In Profile : The Fabian Society

Posted by admin on January 15th, 2010

Is This Society Anything Other Than Theosophy?

For most people in the Western world the term Fabian brings forth thoughts of social responsibility and for the people by the people, yet the whole thing is not only the Trojan horse by which the Roman emperor bloodlines have suckered the majority of working and middle classes, it is the final monster heralding in the anti-Christ system and its shift to destroy all forms of self sufficiency, the ability to keep industry alive, and to legalise (statute term) the death and destruction of the human race under eugenics doctrine.

In this world we see clearly the link between the Fabian Society and the road to communism of the worst kind, but we can also see the Fabians involved in Capitalism directly out of the John Adam Street Gang

The Fabian Society set up the London School of Economics within the John Adam Street Complex so if you exist in the fantasy the Fabians are some sort of ‘Catholic army’….think again and then a little more, then read this :

Adelphi: LSE (London School of Economics) Fabian, begins life at Adelphi

London School of Economics is very big in the new chosen empire China :

Adam House: Agora Projects in China

On this page we will briefly summerise a fantastic book written by John D Christian, first published in New Zealand in 2009.

Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing

In Rome he (Porphyry) was widely known as a leading bitter opponent of Christianity and defender of Greek/Roman paganism. It is not just a coincidence that his book, Philosophy from Oracles was written and published “just before” the persecutions were initiated by Diocletian and Galerius.

In fact, it set the basis for them. Of his work, Adversus Christianos (‘Against the Christians’) in fifteen books, only fragments remain. In these writings he is famously quoted as saying, “The gods have proclaimed Christ to have been most pious, but the Christians are a confused and vicious sect.”……….

Porphyry was, like Pythagoras, a “green” radical advocate of vegetarianism on spiritual and ethical grounds. He and Pythagoras are the most famous radical vegetarians of classical antiquity. Porphyry wrote, De Abstinentia (‘On Abstinence’) and De Non Necandis ad Epulandum Animantibus (‘On the Impropriety of Killing Living Beings for Food’), advocating the philosophy against the consumption of animal meat, and he is widely cited with approval in vegetarian literature up to the present day. Indeed, even here in New Zealand where this author resides, the main vegan group in the country based in Christchurch calls itself ‘Porphyry’s People.’ On their web-site, they describe themselves as “promoting veganism to further ethical, health and ecological goals” and include a quote from Fabian, George Bernard Shaw. Not only was Shaw a vegetarian on spiritual grounds, he was a founding member of the socialist Fabian Society and the one who created the society’s coat of arms – a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Another well known occult associate of his at the Fabian Society, and Freemason, Annie Besant, was also a vegetarian………….


In the foreword to the second edition of his book published in 2000 Gore said, “None of our measures will fully succeed unless we achieve population stabilization – one of the most important environmental challenges of all. An overcrowded world is inevitably a polluted one …” This statement he borrowed off Prince Philip, who wrote the foreword to the book, People as Animals.

Prince Philip has always aligned himself with the beliefs of British Fabian Socialists like Lord Bertrand Russell who defined the world’s alleged over-population as the greatest threat to the ruling oligarchy of all. Among Prince Philip’s closest collaborators was Sir Julian Huxley, president of the Eugenics Society, who unlike Hitler, tried to promote his mass genocide and antihuman ideologies through “conservation!” – that he brought to the UN in his role as the first head of the United Nations Education, Social, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). As a result of Al Gore’s admiration of Prince Charles’ “green” policies, on 28 January, 2007, he and actress Meryl Streep presented the Prince with the Global Environmental Citizen Award from Harvard………..

David Miliband

The current Labour Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs in the British Government, David Miliband, has worked closely with Prince Charles’ pushing his “green” policies through the British government’s foreign affairs department.

David’s parents were both Polish Jews who moved to England during and after the Second World War. His father, Adolphe, changed his name to Ralph after moving to London during the war and in the summer of 1940, he visited Karl Marx’s grave in Highgate Cemetery where he swore an oath to him. Inspired by the writings of the Marxist Jew, Harold Laski, Miliband successfully applied to work with Laski at the Fabian Society’s London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) in 1941.

