In Profile : Wife Of Alistair Campbell, Fiona Miller

In Profile : Wife Of Alistair Campbell, Fiona Miller


Posted by admin on July 31st, 2009


Just How Close Is The Man Who is Not Going To Stand As Burnley MP, Alistair Campbell To Tony Blair




Perhaps if we take a look at his partner Fiona Miller, we can get the insight we need :

Fiona Millar (at the Anti-Academy Alliance) was advisor to Cherie Blair and lives with Alistair Campbell.

* Her on wiki is a ‘high-profile education campaigner’ : HERE.

* She is one of the witnesses at this select committee meeting on Academies, sitting next to Lucy Heller : HERE

* Described in this article as Cherie Blair’s ‘minder’ : HERE.

Maybe she simply doesn’t care. Francis Beckett, co-author of the book The Blairs and Their Court, thinks Cherie has “kicked her way out of the box that the spin doctors had built for her to live in”.

In doing what she wants to do, she is telling the electorate “you can all get stuffed”.
“For a long time,” Beckett says, “she was very careful not to do anything to embarrass the Government. She was kept firmly in her place by (former minder) Fiona Miller.

* Fiona Miller is chair of this : Family and Parenting
(The image of the child in the air is similar to the image on the COUI website, the child looks down to the parent, rather than the parent looking down to the child, and the child not anchored to the earth.) More on COUI Here.

* and vice-chair of this : Comprehensive Future

* Fiona Millar is an author at the Fabien Society : Authors



Throughout the year the Fabien Society publishes a series of books and pamphlets. Authors include staff, politicians and policy makers.
* Very cosy with the Blair’s and Downing street in this : John Garforth

She (Cherie Blair) also ducks the issue of Iraq, understandably, pointing out that the Prime Minister had access to much privileged information that she could not be privy to. Whether Anji Hunter, Alastair Campbell and Fiona Millar and the Downing Street machine were privy is not clear. But the suicide of Dr. David Kelly roughly coincides with the beginning of the disintegration of the Downing Street machine.

* I suspect that Fiona Millar is right on cue with respect to the eugenics agenda when she mentions her ‘alpha males’……hers are better than others. Not an appropriate perspective for someone involved with ‘communities’ :

Ham High Report

Here they come,” says Fiona Millar, as if on cue, Alastair and his equally imposing student son, Rory, saunter into the kitchen: “The Alpha males”. She is only half joking as she watches her boys affectionately reach over her to raid the fruit bowl and the papers respectively.

* Camden council is corrupt as hell, I don’t think Fiona Millar (where she lives, and she is a prolific education journalist) is paying this any attention : Secret Memos back Room Deals

Secret memos, backroom deals and private chats over new academy, I am beginning to wonder If Campbell is not the puppet  of his wife!

* Teens and Toddlers Sustainability Replication Programme is in Camden.

* Another Ham and High article on Fiona Millar : HERE.

Fiona’s mother is Audrey, a teacher (retired)

Father Robert (Bob) Millar, Labour party stalwart and journalist (died in 1994 at 72) .

Here we have a section from a blog re Alistair Campbell :

Top of the range page 1 exclusive in today’s Observer, courtesy of of their Chief Political Commentator Andrew Rawnsley, whose Cambridge education certainly hasn’t been wasted.

Tony Blair, we’re breathlessly told… Wait for it… Swears! Well f@ck me who’d thought it? Politicians swear? I’d never have believed it if The Observer hadn’t told me. What next? Journalists drink? Footballers break the speed limit? Models don’t eat? Where would we be without lazy Oxbridge liberals filling up space in Sunday newspapers?

The story is really an excuse to run a blatant puff piece promoting their friend Alastair Campbell’s new diaries – he swears too y’know! Blair, we’re told, has censored his swearing in the diaries because it may affect his “image” and apparently we’re all so stupid we believe what we see on TV.

Unfortunately then we won’t get to hear about the time Blair called Roy Hattersley “a c@+t” or his description of our friends from the celtic fringe as “the f@cking Welsh”. What a loss…

Rawnsley – “I’ve been known to swear myself” (who’d o’ thought it)? – is very keen however to promote the tedious Alistair Campbell myth and help him flog some books.

He plugs away for Campbell, “[the book] is bound to be riveting and revelatory about the heart of New Labour. He was at the centre of events for many years, he spent more face-time with Tony Blair than anyone else, he has the eye of a tabloid journalist for good stories and the ability to write them up with colour and verve.”

