The London Bombings : a well Rehearsed Operation

The London Bombings : a well Rehearsed Operation

Posted by admin on October 28th, 2010

Practice Makes Perfect

Most of us who have been paying attention have known for some time that there were two ‘drill’- type events associated with the 7/7 London bombings.

The first was the Panorama programme of May 2004 during which one overground and 3 underground explosions take place over a short space of time during the morning rush hour.

The second was the famous ‘drill’ revealed by Peter Power on the day of 7/7 itself when he said that drills were taking place in the same 3 stations and at the same time as the bombs actually went off.

For many, including this author, these were coincidences beyond all reason.

However, astonishingly, it has been revealed to the 7/7 Inquest, in minor documents presented to the court last week, that there were at least two other separate drills in London prior to 7/7 that used as their template the same 3 underground bombs scenario.

We now have a group of public services practising four times for the exact circumstances that prevailed on the terrible morning itself.

Does it not eventually become reasonable to suppose that those that organised ALL THESE VERY SIMILAR DRILLS also organised THE IDENTICAL EVENT ITSELF?

The media, as usual, has failed to report these staggering facts but let us appeal to them right now.

All the anomalous evidence in this Inquest points in the direction of 7/7 being a classic ‘false-flag’ state-sponsored attack. The evidence that supports the official narrative is dubious and much of the evidence nailing the new (twice-altered) timeline has not been seen before this Inquest.

Here is a detailed run-down of the drills :

1. The Panorama Program

BBC’s Panorama ran what looked like a management training exercise on screen fourteen months before 7/7. Present round the studio table were various leaders of government, public and police services, including the Conservative ex-minister Michael Portillo and Peter Power, head of Visor Consultants.

The crisis scenario had three blasts on the central London underground, around 8.20 am, and one above ground an hour later.

This program made the then-fictional events seem like real news : ‘The headlines at 9 o’clock. In the past hour there have been three major explosions on the London underground’. It added, ‘The Home Secretary has said the attacks bear the hallmarks of Al-Qaeda,’ (A year later on the day of 7/7 we heard Jack Straw intoning the same phrase, ‘The attacks bear the hallmarks of al-Qaeda.’)

Panorama also used the memorable phrase, ‘The fictional day of terror unfolds through the immediacy of rolling news bringing the catastrophic attack into our living rooms;’ adding – a bit too knowledgeably – that the event was ‘Set in the future – but only just.’

Let’s here quote Webster Tarpley :

No terrorist attack would be complete without the advance airing of a scenario docudrama to provide the population with a conceptual scheme to help them understand the coming events in the sense intended by the oligarchy.’ (9/11 Synthetic Terror, 2008, p.408).

Tarpley here alludes to the seemingly unthinkable……large-scale state-sponsored terror. Such events are, he demonstrates, not at all uncommon over recent nor distant history.

2. The contemporaneous 7/7 drill

On 7/7 itself Peter Power conducted a terror drill that shadowed the cataclysm as it happened – over the same three tube stations at more or less the same time.

On the afternoon of 7/7 he was interviewed on Radio 5’s Drivetime programme :

POWER: …at half-past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for, er, over, a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing upright!

3. Atlantic Blue

The massive-but-totally-secret Atlantic Blue exercise was held over 5-8 April, 2005. All echelons of government participated in this big, international terror-drill. Walking wounded were taken into hospitals etc, and its difficult to ascertain how far this was really happening on the pavement etc versus being on a video screen. Two thousand Met police were involved, plus 14 different government departments, the NHS etc. It involved terrorist attacks upon UK transport networks that coincided with a major international summit. Visor Consultants were involved, in co-ordination with the US department of Homeland Security. It was co-ordinated from Hendon, the same place that ‘Gold Command’ police acted from once 7/7 started to happen (It thus had a connection with the Northern line of the London Underground). Total secrecy was imposed upon the British media. The Observer was able to publish a brief outline of what had happened in the UK’s Atlantic Blue exercise, but only from Washington sources: it revealed that this had been the biggest transatlantic counter-terrorism exercise since 9/11 and that it included bombs being placed on buses and also explosives left on the London underground.

After July 7th, the Independent, carried out an hour-by-hour analysis of the catastrophe, and made the following comment upon what had happened at 9.10 am:

By an extraordinary coincidence, all the experts who formulate such plans are together in a meeting at the headquarters of the London Ambulance Service – and they are discussing an exercise they ran three months ago that involved simulating four terrorist bombs going off at once across London.

What a surprise, the top London Ambulance Service experts were all gathered together on the morning of 7/7, and they just happened to be reminiscing about a game-simulation they had been involved in three months earlier – i.e., Atlantic Blue. We would like to be told exactly when the four mock-bombs went off, during the Atlantic Blue terror-game.