In 1949 he became Assistant Lecturer in Political Science at the LSE where he remained until 1972. By this time he had become one of the world’s leading Marxist/Fabian socialist thinkers. During the 1980’s he and others were involved in various Chesterfield Socialist Conferences out of which emerged the independent green-left magazine, Red Pepper (1994).

Today Ralph Miliband is remembered at the LSE each year through the Ralph Miliband Programme Lectures, and every three years there is a Miliband Scholarship in Political Sociology offered. The Miliband Programme Lectures for 2007-2008 were entitled, ‘Oil, Energy Security and Global Order’ Series. Lecturers for this series were; Lord John Browne former chief executive of BP, Professor Michael Klare the Five Colleges professor of Peace and World Security Studies at Hampshire College and author of Blood and Oil, the Zionist , Professor Nicholas Stern professor of economics and director of the Asia Research Centre at LSE and former chief economist and senior vice-president of the World Bank from 2000 – 2003, and lastly the Rt. Hon. David Miliband himself.

The LSE is the global operation “nerve center” and think-tank of the Fabian Society, which since it was formed has directly controlled the policies of the British, Australian and New Zealand Labour parties, and indirectly just about every major socialist government in the world. Fabians were also responsible for introducing Communism to Russia and China. Many of Prince Charles’ socialist, environmental “green” policies introduced at a government level have come directly through the LSE. Although Ralph Miliband died in 1994, his son, David, is now following closely in his father’s footsteps.

Stalin’S ‘Five Year Plan’ to destroy farmers and agriculture.

Contrary to most Socialist’s deceptive claims that their ideology is only just a “political” one rather than a spiritual one, socialism is, in fact, a pagan religion, based on the worship of the same old Babylonian/Egyption/Greco/Roman sun god and mother earth goddess deities. Fabian Socialism, Communism, Marxism and Fascism, are ‘all birds of the same feather.’ They all worship the same deities, have the same socialist beliefs, the same goals, but have different ways in getting there.

Of all types of socialism, Fabian Socialism is by far the most insidious of all. Fabian Socialism is a subtle mixture of both communism and fascism, but unlike communism and fascism, which are directly confrontational and revolutionary, Fabianism deceptively aims to achieve

the same objectives “gradually” through consensus with the “will” of the people, and use force only as a last resort. Because of this “gradual” approach it is much more insidious as it is often difficult to recognize in its early stages…..

Both Karl Marx and Hitler were themselves great students of Plato. Not only is Prince Charles a great student of Plato, he believes himself to be that “Philosopher King.” The United Nations Organization is founded along the same lines of Plato’s socialist teachings. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle were all vegetarians, sun god and mother earth goddess worshippers, environmentalists and “tree huggers” by faith. The numbers of famous Fabian Socialists who have been or are vegetarians is outstanding.

The Fabian Society was founded in London in 1884 by Neo-Platonists and Christian Socialists. Karl Marx’s daughter Eleanor was one of the early members. Over the past 120 years, Fabian Society members have been almost singularly responsible for creating Communism in Soviet Russia and Communist China, Fascism in Italy and Germany, and socialism generally throughout the world.

The Society’s chief training school is the London School of Economics and Political Science. Fabians were involved in setting up the League of Nations, the United Nations and the EU….

British Fabians were responsible for crafting Stalin’s devilish two Five-Year Plans in the Soviet Union which murdered millions and destroyed farming and agriculture. The draft of the plan was published in a book entitled All These Things by a New Zealand author and journalist, A. N. Field.

The book was first published in 1936 by Omni Publications in the United States (and censored in New Zealand)…..

During the famine, George Bernard Shaw, one of the leading founders of the British Fabian Society in London and the man who designed the society’s coat of arms – “a wolf in sheep’s clothing” – along with a group of British socialists, visited the Soviet Union and were given a five-day tour of the Ukraine visiting a ‘model’ collective farm. He returned to Britain with a favorable impression and declared “there was no famine!” This is the fruit of socialism: starvation, death and madness!