Utter bollocks. Campbell, it’s well-known, was an utterly ordinary journalist and writer. He once spent three years as Political Editor of The Sunday Mirror without once getting a front page exclusive.

What he was was a first class brown-noser who understood his job was to keep his head down and always do as he was told by Maxwell and the Labour leadership. And he met them via the Hampstead Labour Tribune set of Bob Millar – his long term partner Fiona Millar’s father – who he courted assiduously.

Campbell is nothing but an ambitious and skilled social climber. Loyal to his “superiors” to the very end, his diaries will tell you nothing.

This is the Hampstead Labour Tribune set :   HERE.

For more than 70 years it has been the cradle of socialist writing, nurturing some of the Left’s most brilliant thinkers. Aneurin Bevan and Michael Foot were founder members, George Orwell was once literary editor, and ministers ranging from Robin Cook to Jack Straw have been contributors. But the future of Tribune magazine is hanging in the balance following an emergency meeting in which the perilous state of its finances was laid bare.

History of the Tribune : HERE.

If we look at MI5′s Encyclopedia better known as Wikipedia, we get yet more insight into the slimeball that is Alistair campbell : Alistair Campbell


The extract on his alcohol and depression within the MI5 file says :

Alcoholism and depression


Campbell was admitted to hospital in 1986 when he travelled to Scotland as a journalist to cover Neil Kinnock’s visit to Glasgow. He was detained by the police for his own safety after being observed behaving oddly. Police contacted his wife and following her calls to friends in Scotland the police let a family friend take Campbell to Ross Hall Hospital, a private BMI Hospital in Glasgow where she and her father visited him. Over the next five days as an inpatient he was given medication to calm him, and he realised for the first time that he had an alcohol problem after seeing the psychiatrist who was in charge of his hospital care. Campbell said that from that day he counted each one that he did not drink alcohol, and did not stop counting until he had reached thousands.[5]

After hospitalisation Campbell returned to England, preferring to stay with friends near Cheltenham, rather than return to London (and his wife) where he did not feel safe. His condition continued with a phase of depression, and he was reluctant to seek further medical help; however, he eventually cooperated with treatment from his family doctor.[5]

I initiated through the mystery school from 1993 to 2000. At the age of 33 I was supposed to run from my poverty into the hands of the House of Windsor, Prince Charles as my mentor, I chose to get the help required and expose the whole sorry adventure. Let me say without any doubt whatever, the depression stage is the point at which possession is being forced onto the initiate, Glasgow is a Zionist (British Crown Masonic Network), centre at which they have their claws into the Social Services, Sunderland is also a centre for the Zionist network as they bring in Russian speaking Jewish victims to become spys within the UK Universities.

Full Interview can be found on this page under this title :

Jeremy Beecham, David Abrahams, Professor Robert Ash, A Very Sinister Network


Understand this network to fully understand why Burnley in the North East of Lancashire, is the chosen centre for the BNP, Race Riots, and full satanic takeover of Lancashire for the satanic Crown networks. I prevented the riots taking hold in Accrington at the same time as those in Burnley, Bradford and Oldham, by exposing the means to the violence at a Masonic controlled school in Accrington, Now an Academy, a school which the LEA determined which pupils were placed there based on their family connections to organised crime, this would ensure the maximum violent outburst possible. It is called ‘Maximum Damage Operation’

The Millar Family :

Fiona Millar’s brother Gavin Millar QC : HERE. Very Crown Temple indeed

Alistair Campbell with my knowledge and experience of the satanic networks, their personnel, and their means of occult workings, tells me that Alistair Campbell is a possessed individual, working directly for the Priory of Sion-Zion.

If this was not so, then think in these terms : how do people from very ordinary backgrounds, become very high in the social hierarchy, in this case, the closest advisor and spin doctor to the most diabolical Prime Minister Britain has had in a long while? He does not operate for the UK nor the British constitution, do not under any circumstances allow this creature to become the Burnley MP.

Alistair Campbell is handled by his wife Fiona Millar, things are never as they seem to the public, the serpent slithers at very strange angles indeed in the ether, one has to understand ones enemy to be able to stand too and fight, anything else leaves one at the mercy of the very clever dragons.

Article on Fiona Millar and the Blair years :


An A-Z of my life with Alastair Campbell

Source : The Gaurdian

By Fiona Millar


Ever wondered what your life might look like as an index in a book? I have just seen my life in index form, the result of inadvertently opening The Blair Years, aka Extracts from the Alastair Campbell Diaries, from the back. I’m his partner, and I have 100 entries. So if anyone asks me how I come out of Alastair’s book, I can honestly say: not well. According to the index, at least, my “Blair Years” were characterised by anger, heightened emotion, disagreements on policy and only occasional moments of joy.