London’s mayor Ken Livingstone was over in Singapore on the day of 7/7 – to celebrate Britain’s being awarded the Olympic Games for 2012, the day before – and in giving his evidence to the July 7th Review Committee he recalled the Atlantic Blue exercise a few months earlier:

I said from Singapore that we had actually done an exercise of multiple bomb attacks on the Underground as one of the exercises…

That is almost the only British statement about Atlantic Blue! America and Canada also participated in the event, which overall was called ‘Global Shield.’ The US exercise was called TOPOFF3. (alluding to Top Officers, and 3 as the 3rd such event) The latter had an intriguing ‘Red Team’ which generated the ‘enemy’ simulation…

4. Operation Hanover

London’s police hold a little-known yearly terror-drill practice, called Operation Hanover. On 2005 it just happened to be held on 1-2 July. Its game-plan was threefold: three ‘simultaneous’ bomb attacks on three underground stations. The police have been reticent about discussing this astounding precursor event, mere days before 7/7, only revealing it in 2009 :

226. The Metropolitan Police Service told the Committee that they had, in the past, run exercises with scenarios similar to what actually happened on 7 July 2005. Since 2003, they have run an annual exercise known as Operation HANOVER which develops different scenarios for attacks on London and rehearses how the Metropolitan Police Service would respond. By coincidence, their 2005 exercise, run by the Security Co-ordinator’s office in the Anti-Terrorist Branch, took place just a few days before the attacks – on 1–2 July. The office-based scenario for this exercise was simultaneous bomb attacks on three London Underground trains at Embankment, Waterloo and St James’s Park stations. Once again, the scenario is quite similar to what actually took place, and the fact that it took place so close to the actual attacks is an interesting coincidence.

We do need to know the time for that Operation Hanover simultaneous-bomb mock-event.

Questions for the Inquest

If the Inquest wants to find out the cause of death of 52 Londoners, then the most important and crucial questions which Lady Justice Hallett could possibly ask the Met, concern these four terror-drills:
Concerning the Panorama program, to the producers of the program: From where did they get the idea?
Concerning the Atlantic Blue terror-drill : What were the times and locations of the four bombs in the ‘game’? Were they three on tubes and one on a bus? We would also like full disclosure concerning the whole event.
Likewise for Operation Hanover, let the Met state times and locations of the tube bombs in the exercise.
Likewise Peter Power should be asked for the exact times and locations of the four bombs imagined in the Visor terror-drill that morning.

The ‘coincidences’ we have here looked at go astronomically beyond what is feasible. These impossible coincidences point to the startling fact, that these terror-drill rehearsals are clearly the design of the 7/7 event itself. Most of the participants may have been quite unaware of this. The gestation of the 7/7 event has to be via this sequence of drills we have just reviewed.

It is not in any way reasonable to suppose that this sequence of central-London imaginary-drill events be a mere coincidence!

Peter Power and the “Gennifer Flowers” defence

There was much head-scratching as to why a participant at the very centre of the 7/7 drills would decide to ‘go public’ about these exercises, immediately, on that same day.

Gennifer Flowers came forward during Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential Campaign alleging that she had had a twelve-year relationship with him. There were rumours (at the very least) that some of Clinton’s ex-lovers were proving to be very ‘unlucky’ young women. It was widely speculated that Flowers decided to ‘get it out there’ so that any future accident that might befall her would act against, rather than in favour of, the Clinton interests. She was, it seems, very interested in staying alive.

Likewise, this is the most obvious explanation for Power’s seeming “faux-pas”. He knew he held very dangerous information and feared this made him a possible target of the dark forces of the state…….and this is a man who really understands just how dark those forces can be……so he got the facts out there, pronto!

See Original Report

Further Study

The Aldgate Blast

7/7: New Support for Canary Wharf Story

J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign

In Profile : Illuminati Script Writers : Ian McEwan?

7/7 Osiris Drill : Mock Terror Drill : What Relationship To The Real Time Terror Attacks?


8 responses to “The London Bombings : a well Rehearsed Operation

  1. See new post today…On trial for making the video- 7/7 The Ripple effect.
    In Prison for making a video?
    A News Blackout for making a video?
    For questioning the official account?

    ■Muad’Dib’s / John Anthony Hill’s (JAH) Trial–7/7 Video Ripple Effect…May 9th-May 13th…..

    Support him if you live nearby- Witnesses needed!


    Their Yacht will be returned by an English well wisher- flown out of Britain.


  2. In praise of British political prisoner John Anthony Hill Muad D’ib

    Uploaded by thisisyourwakeup on 19 Jan 2011

    A lot is said about human rights abuses in various countries but what is more important is that the West which always lectures others on human rights abuses has many political prisoners of its own. Double standards and hypocrisy.