Today, led by the British aristocracy, members of the Fabian Society and London School of Economics, it is not the Marxist Five Year Plan, military thugs and secret police of Stalin that farmers have to worry about. It is now the British Fabian “fascist” policies of City of London Corporation multi-national corporations and banks (that are now wealthier than many countries) in collusion with the UN, that are monopolizing farming and food distribution on a global scale, that are disenfranchising the small, private “middle-class” farmers out of their livelihood and driving them off their properties……

While it is true that all socialism be it Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Christian Socialism or

Fabian Socialism are all the same in that they are all based around the worship of the pagan sun god and mother earth goddess, Prince Charles’ particular version of socialism is more a “merger” of neo-Nazi fascism (with the fascist state leader working with big business and corporations) and Fabian Socialism (where the state leader introduces his socialist policies “gradually,” rather than by direct revolution or confrontation like Marxism)……

The Book In Full :


Adelphi: London School of Economics set up there by Fabian Society. Some history.

Big Players

Gordon Brown

Tony Blair

Harold Wilson

Tony Benn

Richard Crossman

Anthony Crosland

Clement Attlee

Harold Laski

G.D.H. Cole

R.H. Tawney

Bertrand Russell

Emmeline Pankhurst

Sidney Olivier

Hubert Bland

Graham Wallas

Beatrice Webb

H.G. Wells

Edward Pease

Havelock Ellis

John Davidson

Edward Carpenter


“Who controls the issuance of money controls the government!”

Nathan Rothschild said (1777-1836): “I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.”

Rockefeller is reported to have said: “Competition is a sin”. “Own nothing. Control everything”. Because he wants to centralize control of everything and enslave us all, i.e. the modern Nimrod or Pharaoh.

The Rothschild were behind the colonization and occupations of India and the Rothschild owned British Petroleum was granted unlimited rights to all offshore Indian oil, which is still valid till this day.

“Give me the control of the credit of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws.” The famous boastful statement of Nathaniel Meyer Rothschild, speaking to a group of international bankers, 1912: “The few who could understand the system (cheque, money, credits) will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” The boastful statement by Rothschild Bros. of London.

These people are the top masterminds and conspired for the creation of illegal FEDERAL RESERVE BANK in 1913: Theodore Roosevelt, Paul Warburg – Representative Of Rothschild, Woodrow Wilson – U.S. President Signed FED Into Act, Nelson W. Aldrich – Representative Of Rockefeller, Benjamin Strong – Representative Of Rockefeller, Frank A. Vanderlip – Representative Of Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller – Rockefeller Himself, Henry Davison – Representative Of J. P. Morgan, Charles Norton – Representative Of J. P. Morgan.

In the last century, members of the British Fabian Society dynastic banking families in the City of London financed the Communist takeover of Russia. Trotsky in his biography refers to some of the loans from these British financiers going back as far as 1907. By 1917 the major subsidies and funding for the Bolshevik Revolution were co-ordinated and arranged by Sir George Buchanan and Lord Alfred Milner. [no doubt using money from Cecil Rhodes’ South African gold and diamond legacy – Ed] The Communist system in Russia was a “British experiment” designed ultimately to become the Fabian Socialist model for the British takeover of the World through the UN and EU. The British plan to takeover the World and bring in a “New World Order” began with the teachings of John Ruskin and Cecil Rhodes at Oxford University. Rhodes in one of his wills in 1877 left his vast fortune to Lord Nathan Rothschild as trustee to set up the Rhodes Scholarship Program at Oxford to indoctrinate promising young graduates for the purpose, and also establish a secret society [Royal Institute of International Affairs RIIA, which branched into the Round Table, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Trilateral, etc — Ed] for leading business and banking leaders around the World who would work for the City to bring in their Socialist World government.

Rothschild appointed Lord Alfred Milner to implement the plan.

In the last century, members of the British Fabian Society dynastic banking families in the City of London financed the Communist takeover of Russia….


Further Study

Fabian New Year Conference 2009 Photos

Fabian Women’s Network

Tonbridge & Tunbridge Wells Fabian Society

List of Fabian Socialists Australia

Manchester Fabian Fabians

The Ovi Team

Fabian Society Membership

British Fabian Society Dynastic Banking Families In The City Of London Financed The Communist Takeover Of Russia

Fabian Society



Related Links:
In Profile UKIP :
Great Britian Needs A New Constitution :

Tags: Absolute Dictatorship, Agora Project In China, Fabian Society, John Adam Street Gang, John D Christian, London School of Economics, Revived Roman Empire, Trojan Horse
This entry was posted on Friday, January 15th, 2010 at 1:21 PM and is filed under AMERICA, AUSTRALIA, BRITISH POLITICS, CANADA, EU POLITICS, IN PROFILE. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

