Where Now For The EDL?

Where Now For The EDL ?

Image – EDL with Israeli flag = WHY ?

One of the senior organisers in the EDL, Tommy Robinson, has given an interview to a local Asian radio station attacking the BNP, the NF and ‘Combat18’.

At the same time we see a growing trend within the EDL towards an ‘Israeli-fication’ of the EDL, with flags of Israel brandished at demonstrations.

Now the ostensible aims of the EDL when it was founded were singular – to oppose Islamic radicals on the streets of Britain.

A laudable aim and one undertaken in response to the dreadful taunts made at British troops in Luton in 2009 by mobs of Islamists.

The EDL took to this with a vigour and though they appear never to have actually physically opposed ANY extremist Islamists groups or events organised by Islamist groups, they have opposed the UAF and other idiot left wing groups on a reguar occasions.

Now the fact that a load of white working class blokes with a few assimilated British born ethnic lads along with them giving the UAF some verbal abuse in the high streets of our major cities is a spectacle that would naturally amuse one, but the fact remains that the EDL have now morphed from an autonomus organisation with a single aim, to a hierarchical organisation indulging in politicial posturing.

Now the leaders of the EDL, the financers mainly, are not thick. They understand that the EDL is not a political organisation, it is in effect a street activist pressure group established to oppose Islamists, and that any movement into politics not only breaches the fundamental grounds on what the EDL was established for, but also makes it potentially an unlawful terrorist organisation as defined under the Public Order Act 1936.

In some ways the recent banning of the Islam4UK group was designed not to defend Wootton Bassett from the scum who threatened to march, but an attempt to try and close down the EDL.

By banning Islam4UK the government in effect makes the EDL redundant.

With Anjem Choudhry out of the way, the real Al Qaeda terrorists who are busy following Gramscian methodology and using Taqqiya to get in our society, are now infiltrating the economic, education, legal, political and media systems.

The 911 Osama Bin Laden Paradox applies as much to Britain as to America.

The real terrorists are not idiots like Choudhry, its the quiet ones, the ones slowly taking power in our society.

Therefore the EDL is now almost redundant, as the very grounds for establishing the group are almost obsolete.

Not that the EDL ever physically opposed any extremist muslim groups, but the fact that there are virtually no more of these groups indulging in their infantile street theatre for the media, means the EDL will either become a drinking club with a website, its various ‘leaders’ will write a book about their time in the EDL and then get to meet Danny Dyer for a Bravo TV show or it will change into something else entirely – and that is what we are witnessing.

The recent outbreaks of activists waving Israeli flags was the first sign of a disturbance beneath the surface.

The EDL ( note the E in EDL ) stands for ENGLISH Defence League.

Now it is not easy to miss the fact that Israel is not in England.

Therefore the waving of the Israeli flag must be either a deliberate provocation of Muslims in order to incite hatred against the EDL or a deliberate statement about the nature of the EDL.

It appears both may be right.

The fact that people like Matthew Kaplan are in the EDL, who is not a British citizen, is not a British resident, is a Jewish student from America studying at Kings College are organisers for the EDL reveals the fact that the EDL has become something other than it seems.

Why would the EDL wave Israeli flags in the first place.

It politicises the aims of the EDL.

It inflames and provokes even moderate members of the muslim community.

It antagonises Muslim counter demonstrators.

It breaches the fundamental nature of the EDL, which is an ENGLISH STRUGGLE against British Muslim extremists and not being part of a global Zionist or Jewish struggle against Islam or Muslims.

The attacks on the BNP are frankly insane.

The EDL were set up to oppose Islamist demonstrators who abused British troops.

The EDL was not set up to oppose democratic British political parties with elected officials.

The organisation known as ‘Combat 18’ according to my research on the internet, no longer even exists. Its name is used to sell CD’s but it is about as real today as the KGB or the SS. Therefore to say they oppose a fictious entity, is foolish at least.

