro Magister

    ROME, May 19, 2009 – One of the most indisputable results of Benedict XVI’s trip to the Holy Land was the improvement in relations with Islam. The three days he spent in Jordan, and then, in Jerusalem, the visit to the Dome of the Mosque, spread an image among the Muslim general public – to an extent never before seen – of a pope as a friend, surrounded by Islamic leaders happy to welcome him and work together with him for the good of the human family.
    What planet are they on? What were the European media reporting from the Holy Land.

    But just as indisputable is the distance between this image and the harsh reality of the facts. Not only in countries under Muslim regimes, but also where the followers of Mohammed are in the minority, for example in Europe.

    In 2002, the scholar Bat Ye’or, a British citizen born in Egypt and a specialist in the history of the Christian and Jewish minorities in Muslim countries – called the “dhimmi” – coined the term “Eurabia” to describe the fate toward which Europe is moving. It is a fate of submission to Islam, of “dhimmitude.”

    Oriana Fallaci used the word “Eurabia” in her writings, and gave it worldwide resonance. On August 1, 2005, Benedict XVI received Fallaci in a private audience at Castel Gandolfo. She rejected dialogue with Islam; he was in favor of it, and still is. But they agreed – as Fallaci later said – in identifying the “self-hatred” that Europe demonstrates, its spiritual vacuum, its loss of identity, precisely when the immigrants of Islamic faith are increasing within it.

    Holland is an extraordinary test case. It is the country in which individual license is the most extensive – to the point of permitting euthanasia on children – in which the Christian identity is most faded, in which the Moslem presence is growing most boldly.

    Here, multiculturalism is the rule. But the exceptions are dramatic: from the killing of the anti-Islamist political leader Pim Fortuyn to the persecution of the Somali dissident Ayaan Hirsi Ali to the murder of the director Theo Van Gogh, condemned to death for his film “Submission,” a denunciation of the crimes of Muslim theocracy. Fortuyn’s successor, Geert Wilders, has lived under 24-hour police protection for six years.

    There is one city in Holland where this new reality can be seen with the naked eye, more than anywhere else. Here, entire neighborhoods look as if they have been lifted from the Middle East, here stand the largest mosques in Europe, here parts of sharia law are applied in the courts and theaters, here many of the women go around veiled, here the mayor is a Muslim, the son of an imam.

    This city is Rotterdam, Holland’s second largest city by population, and the largest port in Europe by cargo volume.

    The following is a report on Rotterdam published in the Italian newspaper “il Foglio” on May 14, 2009, the second in a major seven-part survey on Holland.

    The author, Giulio Meotti, also writes for the “Wall Street Journal.” Next September, his book-length survey on Israel will be published.

    The photo above is entitled “Muslim women in Rotterdam.” It is from an exhibition in 2008 by the Dutch photographers Ari Versluis and Ellie Uyttenbroek.

    In the casbah of Rotterdam

    by Giulio Meotti

    In Feyenoord, veiled women can be seen everywhere, darting like a flash through the streets of the neighborhood. They avoid any sort of contact, even eye contact, especially with men. Feyenoord is the size of a city, and there are seventy nationalities coexisting there. It is an area that lives on subsidies and residential construction, and it is here that it is most obvious that Holland – with all of its rules against discrimination and all of its moral indignation – is a completely segregated society. Rotterdam is new, having been bombed twice by the Luftwaffe during the second world war. Like Amsterdam, it is below sea level, but unlike the capital it does not enjoy an image of reckless abandon. In Rotterdam, it is the Arab shops selling halal food that dominate the cityscape, not the neon lights of the prostitutes. Everywhere are casbah-cafes, travel agencies offering flights to Rabat and Casablanca, posters expressing solidarity with Hamas, or offering affordable Dutch language lessons.

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