13 responses to “In Profile: THE FABIAN SOCIETY…

  1. Today, led by the British aristocracy, members of the Fabian Society and London School of Economics, it is not the Marxist Five Year Plan, military thugs and secret police of Stalin that farmers have to worry about. It is now the British Fabian “fascist” policies of City of London Corporation multi-national corporations and banks (that are now wealthier than many countries) in collusion with the UN, that are monopolizing farming and food distribution on a global scale, that are disenfranchising the small, private “middle-class” farmers out of their livelihood and driving them off their properties……

    While it is true that all socialism be it Fascism, Marxism, Communism, Christian Socialism or

    Fabian Socialism are all the same in that they are all based around the worship of the pagan sun god and mother earth goddess, Prince Charles’ particular version of socialism is more a “merger” of neo-Nazi fascism (with the fascist state leader working with big business and corporations) and Fabian Socialism (where the state leader introduces his socialist policies “gradually,” rather than by direct revolution or confrontation like Marxism)……





  2. TheLibertyChannel — 13 June 2009 — From Alan’s 06/10/2009 RBN broadcast.
    Please visit Alan’s websites and donate to him at

    This was a talk on the rapid transformation of the entire world into a global sovietized system – communistic at the bottom, fascistic at the top. Just as the Fabian Society and the socialist and fascist movements said they would have it.

    The pictures in the video background are:
    — The Fabian Window, designed by eugenicist and fierce racist George Bernard Shaw. As you can see, the design includes the *hammering* of the world into ‘perfection’. This is a mention to the Fabian method of action – via gradual, though aggressive, change. The Fabians always stated that there two different means of establishing their socialist dictatorship: a) in under-developed countries, it would be done by violent revolution and clashes; b) in the West, it would be done via gradualism, i.e, gradual political reforms, until a final speeding up near the end of the process (and that is where we are now).

    — The Fabian symbol, of a wolf in sheep’s clothings. Very telling, and literal. Think of your regular soft-speeched liberals, socialists and social-democrats. And think of their honey-dripping in the beginning/catastrophic in the end, policies and reforms. Somehow, their statism, which is supposedly there to help society, actually hurts society and makes it ever more dependent on the state. That is no coincidence, since these boys all emanate from the same movement, the Fabian socialist movement. The wolf in sheep’s clothing.

    — Gorbachev, the former chairman of the Soviet Union, later set out in the world to help sell the merger of the collectivized and western systems.

    — HG Wells, the Fabian propagandist. Read his non-fictional works (e.g., ‘A Modern Utopia’, ‘The New World Order’) for a glimpse into today and tomorrow. He says it all. He also explained the cultural processes the world would have to go through, to bring about world government – most notably, in the 20s he talked about the ‘necessity’ to bring about what is now known as the Cold War: a mass scale conflict between East and West, to dramatically change the face of the world.
    That dialectical process of West vs. East, capitalism vs. communism, would set the world ablaze for decades, and destroy all the old societal and cultural forms. In the end, Wells said, the nations of the world would be near-standardized, ready to abdicate their sovereignty and independence to global authorities and regulations, under the rule of the elite.
    As indeed happened, and is still happening today, as the last vestiges of political and economical independence are being eliminated, in the Middle East.

    — Jacques Attali, the European Kissinger, die-hard fabian and trotskyite, one of the masterminds behind the European (neo-soviet) Union, and author of “Millenium: Winners and Losers in the Coming World Order”.

    — David Rockefeller, who doesn’t really need an intro.

    — A Chinese ‘contaminated’ man, being ‘cleansed’ of his ‘capitalistic thinking’ during the cultural revolution of Mao.

    — The Soviet NKVD showing the full love of the socialist paradise to two dissidents.

    The link to the Gorbachev article that Alan reads from is
    News & Politics

    Alan Watt cutting through the matrix socialism communism fascism nazism corporatism collectivism sovietism totalitarianism globalist international soviet union hegellian dialectic marx engels hg wells utopia dystopia eugenics depopulation George Bernard Shaw Bertrand Russell Beatrice Sidney webb Aldous Julian Huxley Margaret Sanger Tavistock institute Rockefeller rotschild Carnegie ford reece commission cultural change UNESCO world government Gorbachev perestroika Thatcher



    AnonymousTruther — 08 February 2009 — A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

    The Fabian Society, Communitarianism and the New World Order

    This video is a very brief, six-minute introduction to the British Fabian Society, which was established on orders from the Crown in 1884, with the purpose of creating a movement to usher in by stealth a one world government.