This attempt to suck up to the media wont work you know, the media wont ever like you lads. You can roll over and show them your belly and wag your tail and go ‘woof’ all you like, the fact is that the media have an AGENDA.

That AGENDA is to ensure the political and corporate interests they are controlled by are kept in perpetual power.

Therefore your very existence is nothing more than irrelevant to them.

They will not like you, therefore cease seeking to court them.

They serve their paymasters only.

If the EDL elected Bob Marley as its spiritual leader, adopted One Love by The Wailers as its party anthem and forced all its membership to have Kilroy tans it would still be called ‘racist’.

That is because you have been formally designated as ‘Islamaphobes’ – that indelible dark stain and evil sorcery spell of liberalism that can never be washed away when once it is cast, and that clings as tenacious as curse forever upon thee.

By fighting against it, as you have been trying to do is folly, as its application as a perjorative is not predicated upon any logical basis but simply as the result of some new superstition, such as that you said something someone somewhere did not like, and the shadow attaches.

There is no central file of ‘British Islamaphobes’ where one can send an application to the Islamaphobia Identification Data Controller and ask for a copy of ones file, where it details that you may once have said something on a bus that you may, or may not have, been travelling on.

The charges of racism and islamaphobia are not based on rational, objective, legal or moral criteria – they are words used to inflict a terrorism of the word, in order to censor debates, close doen free speech, terrify people into silence and steal away democracy into tyranny.

Only once you can say ‘who gives a shit’, only then you are free of their power.

The EDL should, if its spokespeople had any legal wisdom, should keep its snout well out of British politics.

The EDL leaders may like to posture and preen and be politically correct for the media, but their members arent.

The overwhelming majority of the membership of the EDL are non-political, and therefore any attempt by any self appointed spokespeople to speak for a non-autonomous group whose membership was never founded on ANY political principles is itself absurd.

Therefore such spokespeople when they speak, speak only for themselves.

The moment the EDL seeks to constitute itself as a political group then it must put those political principles before its members and seek support for them, but the EDL has not done this – so therefore it should keep out of politics – not just for the fact that if it does go political it becomes illegal, but for the fact that its ‘leaders’ have no mandate from their membership to do so.

Wise heads must run such groups, not big mouths.

If the EDL ‘leaders’ cannot understand the difference between a lawful and elected political organisation, and an organisation like Islam4UK, then they are frankly too dangerous for the authorities to tolerate.

The moment that any group declares war on the democratic process and sets out to seek to oppose any democratic political party, or democratic political movement, from excercising its democratic, human and civil rights to organise and participate in the democratic process – then they become the terrorists and they become the extremists.

The BNP and the NF are democratic political organisations.

To oppose any democratic political organisation is an act of utter folly for the EDL.

Therefore their spokespeople best stop talking about subjects they appear to have little actual, or ideological, knowledge of.

The EDL if it is to stay together must simply stay as it was.

The attempt by any factions in its leadership to court the media or politicise the organisation must be resisted by the membership.

The EDL must dump the Israeli flag waving.

There are only two flags to fly at EDL demonstrations – the Cross of St. George and the Union Jack.

The EDL must dump the student politics bollocks it appears to have begun proceeding along.

The path of politics for street organisations leads only into prison cells, as some of the EDL younger chaps have just found out.

The leadership of the EDL have a duty to the kids who are tagging along to the demonstrations and who will get themselves arrested, prosecuted, criminal recordss and imprisoned.

There is a role for a English Nationalist street group that protests the Islamists, a role that could assist in the nationalisation of many of the young, mixed race British kids in our country, decent young lads proud to be be British who have rejected the politically correct liberal brainwashing.

If they want to fight for their and our rights and stand up against Islamists then good for them.

Islamist bombs do not discriminate on the grounds of race, and when they explode everyone, be they black, white, yellow or brown, are all blown into the same sized little pieces flesh and we all lose the same limbs on our bodies.