    News & Politics

    TruthLifer on 22 Mar 2011

    Security Guards get Police Powers in U.K, setting up the stage for NAZI style spy system


    Uploaded by LibertyArchives2 on 22 Mar 2011

    UPDATE: Mr. Hill is still under arrest, in a British prison. There you have it:

    Uploaded by LibertyArchives on 16 Mar 2011

    UPDATE: Mr. Hill is still under arrest, in a British prison. There you have it: modern-day Western Europe has political prisoners. If this will not outrage you, I don’t know what will.


    Alan Watt on 02/12/2009 03/17/2009
    Alex Jones on 02/20/2009
    John Anthony Hill is the producer of 7/7 Ripple Effect, one of the most decisive documentaries on the 7/7 London Bombings, debunking the official version of the event.
    He has recently been arrested in Ireland, on a *European warrant*, on the charges of trying to ‘pervert the course of justice’, on a court case in which alleged friends of the 7/7 bombers are on trial. Mr. Hill’s crime was to mail a 7/7 Ripple Effect DVD copy to the judge of that case.
    He now faces extradition to the UK and a maximum of *life sentence* as penalty for his ‘offense’. Please get informed about Mr. Hill’s ordeal against this tyranny, and support him. This is not a matter of whether or not one agrees with Mr. Hills’ views on 7/7. It’s a matter of the basic freedom of speech to which he is entitled — a right that must be defended by the people.
    Read more about the case in:
    Also visit:
    Alex Jones’
    Alan Watt’s



    Uploaded by infobaybee on 12 Feb 2009
    February 11, 2009

    The European Union has arrested a British man for the crime of sending a DVD to a judge. Anthony John Hill of Sheffield was arrested at his home in Carrick Street, Kells, on the foot of a European Arrest Warrant, according to the Irish Times. UK authorities claim Hill perverted the course of justice in a case related to the July 7, 2005 bomb attacks in London.

    British authorities claim copies of the DVD were sent, in packaging with Irish postal marks, between September 2007 and December 2007 to five relatives of people who had been killed during the bombing. In addition, copies were sent to a judge and jury foreman in the case.

    I sent it. I believe those men to be innocent, Hill told police when he was arrested and asked about the DVD. Sgt Seán Fallon told the Irish Times that a friend of Hills made copies on his home computer. Irish Gardaí took possession of the computer.

    For the crime of sending the DVD, Anthony John Hill was remanded in custody and awaits a hearing on February 18th.

    7/7 Ripple Effect posits that British and Israel intelligence are responsible for the attacks. The video, produced by MuadDib — the name of a fictional character in the Frank Herbert novel Dune — appeared on the JforJustice website on November 5, 2007. According to J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign, MuadDib believes he is the messiah and demands that he be acknowledged as the Rightful British-Israel King.

    J7 claims MuadDib sent unsolicited copies of the video to 7/7 victim families.

    This film is “The 7/7 Ripple Effect”




  5. KFM Supporting Anthony John Hill aka Maud Dib at his trial

    03-05-2011, 04:23 PM Post: #1
    Junior Member

    Posts: 15
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    KFM Supporting Anthony John Hill aka Maud Dib at his trial
    Starting on 9th May till 12th May, Muad’Dib will begin presenting an extensive compilation of evidence supporting His challenge that the “crown” has no jurisdiction to bring charges against Him (and by extension, many, many other people).

    The potential ramifications of His trial make this the most far-reaching and important case in British history. For this reason, the State/“crown” have already proven by their own actions thus far, that the…y plan to act corruptly/unlawfully, behind the scenes, doing anything they can possibly come up with to stop their crimes and corruption from being exposed.

    However, they are now criminals on the defensive, and if many thousands of people are looking on, it will be much more difficult for the “crown” to corrupt proceedings, or pass off fabricated “evidence”, which is why it is so absolutely imperative that every freedom-loving man, woman, and child attend and show their loud support.

    Either Truth, Justice, and Liberty prevail, because people are willing to stand up and FIGHT for it, or we all go quietly and miserably into the very dark night that is being planned for us.

    We hope to see you there, please. Our future is at stake.…hony-hills

    THE Battle for TRUE Freedom

    Are you looking for a way out of the System? Do you want justice for the false-flag terror attacks in the U.S., U.K. and elsewhere? Do you want to end the endless wars in the Middle East that are bankrupting both the U.S. and the U.K.?

    The only solution is a change of government. Many people recoil in horror at the thought of a revolution, and for good reason: human history has shown that revolutions cause ruin and death, while often resulting in few improvements for the common man. It doesn’t have to be that way.

