The Muslim Brotherhood’s Goal For North America-Secret Government Document Comes To Light

An Explanatory Memorandum, On the General Strategic Goal for the Muslim Brotherhood In North America

The smoking gun. Sooner or later I figured the proof would surface of the true Muslim intent behind the mosque at Ground Zero. Today I report on an article from the Northeast Intelligence Network and the amazing information which they have uncovered. We will also present to you “Exhibit 003-0085” by the US Federal Government documenting the real plan of the Muslim Brotherhood and how it relates to the mosque at Ground Zero.

“Racists, Xenophobes and bigots. Those are just a few terms used to describe the opponents of the Islamic center planned near Ground Zero. These characterizations could possibly be avoided, however, by more fact-based protest. To date, defenders of the center seemed undeterred, despite all that is know about the project front man. Look just a bit deeper.

From US Gov’t Exhibit 003-0085 on the Muslim Brotherhood in North America

Among the golden nuggets of evidence produced during the trial of the United States vs. The Holy Land Foundation et al is a document that should end any ambiguity concerning the true intent of Feisal ABDUL-RAUF in his quest to construct an Islamic center at Park Place. In fact, it should be cause to reexamine all Islamic centers and mosques that fall within a certain criteria. Cataloged as “Exhibit 003-0085” by the U.S. federal government, a document translated from Arabic to English titled An Explanatory Memorandum, On the General Strategic Goal for the Group In North America details the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.” source – Northeast Intelligence

From US Gov’t Exhibit 003-0085 on the Muslim Brotherhood in North America

Now, at this point, I want you to STOP, and open the actual document which reveals the plan and intent that Islam has for America over the next 10 years. Click here to open the PDF file. The first half is in arabic, with the english translation that follows. This is an actual, US government document. . Read it all the way through to EDUCATE yourself. (Note: the PDF is 4MB so depending on your connection speed it will take a minute or two. Thx for your patience.)  
“Feisal ABDUL RAUF is indeed an adherent and promoter of the Muslim Brotherhood’s goals and objectives. Any doubt to his Muslim Brotherhood connections are addressed by the excellent and timely report by Alyssa A. Lappen, which is required reading for factual insight into ABDUL RAUF’s link to the Muslim brotherhood.

Clearly, according to this document, the objective of the Muslim Brotherhood is to convert the U.S. into an Islamic nation through sabotage and subterfuge. It is a handbook to achieve that end. The author painstakingly describes the process of “settlement,” among others, and further described its meaning and the methods to be employed:

The process of settlement is a “Civilization-Jihadist Process” with all the word means. The Ikhwan* must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. [Emphasis added].

The succinct analysis by Ms. Lappen of point 17 of the document clearly illustrates that “building Islamic centers equals building military “battalions,” points from which to later stage the planned destruction of the West.” And what better place inside our front lines is there but within the perimeter of destruction at Ground Zero?”source – Northeast Intelligence  
* Ikhwan (Arabic for brothers) was the Islamic religious militia which formed the main military force of the Arabian ruler Ibn Saud.  
If you have just read the article as well as the attached US government-produced PDF file, then you know for yourself, in no uncertain terms, that the mosque at Ground Zero is part of Islam’s plan to spread Sharia throughout America. This ‘cultural center’ is nothing more than a thinly-disguised plot to establish a military beachhead at the site where they blew up the World Trade Centers.



Bastion of Wahhabism and Muslim Brotherhood

  Muslim Brotherhood and Young Egypt (Nazi party) overthrow British Mandate in Egypt and put Gamal Abdul Nasser in power.  Mentored by their Nazi colleagues, total dictatorship instantly imposed. All political parties are abolished.   Nasser repatriates and works closely with thousands of Nazis imported via the ODESSA network.

Amin Al Husseini with Abdel Nasser (President of Egypt)   



Terrorism Squads

 Nasser, President of Egypt creates Fedayeen (Arab terrorist squads) to infiltrate and attack relentlessly Israel.  Will later merge with Yasser Arafat to form the Palestinian Liberation Organization.

Egypt crumbles.

Brotherhood Outlawed.

 Egyptian economy crumbles under Nasser regime.  Nasser’s socialist reforms fail.  Muslim Brotherhood turns against Nasser because of his attempts to reform Egyptian society.  Nasser outlaws Muslim Brotherhood in 1954.

 President Sadat:


Muslim Brotherhood

Mohammed Anwar al Sadat becomes Egyptian President. Rebuilds Egyptian economy with strong focus on tourism.  Egypt becomes a leading Arab nation once again.

Open-door policy and freedom of expression is perceived as a threat by Muslim Brotherhood. 


Camp David

Peace Accord

Sadat recognizes statehood of Israel, leading to Camp David Accords.  This draws the wrath of Muslim Brotherhood, of which he had been a member. Sadat receives International Nobel Peace Prize.

Jihad Islami Group


“No Peace”

First offspring of Muslim Brotherhood: Jihad Islami group founded in Egypt, in response to Camp David Agreement.  More radical and violent than Muslim Brotherhood.

Led by Dr Ayman Al-Zawahiri [xiv] , student and protégé of Hassan al-Turabi [xv] (Sudanese genocide).   Spiritual Leader:  Wahhabi Sheikh Umar Abd-al Rahman.

Goal of group:  Restore Islamic Wahhabi dictatorship in Egypt [xvi] .      


Arab League

“No Peace”

Egypt government of Sadat suspended from Arab League of Camp David Accord. Suspension from 1979-1989.

  Muslim Brotherhood Assassinates Nobel Peace Laureate


October. Assassination of Egyptian President  Muhammad Anwar al Sadat  by Jihad Islami, because he had signed Peace Agreement with neighbor Israel.

1981- today

President Mubarak Restores Order

Hosni Mubarak, Sadat’s Vice President, becomes Egyptian President.

He declares war against Muslim Brotherhood and severely damages Brotherhood’s infrastructure.


Brotherhood against government

Jihad Islami attempts to assassinate President Mubarak [xvii] . Attempt failed.

To this day, Muslim Brotherhood actively trying to destabilize Egypt’s secular government and replace it with an Islamic dictatorship.




Sudan: School of Genocide

 Osama Bin Laden, founder of Al Qaeda, leaves Afghanistan for Saudi Arabia. Then continues on to Khartoum, Sudan.  He works with Al Zahawiri and Hassan Al-Bashir of Muslim Brotherhood. Sudanese Jihad under Al-Bashir will claim over four million lives.  In 1996, Bin Laden is repatriated to Afghanistan.



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