When the Islamists take power in Britain it will be Black Christians, Jews, Sikhs and Hindus all hanging alongside us White British folks.

Therefore the Islamist threat is to us all, as is immigrant crime, multi-culturalism, moral relativism, cultural relativism, political correctness and the rest of the sick dysfunctionalities of our present system.

The EDL could become a place where these assimilated British kids and people could direct their patriotism into.

Politicising them without their permission by speaking in their name without any mandate to do so is to exploit them.

The EDL cannot become political as by so doing it makes itself illegal.

The EDL no longer has anyone to oppose, therefore it faces an existential threat.

The EDL has allowed factions within to draw the EDL away the basic grounds on which it was set up and allowed it become internationalised, politicised and manipulated.

I suggest the EDL stick to opposing the following lists of possible demonstration objectives for future protests ;

1) Conferences in major cities organised by Islamist groups and groups linked to Islamist groupings

2) Public protests or demonstrations organised by Islamist groups

3) Marches in support of Islamism or international causes related to Islamism which are based and operate within the UK

4) Islamist groups that organise and recruit on university campuses

5) Facilities owned and used by Islamist groups

6) Businesses doing business Islamist groups

7) Supporters of Islamist groups in public services

8) Demonstrations outside buildings that employ Islamists such as in the public service sector

That way it has some internal focus for its national and local campaigns, can start to compile information in order to properly organise targeted activities during campaigns and avoids completely the politicisation process whereby it can be hijacked by those with a political agenda – such as government agents in the security services, police, special branch etc.

I also suggest the next time the EDL spokespeople speak to the media they dump the asinine student politics, and simply stick to explaining what the EDL IS as opposed to what IT ISNT.

The EDL doesnt do politics, is all that needs to be said.

Stay legal.

Stay focused on a single aim to oppose Islamists.

Stay out of jail.

Let the BNP deal with the Leftist and Islamist Gramscians and the Islamist Taqqyiya specialists who are the enablers of terrorism, when we get into power.

Friday, 22 January 2010
The Edlington Attack and Simon Heffers Myopia

Simon Heffer manages to completely miss the point in his latest article on the Edlington attacks ;


The Tories, who did their most under Thatcher to create the problem of Welfarism by dismantling the metal working , fishing, mining, car production and military ship building industries and opening the UK to the EU and globalist imports with her policy of Neo-Liberal Free Market Economics, with its free movement of capital, workers and commodities, began the cycle of inter-generational unemployment and welfarism by taking the jobs away.

Unemployment breeds welfarism.

Working people do not need welfare.

Thatcher closed down entire industries and threw vast swathes of the country, and mainly white working class people, onto the dole.

The bankers and yuppies grew rich and gambled away all our North Sea oil money.

The culture of Welfarism arose during the Tchtcher years and can be traced back to unemployment.

At the same time the Tories have supported the importation of millions of Eastern European and non-EU immigrants to take away virtually all the jobs created by New Labour whilst in government. At the same time New Labour continued the Thatcherite off shoring of British jobs.

Immigration was welcomed and encouraged by the Tories, and this added to the pressures on jobs within the manual labouring sector and white working class.

The traditional industrial jobs that once allowed someone to learn skills and the work ethic and then trained them in a single job to a level where they became tradesman and could earn a good wage are almost gone for many white working class communities.

The ‘work ethic’ so beloved of the Tories and people like Heffer for their nannies, polish plumbers and painters, is that they are cheaper than British workers and willing to work longer hours for less money.

Yet again the Tories have been seen to put their own selfish sectarian social and economic interests over those of the white working class – so therefore trusting the tories with power is like trusting a snake to bite you.

Just so Heffer and his Tory followers heres it laid out ;

1) Welfarism is by its very nature a problem of unemployment.