    The ideology promoted by Fabians and Fabian thinkers is called communitarianism, which is also sometimes referred to (by people like Tony Blair) as the ‘Third Way’. The Third Way refers to the synthesis of capitalism and socialism in the dialectic scheme.

    This dialectical synthesis, or outcome, is to be a collectivist form of government where all individualism is forcibly relinquished in the name of “unity” and complete and unwavering allegiance to the state under a scientific, socialistic dictatorship run by “experts.”

    This is to be a system run on complete and total efficiency, where the only purpose of the individual is to serve the state. The so-called “useless eaters,” as people like Kissinger refer to, are seen as only a burden to this efficiency, and therefore will be incarcerated or killed if this system is allowed to be fully implemented. This is precisely why the “Elite” want an 80-90% reduction of the world’s population, with just enough peasants to serve their utopia, described in writings by people such as Huxley and Fabian H.G. Wells, and promoted still today in well-funded works of propaganda such as Zeitgeist and the Venus Project, which are designed to promote the New World Order religion.

  5. League of nations forerunner of the UN..Both Fabian creations

    AnonymousTruther — 17 March 2009 — This video takes a brief look at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, established in 1945 to create a global consciousness and world culture in preparation for the coming one world government and one world secular theosophic world religion.

    Featured music is ‘I Talk to the Wind’ by King Crimson, off their ‘In the Court of the Crimson King’ (1969) album.

    video from:
    blog: http://www.sovereignsentience.blogspo

    nwo new world order age illuminati Jesuit UN united Nation UNESCO FAO education system scientific culture dictatorship fascism mind control brainwash dumbing down France québec government indoctrination huxley brave eugenics hitler theosophic secular religion state agenda sterilization population free rights speech thoughts tolerance peace sustainable development multiculturalism communism fabian socialism collectivism communitarianism third way synthesis hegelian dialectic lies truth politics



  7. As they are most likely too powerful, too large to fight then eventually they may finding themselves ruling a desert and ultimately killing each other off when there is no-one else to rule! However, I think even that is too much to hope for!

    You say ‘they’ worship the sun god and mother earth – dare I say that you may have got that slightly wrong, they must be worshiping the Devil – but the Devil does not exist – doesn,t he? So easy, isn’t it to say that people who are writing or expressing themselves about these people are mad! No wonder anti-communists in Russia were put into mad houses!!! Well if you are against the system or resist the system ie YOU ARE MAD! Oh really!

    • Think global warming! MOTHER EARTH…POPULATION CULL!
      Satanic, yes they are! good , bad and evil exists’
      We have theft on a grand scale, taking from the poor to give to the super rich. thats evil!
      They call this a capitalist country, when it is, NOT anymore…Debt isn’t CAPITAL…

      Gerald Celente We are heading towards war part 2 CHECKOUT THE OTHER TWO PARTS AT YOU TUBE..

  8. By the way the Rothschilds are not really JEWS! They just bought into the religion but JEWS ie God’s people, oh no!!! that they are not.

  9. No wonder I am free from crap! I do not watch Eastenders; nor Coronation Street. They are full of subliminal messages and propaganda – down with the lot of these insidious programmes. This is one fight dear Centurion that I do not believe we can win. Just as well I am now in my fifties because when this does come truly raining down on us, I do not wish to be here – problem is, one’s children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. My forebears would turn in their graves if they could see our world now.

    • Kate, I tend to agree with you, read the new post by Fjordman he makes alot of sense!
      The media have done a good job brainwashing the public, a lesson learned from the USSR.
      I’m very selective what i allow into my head, i used to be an avid BBC radio 4 nut, until i started to hate Israel without any reason to, realising it was the BBC Propaganda pumping into my head day in and out,
      Now i pick and choose, You Tube is good for this, Brian Gerrish, The Renegrade Economist, variuos ones, such as these that educate instead of manipulate!