    A unique opportunity has presented itself to create a new government in a peaceful and logical manner. It doesn’t require us to take up arms nor does it require us to go to war. All that is required is our solidarity and support for someone who is doing the hard work for us all.

    That man is John Anthony Hill.

    He is striking at the very heart of the evil NWO system. He needs your support right now, not only for his benefit but for OURS. And all we have to do is get up off of our backsides, join forces against this evil and spread the word to everyone we can.

    We are at THE crossroads.

    We have a choice to either unite against this evil and crush it once and for all or we can continue to do nothing and whine about how bad things are getting, right up until the moment all of this evil crushes us. Don’t think it’s possible? THINK AGAIN.

    The NWO is planning to exterminate 90+% of the world’s population through wars and poisoning the population in various ways. They are so brazen they have written this plan in stone. If you doubt this please look it up for yourselves. It’s guideline #1 on their Georgia Guidestones.

    Please see

    So what is this unique opportunity to avoid being exterminated?

    The essence of this unique and unprecedented opportunity rests in an unusual court case involving John Hill, Producer of the documentary film “7/7 Ripple Effect” which can be googled and downloaded for free. Please see

    For those who may not be familiar with the 7/7/2005 London bombings, they were a false-flag terror attack orchestrated by the British government against the British people, much like 9/11. The film exposes this in less than an hour using nothing but mainstream media reports which is why the British government has been punishing John Hill for more than two years. THEY don’t want you to watch the film because it leaves no reasonable doubt in the rational mind of the guilt of the British government and their complicit mainstream media, who all work for the same person…

    Elizabeth Battenberg/Mountbatten, also known as Elizabeth II, who has been fraudulently pretending to be the queen now for 58 years.

    To better understand just how evil this really is and why this is important not only to the people of the U.K., but to everyone in the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and ALL of the British Commonwealth nations, it must be understood that she is the richest woman on the planet. She is the single largest landholder, reportedly owning over 6600 million acres, which is 1/6 of the present land-mass of this planet. She is the head of the United Kingdom and all of the Commonwealth countries. She is the head of the Church of England. She is the head of the Committee of 300. She is at the top of the NWO power structure.

    For Americans who may be wondering why this is important to them, please consider the fact that she controls the U.S. as well, through the banks and the legal system and the American people are still paying tribute to her. The same group of people who own the Bank of England own the Federal Reserve. The B.A.R. association, that all practicing lawyers are a member of, ALL serve her. B.A.R. stands for “British Accreditation Registry”. Please remember that most congressmen and judges are lawyers as well which should help provide a better understanding of the magnitude of the control this woman has on the U.S. And if you doubt Americans are paying the “queen” tribute/ tax, please study the Treaty of 1783. Americans have been paying tribute to the British monarchy ever since supposedly having won the Revolutionary war. Maybe the financial arrangement with the British monarchy is what made it so revolutionary.

    So now with a slightly better understanding of just how rich, powerful and evil Elizabeth II really is, what is this court case with John Hill all about?

    It’s about proving that Elizabeth II is a fake. A fraud. A criminal impersonating the monarchy. And John Hill has rock-solid proof that Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Battenberg/Mountbatten knowingly, and with malice-aforethought, was UNLAWFULLY crowned upon a fake Coronation Stone. John Hill also has documented proof that she has violated her Coronation oath at least 3401 times to date, even if she had been lawfully crowned in the first place, which she most definitely was not.

    Which would explain why THEY have imprisoned him for 150 days, officially for sending DVDs of the “7/7 Ripple Effect” to a U.K. court as an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the court) brief. He sent the DVDs to prevent a miscarriage of justice after both the judge and the QC barrister lied to the jurors about the guilt of the 4 alleged 7/7 suicide bombers. They rewarded him for doing the right thing by arresting him and threatening him with life in prison.

    But one of the most interesting facets of this case is that this gross injustice has actually afforded John Hill the opportunity to challenge the authority and the jurisdiction of the so-called “queen” and expose her to the world for the fraud that she really is. Please bear in mind that all of the courts are “her majesty’s” courts and ALL of the judges have sworn an oath to, and draw their authority from, the queen. But if she is a fraud (and she is a fraud), then NONE of the courts are operating lawfully since they gain their authority from her. It is this contradiction in the legal system that John Hill will be exposing in painstaking detail at the trial. Please see the article at the following link for more details about the case:

    John Hill is now out on bail and awaiting this trial on May 9th, 2011 in the Southwark Crown court in London, England. Please see for the latest details in the case.

    He needs our support, and more importantly WE need him to win. This is our opportunity to make a REAL difference in this world. Will YOU finally take action against this sea of hatred or will you fade into the shadows? There are a number of ways to support this effort. First of all, please spread the word. Contact any and all media outlets. Tell your friends. Spread the word any way you can. You cannot afford to sit idly by on this one. And for any of you that have the means, be there at the Southwark Crown court in London on the 9th of May. Overfill the courtroom. Show the system that we will not go down without a fight.