2) Therefore the solution of Welfarism is to create an integrated national, economic, social and industrial model dedicated to ending unemployment and ending Welfarism

3) This can only happen if the interests of all the British people are put before the interests of selfish and sectarian bankers, politicians and economists – that government must act to put the interests of the British national economy, British workers and British companies first.

At the same time as this the media must be shackled so that the sexualisation of children, and exposure to video games violence, movie violence and sexual content in magazines, music video and lyrics, is reduced.

The degenerates in the media spawn degeneracy in society.

Take the dirty hands of the degenerates from the media who peddle smut and violence to the masses for profit and society will cleanse itself.

Parents do not cause children to act like monsters, they choose to do so mainly when their peers do so.

Their peers influence the behaviour of young people far more than their parents – and the main influence on young people is the media, TV, music, movies and magazines and their school teachers.

Therefore the enemy of our Broken Society is the pernicious, politically correct country and liberal society we live in – a society where the media can peddle sex and violence, a society where corporations sell pole dancing sets to little girls, a society where paedophiles like Roman Polanski are idolised, where Michael Jackson, the kiddy fiddler, is the king of pop’, where Sisquo on Celebrity Big Brother had a child with a 14 year old fan, where money is all that matters and sluts with big plastic tits are paid millions to peddle stories to pulp celebrity magazines about their latest sexual partnerrs.

We have Tory Free Market Diseased Society, a chalymidia Culture amongst young kids, where they are sexualised by the media, groomed by the media and then exploited by the media.

A sick society produces sick people.

A sick society is a symptom of sick politicians, sick political ideologies and sick moral systems.

The Tories and New Labour made our society sick.

They will only make it worse.

Locality and the Coming Crash

Whoever controls the currency, controls the people.

Therefore Regional Currencies return POWER to the people.

The only real revolutions begin when a nation reclaims control over its own currency and devolves power down to local people, so as to ensure forever the ending of the dominion of banks and bankers, corporations and politicians.



How Can Localities Cope if the Dollar Crashes?

A “run on the dollar,” or any currency, for that matter, takes place when the currency is losing its value. This happens when a country’s debt becomes so great that there is danger of a major default–that is, large scale or even national bankruptcy. At that point, people whose wealth is in that currency, or in relatively liquid assets denominated in the currency, try to get rid of them as fast as they can. Today, that includes foreign countries like China or Russia that are holding large quantities of U.S. government bonds.

The U.S. currently is at risk. We see it in personal and business bankruptcies and foreclosures. One result can be a high rate of inflation in certain products like food or gasoline, even while asset prices, as with homes and stocks, are going down. The question is now whether the “recovery” that is underway can be sustained or will there be another crash like there was in late 2008 to early 2009.

Forecasters are projecting this recovery to last until June 2010 but are foreseeing slippage at that point. Investors at this time are still putting money into the stock market and getting out of dollars. By June, the U.S. government had better come up with a strategy for real economic growth–which means jobs–or we will likely see the “double-dip” recession many have predicted. Personally I see no way growth can be sustained unless the national debt burden shrinks. This can only be done through an orderly process of debt forgiveness, a resurgence of economic production, or a default that could be catastrophic.

Is there any way people and localities can protect themselves? The best way, in my opinion, is to put our resources, including our time and labor, into producing something of value in the real physical economy. Since most people’s largest asset is their homes, home maintenance and repair might work. It won’t make you rich, but it could put food on the table.

Speaking of food, growing it is another option. In many locations, there is a greater demand for locally-produced food than there are producers to meet that demand. In a couple of months it will be time to start planting this year’s garden. People could get together as a community and make plans for gardens big enough to sell the surplus at local outdoor markets. Buying and selling products at the local level can also become an economic engine to fuel the creation of a local currency.

A strategy of local food production can also address the problem that the era of cheap food in the U.S. is coming to an end. This is happening partly because a large portion of food prices consists of the cost of the fossil fuels used in growing, harvesting, and transporting the food to market. Gasoline prices are on the rise again. This will take food prices upward as well.