      Keep Faith Kate, there are many, many in the UK fighting what is going on, the media either ignore them or tag them Nazi’s, sticks and stones……
      We laugh at the TV ads, with their not so well hidden brainwashing, even the very young members of the family see through them!

      We’re not all scared of Fabian Fascist’s and their Fabian Banker families…that keep our Politicians in SITU!


      MrRoguepenguin — 01 March 2010 — Brian Gerrish made this video to explain why he couldn’t make it to the 3 Truthcon events planned in Scotland late February.
      The Scottish Authorities threatened Brian with legal action if he set foot in Scotland .

      There was roughly about 30 people turned up for the Aberdeen Malt Mill event last night which i believe was more than the Glasgow and Kirkcaldy events put together.

      Big thank you goes out to Greig, and Ali for being guest speakers last night.

      Cheers Kate!

  10. Pingback: Laigle’s Forum » Blog Archive » A gulag of your own making

  11. China over taking America….

    Tuesday, June 28, 2011

    Israel Epstein, second from right in front, standing in front of Mao. He later became the minister of appropriations, ‘an extremely powerful position in a practically cashless era’. To the right of him is another Jew, also under cover as a journalist.

    ‘Jewish’ folks are said to be influential in many parts of the world, sometimes working behind the scenes, sometimes taking key posts in governments, the media, business and the security services.

    China has a Jewish population.

    Jewish settlers are documented in China as early as the 7th or 8th century AD, but may have arrived early as 231 BC.

    In the 17th century, in China, there were Jews in government service and many Jews owned big properties.

    In the 19th century, Elias David Sassoon arrived in Shanghai and many Jews followed.

    Jews from the Middle East set up some of the leading trading companies in China in the second half of the 19th century.

    After World War I, many Jews arrived in China from Europe. (History of the Jews in China – Wikipedia

    Mao in a meeting with Frank Coe, Israel Epstein, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, and Solomon Adler.

    Pas drew our attention to ‘The Secret Role of Jews in China’ / Jews In China

    Mao’s China had a number of Jewish friends.

    One such was Israel Epstein who became a Chinese citizen in 1957 and a member of the Communist Party in 1964.

    In China, Epstein served on official government and party committees and was at one time Minister of Appropriations.

    From 1983 on, he was a member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the politburo, the top advisory body in China.

    Two other Jews, Sidney Shapiro and Chen Bidi, were also members of the same top body.

    (Israel Epstein Times Online Obituary / New York Times Obituary by Douglas Martin / Obituary People’s Daily Online / Retrospective, China Today /

    In 2005, Hu Jintao, leader of the Communist Party, praised Epstein’s ‘outstanding contributions’ to China.

    Epstein’s parents, originally from Poland, moved to China in 1917 and lived in Tianjin, the seaport of Beijing, home to a large number of Jews.

    Israel Epstein chatting with Chairman Hu.

    With Epstein in Beijing were a number of ‘foreign friends’ of China, including:

    Rewi Alley (a New Zealander, allegedly a crypto-Jew. “His prime motivation for going to China was to prey on young boys” Rewi Alley, Jewish Power)

    George Hatem and Sidney Shapiro (both Americans),

    Ruth Weiss (a Jew born in Vienna)

    and Alan Winnington (a Briton).

    Mao with Sidney Rittenberg.

    Sidney Rittenberg is a Jewish-American scholar who lived in China from 1944 to 1979.

    He worked closely with Mao Zedong, military leader Zhu De, statesman Zhou Enlai, and other leaders of the Communist party during the war, and was with these central Communist leaders at Yan’an.

    He was the first American citizen to join the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

    Rittenberg’s connections and experience have enabled him to run a successful consultancy business representing some of the world’s biggest brands, such as Intel, Levi Strauss, Microsoft, Hughes Aircraft and Teledesic. (Sidney Rittenberg – Wikipedia)

    Robert Lawrence Kuhn is a Jewish investment banker and “consultant” to the Chinese communist party.

    “For over 20 years, he has worked with China’s senior leaders, advising on economic policy, science and technology, media and culture, Sino-U.S. relations, and international communications.”

    Virginius Frank Coe, reportedly Jewish, joined a circle of expatriates working with the Chinese government.

    In 1962, he was joined by Solomon Adler.