    As you know, the NWO puppet governments don’t want to surrender their power peacefully, so they will try to cheat somehow. The more people that are watching this trial, and in attendance that day, the harder it will be for the system to cheat.

    If the idea of a peaceful revolution interests you, then please spread this information to everyone that you know that cares about freedom and justice. Do it right now and make sure it gets done. You know you’ve never seen anything like this before. Opportunity knocks only once and this is a fight or die situation for all of us.

    This is not only an unprecedented opportunity, it’s a blueprint. Once this idea is proven in England, peaceful and lawful revolutions can take place in the USA, Canada Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, etc. Or we can wait around to be exterminated just as the NWO has told us they are going to do to most of us. Simple choice really.

    This is our most desperate hour. Our actions now can change this world forever for the better. Our inaction will result in the suffering and deaths of billions. Do the right thing, and you will be giving yourselves and your loved ones a fighting chance to survive by breaking this legislative stranglehold and delivering this crucial blow to the NWO.

    Godspeed to you Anthony John Hill and thank-you from the bottom of our hearts for all you are doing.

    Interesting coroborating info to the above: Here Number of the Beast and the American Bar Association




  6. UPDATE: Muad’Dib (a.k.a John Hill) Released On Bail


    Anthony John Hill: Life in Prison for Posting DVD?

    Below from an email to me from Jim

    Muad’Dib (a.k.a John Hill) was recently released in the UK and is currently out on bail, with the next court date scheduled for the 9th of May 2011.

    Since being released, Muad’Dib has been getting called for doing various radio interviews etc. and good news is that public support is growing. But it needs to grow a lot more and as quickly and as much as possible.

    At the next court appearance, Muad’Dib will start by challenging the jurisdiction of the fraudulent, so-called “queen of England”, in whose name he is being falsely accused, based on solid proof about her being a criminal and a fraud and therefore having no lawful jurisdiction. This challenge to her jurisdiction needs massive, widespread public awareness and support. If Muad’Dib succeeds, it will be the start of the end of the so-called “new world order”.

    If you are unfamiliar with this case please review all the information on this page below and please spread the word, this case needs as much attention as possible. Also please visit “Friends of Muad’Dib” site at thanks… John

    Past info on this case below

    Anthony John Hill: Life in Prison for Posting DVD?
    Editor note:
    Just received this e-mail today and will do my part to spread far and wide as I would hope someone would for me if I ever become in a situation like this. We live in a time where as Ron Paul stated in his book ‘The Revolution’, “truth is treason in the empire of lies” the question I have always had is what empire. Is there really an American empire? Well from my studies I think not, but who am I but a lone peasant in the herd. America was won for a very brief moment and we are no more than an extension of the British empire. All we have to do to see our future is look to the UK, so beware my fellow brothers and sisters do not throw off this call for action for soon it may happen to someone dear and close to you.

    Dear Editor,

    Good day and hope this finds you well.

    Please see the attached word document, for the latest update about the situation of Muad’Dib, the producer of the 7/7 Ripple Effect film, which is about the false flag London attacks that took place on 7/7/2005.

    If you don’t know about this, then google for “7/7 Ripple Effect” to be able to watch it.

    Astoundigly, the corrupt judges of the Irish supreme court have ruled in favour of the extradition of Muad’Dib to the UK, to now face a possible sentence of LIFE imprisonment – for the “crime” of sending copies of the 7/7 Ripple Effect DVD to a UK courthouse.

    The UK media is not reporting on this, as THEY obviously would like to keep this as quiet as possible, hoping that the British people don’t find out, because THEY don’t want the British people to know about this, hoping for their dirty deeds to remain hidden in the dark.

    What THEY are doing is totally absurd and a CRIME against everybody’s God given rights, including that of freedom of expression, which Muad’Dib has been fighting to protect and uphold, and tell the world about, as clearly proven by Muad’Dib’s examples and willingness to suffer, for the sake of putting the truth out there and the benefit of OTHERS.

    If you feel moved to do so, then please help to spread the word as much as possible. The attached press release is provided so it can be posted up and passed on to everyone everywhere.

    Peace be upon and within you,


    Attached press release below.

    Dublin, Ireland, Nov 11, 2010 –The Supreme Court of Ireland ordered Anthony John Hill, 62, also known by supporters as “Muad’Dib” the producer of the “7/7 Ripple Effect” documentary, to be remanded back into custody pending immediate extradition from Ireland to the United Kingdom for posting copies of his film to a UK courthouse.