Local farming, by contrast, places food production close to the end consumer. Personal health also benefits from higher quality food and from getting outdoors and becoming more physically active.

As the national economy gets worse, it’s time for people to roll up their sleeves and get to work doing for themselves what big finance, big oil, and big government can no longer do.


Local Currencies, Not Washington Post Platitudes, the Key to Economic Recovery

Steven Pearlstein, business columnist for the Washington Post, published a column on January 6 entitled, “Recession Over? Not Unless We Make a Major Shift.” The problem is that the “major shift” Pearlstein writes about won’t solve the problem even if it takes place.

So is the recession ending? The professional cheerleaders from Wall Street think so, now that the Dow-Jones has surged past 10,500. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is also cautiously optimistic as the Fed begins to dismantle some of the emergency bailout programs it had implemented to help save the financial system from total collapse after the meltdown of 2008.

How did the apparent turnaround come to pass? Pearlstein notes: “My best guess is that the current upswings in economic output, confidence and financial asset prices are largely a reflection of the extraordinary fiscal and monetary juice provided by Treasury and the Federal Reserve, along with the natural rebound that occurs after a collapse in consumer and business spending like that which occurred in the first half of 2009.”

There is in fact a consensus among commentators that it’s been government money that has made the difference. But the government money has all come from borrowing. It’s why the national debt rose from about $9.5 trillion to almost $12 trillion in a little more than a year. Interest on the debt now approaches $400 billion a year.

But the debt can’t continue growing at such a rate. President Barack Obama has already said that with the emergency behind us the federal deficit must start to come down. The reason Congress is about to pass such a terribly flawed health care bill is that the Congressional Budget Office estimates that it will reduce federal health care costs by forcing millions of uninsured people into the private insurance system, cutting back on Medicare, and imposing a five percent tax surcharge on the wealthy.

So what is the economic engine that will keep the economy on track? Pearlstein dismisses all four of the most likely possibilities.

He says that consumer spending, with unemployment staying high, will not come back, writing, “It’s hard to see how American consumers can again become the engines of the U.S. or global economies.”

On more government spending, he says, “that’s also hard to imagine. State and local governments, in fact, are still cutting back spending in response to falling tax revenue, and there’s no political consensus for running up bigger federal deficits than we are running now.”

Another possible source of growth is new investment, but the economy is already built to overcapacity in many sectors, “including excess hotel rooms, airplanes, office buildings, shopping malls, cargo ships, aluminum smelters and the like.” Regarding another housing boom, forget it. Pearlstein writes, “…with 5 million vacant apartments and another wave of home foreclosures on the horizon, don’t count on the housing sector to lead the way out of this recession.”

Finally, there is trade. But even though the U.S. trade deficit has come down, its persistence “reflects a fundamental reality not likely to change anytime soon: We no longer produce much of what we like to consume, and cannot make up the difference with exports because of trade barriers and an overvalued currency.”

So what is left?

Here Pearlstein returns to a focus on investment by noting that American consumers have started to save again and that during the downturn businesses saved money by living with aging production equipment, physical plant, and computer systems. He comes out in favor of tax breaks for business to encourage investment, along with new government expenditures for infrastructure such as “basic research, clean-energy development and expanded public higher education.” These things, he says, will create new jobs which in turn should lead to more consumer purchasing power.

The trouble is, Pearlstein already dismissed the investment and public expenditure alternatives earlier in his analysis as being insufficient. More government debt could also lead to high levels of inflation and further devaluation of the dollar. Inflation caused by government and central bank “printing of money” kills enterprise at every level.

Pearlstein fails even to mention the severe constriction of bank lending to businesses that has made conditions much worse for the small business sector where half of all start-ups already fail within a year. Business giants can take refuge in their cash reserves, but even they cannot grow if consumers can’t buy more of their products.