    Coe participated in Mao’s Great Leap Forward, a plan for the rapid industrialization and modernization of China.

    His works include articles justifying the Rectification campaign.

    Coe (1907 – 1980) was a United States government official who was identified by Soviet defectors Elizabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers as being an underground member of the Communist Party and as belonging to the Soviet spy group known as the Silvermaster ring.

    “Rewi Alley, the man who organized communes in China before Chinese even knew they were to be ruled by Jewish communists (well before 1949)” Rewi first went to China in 1927. When Japan went to war with China in 1937, Rewi organised thousands of industrial co-operatives in China. (Rewi Alley.)

    Maurice Strong: the son of Deng Xiaoping and Anna Louise Strong? – Planning the People’s Republic from France – Like father, like son?

    Source: Cambridge Forecast Group

    Posted by Anon at 10:03 AM
    Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookLabels: China, Jews
    Anonymous said…
    Communism is a manifestation of Talmudic Judaism. See Also Juri Lenas’ Under the Sign of the Scorpion. Bolshevism, Freemasonry, Zionism…emanate from the Talmud and its’ adherents..300 million souls extinguished for the stool sculpture deity “CULT” in the last 100 years, 1500 trillion “DOLLARS” stolen by “JEWISH ECONOMIC TERRORISTS”…for the zionazi talmudic terrorist…narrative. Isn’t it gay to have a classless society of jew worshipping braindeadgoy…a contrived “economic marvel” like China, with no shortage of slave labor ?

    7:49 PM
    Anonymous said…
    It makes me sick. They make me sick. As I said before, they infect everything and everyone, worse than a virus.


    8:07 PM
    Anonymous said…


    9:35 PM
    aferrismoon said…
    Sebastian Coe – an influence in the handover of the Beijing Olympics to the London Olympics?


    11:00 PM
    nobody said…
    Wow Aang, thanks for that. I had no idea.

    All those decades and however many murderous, chaotic purges going on, with millions killed or swept away, and sure enough there’s a tiny number of Jews right at the top and entirely untouchable. I haven’t read your links yet but what’s the money the Jews were actually living right in Zhongnanhai? Unbelievable.

    8:25 AM
    Anonymous said…
    Maurice Strong: the son of Deng Xiaoping and Anna Louise Strong? –

    10:58 AM
    Pas said…
    Exellent article, thanks a lot.I’m glad i could be of some assistance, but i can’t take credit for that info.A great blog you’d might find interesting is: stenchofzion.blogspot (also not mine :))Best regards from Holland.

    1:17 PM
    Anonymous said…
    Adrian Salbuchi – Zionism & Multiculturalism

    [audio src="" /]

    [audio src="" /]

    3:21 PM
    Anonymous said…
    With a population of 9.87 million, Harbin is the tenth largest city in China, serving as a key political, economic, scientific, cultural and communications hub in the Northeast.

    National census carried out in 1913 by the Chinese Eastern Railway revealed the following ethnic breakdown of the city’s population: Russians – 34313, Chinese (中國人, that is Hans, Manchus etc.) – 23537, Jews – 5032, Poles – 2556, Japanese – 696, Germans – 564, Tatars – 234, Latvians – 218, Georgians – 183, Estonians – 172, Lithuanians – 142, Armenians – 124; there were also Karaims, Ukrainians, Bashkirs, and some Western Europeans. In total, 68549 citizens of 53 nationalities, speaking 45 languages.

    In December 1918, during the Russian Civil War, defeated Russian White Guards and refugees retreated to the city: it then became a major centre of White Russian émigrés. The city became the largest Russian enclave outside Russia. The Jewish community was formed by Russian Jews and included a group of German Jews, who fled Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. Under the pro bono efforts by Japanese government officials, they later emigrated to several cities in western Japan, notably Kobe, to ensure their safety and prosperity and established the largest synagogue in Japan.

    Harbin once housed one of the largest Jewish communities in the Far East. It reached its peak in the mid 1920s when 20,000 European Jews lived in the city. Among them were the parents of Ehud Olmert, the former Prime Minister of Israel. In 2004 Ehud Olmert came to Harbin with an Israeli trade delegation to visit the grave of his grandfather.

    5:22 AM
    Anonymous said…
    jintao…most popular surname amongst jewish minority in China ,synonymous to Goldstein

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