    It is alleged that Mr. Hill “intended to pervert the course of justice” by sending copies of his documentary film, “7/7 Ripple Effect”, to a UK courthouse, requesting that the court administrators deliver the DVDs to the judge and jury foreman in a case related to three men accused of helping plan the 2005 London tube-train bombings. All three men have since been found not guilty on those charges. However, as a result of posting the DVDs, Mr. Hill now faces extradition and a possible life sentence in the UK.

    The documentary itself has found wide-spread support from around the world by highlighting irregularities in the government’s official report of what transpired on 7/7, 2005, causing many people to question the integrity of the government’s original story.

    Members of the public regularly send information to courthouses either anonymously, or as an identifiable amicus curiae (“friend of the court”), when they believe they have information vital to a particular proceeding. For this reason, Mr. Hill believes that it is due to the mainstream success of his film, and the resulting embarrassment caused to the Crown by requiring them to change their official story, that he’s now being unfairly and maliciously prosecuted for political reasons. Prior to the Supreme Court hearing, Mr. Hill stated, “They have absolutely no case.” He has asserted that the prosecutor and judge were committing perjury and that he was striving to prevent them from perverting the course of justice. As a result of his persistent activism, the prosecution services appear to have gone out of their way to charge him with the crime he says they were committing. Mr. Hill has told friends that because he won’t “play ball” with the government authorities, they are now “hitting (him) with the BAR.”

    His use of the word “BAR” refers to the world-wide legal fraternity, the “British Accredited Registry”, of which most lawyers and judges in a number of first-world nations are members.

    Supporters plan to hold rallies in a showing of solidarity with Mr. Hill’s efforts, though it is currently unknown which court Mr. Hill will appear before, or when, as the extradition process is still being carried out.

    “7/7 Ripple Effect” will be shown on Sky channel 201 (The Showcase Channel), and Freesat 403, on 26th November 2010 at 7:00pm.

    People interested in watching the documentary for free online or attending the support rallies are encouraged to go to the following website for more details and contact information:

    7/7 Ripple Effect

    Regarding the 7/7/2005 terrorist attacks in London, let us look at the facts, and what we were told, and compare them. Then, using Ockham’s Razor and common-sense, let us see what conclusions are to be drawn, so we can all understand what most likely really did happen that day.

    Update:Wikileaks frenzy used to cover-up critical news story

    London, England Dec 10, 2010:-

    The million-dollar question that I think must be asked today is this: Why the Wikileaks controlled-media frenzy?

    Julian Assange and his Wikileaks website are the main subject of a mainstream media blitz right now and it should be clear to everyone at this point that mainstream media only covers nonsense and side-shows, while keeping totally mum about things that should be headlines. So, simple logic would say that Wikileaks is being used by the Hidden Hand to accomplish something(s), in an effort to advance or protect some part of their agenda. If the Wikileaks disclosures were actually doing any damage to the NWO agenda, no one would be hearing a peep from the media. All this is easy to understand and probably everyone has gotten at least this far with their analysis of the situation.

    Through extensive research, this author now believes that the following is the REAL reason for the Wikileaks frenzy, or at least a solid part of it:-

    Right now Julian Assange is in London’s Wandsworth Prison. So what? But do you know who else is in that exact same prison?

    Also at Wandsworth in London is John Hill (aka Muad’Dib), the man who produced the “7/7 Ripple Effect” film, which completely broke-down, and thus exposed that “terrorist attack” as the false-flag it obviously was. John’s main website is, which has been successfully exposing the British royals and other topics for years. He’s also been telling people through his offshoot website how to use the truth about QE2 (she’s not the real, rightful queen of Britain—oh you didn’t know? But are you really that surprised to find out?), to get the authorities to drop charges on any/all victimless “crime”.

    As the result of Mr. Hill’s decades of anti-NWO actions and personal, original, and in-depth research, he’s been monitored and outright harassed by police for a long time. He’s also been robbed by them, as they stole all his computer equipment and even his printer in an attempt to stop him from revealing things that the crown doesn’t want people to know about. And now, he’s imprisoned for the crime of telling the Truth. The BBC even sent someone to sit outside his home for almost a week, sitting there waiting to ambush him with a camera in order to obtain footage for the attempted character-assassination they perpetrated on him through their “Conspiracy Files” disinformation TV program. John is such a benevolent soul that their attempted character-assassination really turned into a great advertisement for his film.

    Basically… after all of the above, we can be certain that he is NOT one of “them”. There is not a shred of evidence to support that. On the other hand, several of Julian Assange’s own former Wikileaks associates are speaking out about Julian helping to cover-up evidence regarding how the US and Britain lied to get into the middle-eastern wars in the first place. Mr. Assange would also prefer that people don’t find out about his deals with Israeli figures like Benjamin Netanyahu. Assange also has plenty of access to the media, many think too much access, and through the above, it becomes clear that he is either working for the Establishment willingly, or as a dupe.