Pearlstein’s prescriptions are mainly platitudes. Let’s be frank: without small business and the revitalization of local and regional economies, a real recovery cannot take place, and an unemployment rate that has terrorized the middle class with loss of jobs, incomes, savings, and health care cannot be overcome.

What is the answer then? It’s one that Pearlstein and the Washington Post, being in the mainstream of economic commentary, dare not mention: it’s local currency systems that alone can fill the gap left by the collapse of public finance due to debt and the failure of the banking system to function at all levels of the economy and not just for the benefit of the super-rich global capitalists.

If the federal government announced that it would begin to accept local currencies in payment of taxes, and state and local governments did the same, we would see an economic miracle that would astound the world.


Nation-Building Should Begin At Home

I have been writing for the last two years or so that the strategy of the Federal Reserve has been to engineer a “soft landing” from the horrendous financial bubbles that were created during the disastrous presidency of George W. Bush. Since President Obama came to power in January 2009, his administration has been partners with the Federal Reserve in trying to do this.

It’s nonsense for anyone to say that the crash of 2008 had not been foreseen. A number of analysts, myself included, were predicting a crash by mid-2007. Actually, it was apparent that a serious decline would take place by the end of 2005 when the U.S. economy was still dependent on housing for half its growth over a year after the Federal Reserve had begun to raise interest rates. By early 2008 the economy was officially in a recession, though I actually dated it to December 2006 when the money supply measured by M1 became stagnant. That meant that consumer spending wasn’t even keeping up with inflation.

Now, over the last year, the recession has begun to bottom out due to the huge quantities of credit injected by the Federal Reserve into the failed banking system and by the relatively undersized economic stimulus asked for by President Obama and approved by Congress. A “recovery” has been declared, with stock prices making up for about half their previous losses, even though the official (and understated) unemployment rate is not likely to fall below 9.5-10 percent for the foreseeable future.

The current uptick has been projected by some analysts to continue through May-June 2010, when we will be in danger of another downturn that could be quite serious. Obviously the Democrats will be doing what they can to bolster confidence, at least until the 2010 Congressional elections.

The Republicans, with the victory of their candidate Scott Brown in the race for the late Ted Kennedy’s Senate seat in Massachusetts, are jubilant, even though they have absolutely nothing to offer as an alternative. How soon we forget that it was Republican policies, starting with Reaganomics and ending with the George W. Bush catastrophe, that has been the prelude to where we are today.

The prognosis for the U.S. economy is dim. From a larger perspective, we are at the end of the era of Keynesian economics, when the government thought all it had to do was run up more debt to stimulate the economy. When you add to that a generation of outsourcing of manufacturing jobs abroad, completely irresponsible and out-of-control behavior by the financial industry, and the cancerous growth of the military-intelligence-industrial complex and their pet wars, you have all the signs of an empire in precipitous decline.

For those who are habitually against everything the government does, I’d like to say that there are actually a few caring and intelligent people in authority these days who don’t want to see the total collapse of the U.S. as a nation, an economy, and a society. The U.S. remains the world’s largest consumer economy and the dollar the predominant currency. But the rest of the world has caught up. The Anglo-American Empire is seeing the sunset, and the choice now to be made is whether it will end peacefully or in a bang.

We can all hope for a peaceable conclusion, though it will take patience and hard work for the U.S. even to become a functioning economy on the same level as the rest of the world’s developed nations. So we can hope that the “soft landing” will work. But we still have a gigantic debt load to deal with, amounting to $60 trillion from all sources–business, government, and consumer.

We also have a gutted manufacturing sector, the huge overhead of a bloated financial industry (and their obscene bonuses), bankrupt governments at all levels, and way too many people with no real work to do like lawyers, health insurance executives, national security analysts, financial and educational bureaucrats, etc.