My entry in the index begins with “against AC [Alastair Campbell] taking post”. This is true: I was opposed to Alastair going to work as Tony Blair’s press secretary. We had a nice life, a new baby daughter and two boys. I had just lost my father and was feeling quite fragile with an instinct that, interesting though it might be, life with the Blairs might end in tears.

The index entries go on to display, concisely, just why that was. “Cherie Blair/Carole Caplin” was to be an overriding backdrop to our years in opposition and at No 10, and the index says I “take part in discussions about CB’s role and image”, “feel frozen out by CB and Carole Caplin”, “am persuaded to stay on by CB”, and eventually am “fired” by her.

As for Tony Blair : well, according to the index, I was angry with him re schools, took Neil Kinnock’s side in arguments against his policies and, just to underline my old Labour credentials, organised Michael Foot’s 90th birthday party and had my fruitcake raved about by John Prescott.

There are also moments I hadn’t remembered. I dreamed of being homeless and suspected we were being bugged at the time Philip (now Lord) Gould’s memos, which had been sent to our home, kept appearing in the papers.

There are no fewer than 15 page references to rows about whether and when we should leave Downing Street. These rows did indeed reach a fever pitch and it was not a happy time.

It’s not until page 755, apparently, that I am finally “happy and relaxed”. Sadly, the book finishes on page 757.

Was it really as bad as it looks from the index? Of course not – there were many good moments. Winning the elections, meeting the Clintons, seeing the Blairs’ joy when they had Leo, and most of all the overwhelming sense of optimism the newly elected Labour government brought with it.

Do I regret how I am portrayed in the book? Not really. One thing the past few years have taught me is that the number of people whose opinion really matters to me is small. They know the truth about what did and didn’t happen in the ordinary bits of everyday life that don’t make the index. Worrying about what everyone else thinks is a time and energy trap. I think it’s a great read, even if it shows that politics and the personal don’t really mix. My index has convinced me of that.

More on Alistair Campbell : HERE.

Fiona Millar on MI5′s wikipedia : HERE.

Now let’s look at yet another Crown networked think tank type creation, with two very well known faces inthemix :

Fiona  is a speaker at the Royal Society of the Arts

President Prince Phillip

Patron Queen Elizabeth II

very well connected is this little girl from Camden : RSA – Millar – Fiona

It says :


Fiona Millar

Fiona Millar is a journalist specialising in education and parenting issues and a former adviser to Cherie Blair. She writes a column in Education Guardian and recently wrote and presented a film about parental choice for Channel 4, called The Best for My Child and a series called The Parent’s Guide for Teachers TV.

Last year she chaired an investigation for Shelter about the impact of poor housing on children�s lives. She is also chair of the National Family and Parenting Institute, a charity that carries out research into family policy and campaigns on behalf of parents; a trustee of the Roundhouse and a governor of two schools in north London, where she lives with her partner and three children.

She recently co-authored a pamphlet, A Comprehensive Future Quality and Equality for all our children, with Melissa Benn and is actively involved in campaigning for non-selective admissions to secondary schools in England.

The RSA is also referring to her complaints re academy schools, to me this implies that she is the person who has been set up to  be the false front to articulate the concerns of those who are  against academies, although she is never going to go into any depth over this, just pacify those who are anti-academy and want a  public voice…/rsa_education_governance_network_v1.doc

To support this ambition the Royal Society Tor The Arts is starting an Education Governance Network, … for failing schools has been criticised by Fiona Millar, among others, …

A bit of a joke i think having us all think Fiona, The prince, and old Queenie, care about the poverty stricken minions, while holding full control of the global food cartel, Uranium, Military Industrial Complex, HAARP and on and on….

I don’t think so!

Fiona of course is ensuring the Academy agenda moves on very swiftly indeed, I have heard her speak at supposed argy bargys, if she believes what she says will do anything for comprehensives, then she is thick as pig shit, but of course to handle Campbell, the spin demon, Naa God Bless ya! This girly is no thicko.

Further Insight Into The network

In Profile : The John Adam Street Gang

Iraq War Inquiry

Will Chilcot grill Alastair Campbell?

Alastair Campbell Defends ‘Every Word’ Of Iraq Dossier

Iraq inquiry : Campbell Fails To Clarify The Clarification

Did Tony Blair Use Hitler’s Rhetoric To Go To War In Iraq?









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