    John Hill‘s battle with the fraudulent “crown” shows a totally different situation. He has been monitored by the secret services, robbed, imprisoned, placed under a court-enforced gag-order, extradited, and is now in London being prosecuted by the “counter-terrorism” police, ALL while being completely blacklisted from access to the mainstream media reporting. The only time the mainstream media reports on John is when they are slandering him, but they are obviously so concerned about his message getting out right now that they are not even attempting that. Only silence.

    So, the Illuminazis have put these two clearly dissimilar people both in the EXACT SAME PRISON. One of them (Julian Assange) is just the latest media-created celebrity, who, in reality, no one should really care about and no one would if he wasn’t working for the NWO-agenda. The other (John Hill) is a man that many believe has found a way to legitimately reclaim Britain back from the Bankster-Elite, in a non-violent way, through his unparalleled research on the “queen” and the true history of the British people. This is why the media is completely silent right now. Because they know that if enough people learned about what John is striving to show people, and got behind the effort to push the “queen” out of power, it would mean big trouble for the Establishment. Reclaiming Britain would obviously provide the catalyst to start putting an end to the NWO’s plans throughout the world.

    In John’s film, “ 7/7 Ripple Effect”, he reported that the people truly behind the 7/7 bombings in London have such sick and arrogant minds, that on the side of the double-decker bus that exploded, they arranged to have a large sign/billboard saying: “OUTRIGHT TERROR… BOLD AND BRILLIANT.”

    Picture shown here:

    You see? They even gave themselves 4 stars. One for each explosion that day.

    These people put signs and symbols everywhere because they are extremely arrogant and love shoving what they are doing right in front of people’s faces, knowing that most can’t “see” it. But John Hill called them out on this one.

    It is this writer’s point of view that these rotten, but powerful people have first imprisoned John Hill for telling the public things that are actually harmful to the NWO agenda. Then, due to their extreme arrogance and evil minds, they wanted to gloat in front of John at this point, while showing off their “power” and “control”.

    So, what does the Synagogue of Satan and their controlled government and media assets do?

    Even though it is quite a sizeable world, these sick people organize things so that both aforementioned men are in the exact same place, at the exact same time. They then turn what seems like every camera on planet Earth towards the unimportant person, making him the most talked about man in the world right now, while at the same time they do not report a single syllable about the extremely important facts surrounding John Hill’s research and court case—even though John is right there in the same spot.

    So, inline with the billboard on the bus mentioned above, that John himself had been exposing to people through his documentary, the Illuminazis are in this way putting their same old egotistical trademarks on what is presently happening. They’ve organized things so that throngs of global media are reporting on someone totally propped up and unimportant (Assange), while he stands right next to John, whose selfless cause and research gets absolutely no publicity at all. Through this, they are basically giving John the metaphorical finger—and it shows how badly they hate (and fear?) John, that they’d go to such an extraordinary effort as to pull a stunt like this. Seeing as how they are doing just that, it should be an obvious sign to anyone that doesn’t yet know about the decades of research that John Hill (JAH) has compiled on his website linked above.

    John’s film, “ 7/7 Ripple Effect ”, is the product of a brilliant mind having put together bit by bit how a false-flag attack is perpetrated. This author could never have made such a masterpiece. However, I hope through this article that I’ve done what I’m able to for people’s ability to understand this Wikileaks frenzy and distraction, by putting together bit by bit what isn’t being told to people and how the NWO’s arrogance and symbolism are at play in what’s going on. Please don’t be stupid enough to believe all this is just some “coincidence”. Everyone should know better than that by now.

    Right now, the international media, on behalf of their satanic masters (“the prince of the power of the air[-waves]” – Ephesians 2:2), are attempting to thumb their noses at the person they see as the biggest immediate threat to them on planet earth.

    They are flexing their muscles, acting all big and bad (or “Bold and Brilliant”), so PLEASE help turn this situation around on the media-controllers. Their actions are exceedingly arrogant and evil, so stick it to them and trip them up on this. Now that everyone knows what the central issue is with this Wikileaks nonsense, use the situation to publicize John/JAH’s case to the maximum. PLEASE. Don’t let this proceed under the radar—for YOUR sake and mine.

    Lets thumb our noses at THEM for a change. Show them we’re not as stupid as they think and we can “see” what they’re doing.

    God bless you, John. From all of us.

    PLEASE check out the following:
    “Friends of Muad’Dib”
    J for Justice — getting any victimless-crime charges dropped
    The “queen” that never was
    The Stone of Destiny
    JAHTruth General Website
    John’s FREE Book — “The Way home or face The Fire” – 7/7 Ripple Effect Interview



    A Skeptic’s View: Why Wiki Leaks Embarrass Pakistan And Not Israel
    Where Are Rest Of Wikileaks Cables? | Why They Are Being Censored? | Why No Scandal Yet Involving American Allies? | Wiki Leaks More Questions than Answers.
    Wikileaks does not make the material it receives available directly to the public. They are first censored by New York Times and several other prominent newspapers. Only 623 documents out of alleged 250,000 have appeared in public. The public needs to ask: Where are the remaining documents? Why the censorship? And why the selective release, assailing Pakistan, China, Saudi Arabia and others and largely leaving out US allies? If newspapers will release censored cables, Mr. Assange should take up a job at NYT.

    PAUL WOLF | Friday | 2 December 2010


    WASHINGTON, DC—For the last four days, newspaper headlines around the globe have covered a cornucopia of diplomatic scandals, resulting from the “leaking” of some 250,000 cables of the US State Department to the New York Times and several other newspapers. In case there is anyone left on the planet who hasn’t heard of this, the cables were leaked to the media by “wikileaks,” a mysterious non-governmental organization which purports to publish classified documents while guaranteeing anonymity to the providers.

    The scandals covered a variety of topics of interest to the American public and government, from China’s interest in the re-unification of Korea, to Iran’s purchase of missiles from North Korea, to Pakistani General Kayani wondering whether the US would support him in a military coup. (1) Oddly enough, there are no scandals of any significance involving Israel or any other American ally.

    The reason for this appears to lie in the editorial process of the world’s newspapers ‘of record.’

    Despite public perceptions, Wikileaks does not make the material it receives available directly to the public. It sends the documents to newspapers, which decide what news is fit to print. As of this writing, Dec 2, 2010, four days after the New York Times and other newspapers began publishing scores of articles; Wikileaks has only posted 623 of the 250,000 documents they claim to have released to their website. (2) Neither the New York Times, the Guardian or the other newspapers apparently in possession of these materials have published them either.

    Worse, these 623 ‘leaks’ were apparently cleared by the State Department itself. According to noted American civil rights attorney Michael Ratner, “In the recent disclosure, Wikileaks has only posted cables that were reviewed by the news organisations and in some cases redacted. The news organisations showed them to the Pentagon and agreed to some of the government’s suggested redactions.” (3)

    Wikileaks’ reluctance to post the materials to the internet probably results from a combination of factors. First and foremost, they have been threatened with prosecution in the US – although this author believes that is no more than a bluff – and accused of having “blood on their hands” already, despite the fact that even after several months, they haven’t yet released the scandalous “Afghan war logs” documents which, among other things, accused the Pakistani ISI of running a suicide bomber network in Kabul, and former DG ISI Hamid Gul of being the ISI’s liaison to the Taliban.

    (4) Pakistan is left with no way to defend against these accusations, since it does not even know the nature of the sources, although Afghan intelligence (led by Amrullah Saleh) is suspected. And apparently, Wikileaks’ priority is to put more materials into the hands of the NY Times, rather than putting them on the internet.

    It’s not a matter of resources. There are dozens, if not hundreds or thousands of people who would gladly volunteer to post this material to their websites. One of them is John Young, who really is what Mr. Assange, spokesman for Wikileaks, pretends to be. For the past 14 years, Young has posted the most remarkable materials to his site, including personal information and photographs of the homes of CIA officials. (5) Young joined Wikileaks when it formed, but in January of 2007, left the organization, claiming it was a CIA front. While this author does not join him in making that accusation, it is noteworthy that the person who has actually done what Wikileaks claims to do, not only thinks Wikileaks is fake, but is a disinformation campaign.

    Julian Assange will likely be arrested on rape charges any day now, for incidents that allegedly occurred on a speaking tour he did in Sweden. Assange claims that the women are part of a Pentagon “dirty tricks campaign” to discredit him. There are continual media reports that he is living a kind of underground fugitive existence. And now reports that the Wikileaks website is being hacked to the point that the mundane Afghanistan documents they did post online are no longer there. This is all an overreaction to what Wikileaks has actually done, which is act as an intermediary between persons unknown in the government, and the ever-compliant news media. The Wikileaks paranoia comes across as self-serving and insincere.

    The solution to all this, of course, is quite simple. Wikileaks should hand over the goods to someone who will actually post them to the internet. Then we would at least have a fair process wherein people of different political ideologies could put whatever spins they wanted on them. Failing that, Assange should just take a job at the New York Times and stop being such a poser.

    Mr. Wolf is a human rights attorney based in Washington DC. Description of his work as an anti-war lawyer is available on his website,

  8. SHOCKER: US State Department ‘cleared’ the release of Wikileaks documents published so far



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