The short and simple answer is that we have to rebuild our economy, and our lives, from the bottom-up. We have to relearn how to do manual work like what we have mainly been asking immigrants to do for the last couple of decades. We should rebuild our local farming sector and get rid of bloated monstrosities like Monsanto. We should launch a major assault on the automobile culture and begin to revitalize cities and towns so that people can bike or walk to work or take public transportation.

It will not be easy to do these things. It may not even be possible. We have forgotten how to work because we have wanted our money to “work for us.” But that money, which only ever existed on paper, is gone. Our population is aging and not too healthy, making care of the sick and dying the only growth industry. And the young people who come out of our schools have few practical skills with which to earn a living. This must change too.

And what of investment capital? Loans are harder than ever to get. The small business sector, which could be an economic engine, is in dismal shape with lack of credit, high costs, and weakened markets for their products. Half of all new small businesses fail within one to two years of start-up.

Some say that a nation armed to the teeth and under this much pressure is likely to start a really big war out of frustration and not knowing what else to do. In other words, roll the dice. But World War II ended a long time ago. Since then, except for Vietnam, we have had our way bullying small nations. But that era has ended too. We won’t be able to do to China, Russia, and India what we did to Iraq and are trying to do to Afghanistan.

World War III would be a really bad choice. What we should do instead is take a positive attitude and sit down together and figure out ways to work our way out of this mess. But it will take a heap of humility, leadership, and willingness to face the pain of starting over again. But it could also be an adventure. After all, nation-building should begin at home.


4 responses to “Where Now For The EDL?

  1. You just don’t get it! All over the world, countries and peoples are under attack from Islamic extremists, including both the English and the Israelis. This isn’t simply an ‘English’ thing, much less a ‘nationalist’ thing. The phony war is raging and could burst into the reality at any moment; when it does, everyone under attack needs to stand together in unity. The EDL show the Israeli flag in solidarity with those on the frontline against Islamic extremism. We also wave Danish flags and Dutch flags, for obvious reasons. Use some common sense and understand the bigger picture. If you don’t, and we lose through your shortsightedness, everyone suffers – Jews and Englishmen alike!

    • May i suggest you leave a comment at Lee’s site!
      Not my shortsightedness…unlike the EDL i see no moderates’
      Whenever i have heard Tommy on the radio, he tends not to know much re islamic history.
      He left himself wide open by leaving this gap.
      The Barnabas fund/Aid send out a mag every fortnight- i know only too well whats going on both here and around the world due to islam!!
      The EDL seem to be too scared- let me explain why- they know only too well- shouts of islamophobia or racists’ will follow from the Marx-Mohammed pact, i for one care not one jot what names’ they call me- when it’s the truth!
      Try reading books ….heard of Immanual house of worship..Walthamstow? a muslim guy shouts outside shut up the noise during services- he wants it closed down- the council issued a notice to quit the noise- how long before churches are closed in muslim areas akin to Senegal churches….heard MOSQUES Friday?

      August 16, 2009
      The Hijra

      By Janet Levy
      Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration
      By Sam Solomon and Elias Al Maqdisi
      ANM Publishers, 2009
      139 pp., $14.95
      Within the past few decades, mosques have increasingly dotted the landscapes of American and European cities and towns, with mega mosques often overshadowing adjacent, centuries-old churches in predominantly Christian regions. Islamic schools or academies and a host of Muslim organizations have become omnipresent across the West.

      Meanwhile, Americans and Europeans have made countless accommodations to Muslim demands. They have included footbaths; high-decibel, five-times-daily calls to prayer; segregated male-female gym and swimming pool hours; halal food; workplace dispensations for handling pork products and for female head and face coverings; and special, public prayer rooms. Also, shari’ah-compliant financial transactions, the expunging of offensive likenesses of Mohammed or imagined depictions of Arabic characters that connote “Allah,” official swearings-in on Korans in place of customary Bibles, the neutralizing of official descriptive language about Islamists and the jihad, the revision of so-called offensive content in movies and television programs, the removal of representations of pigs from the public sphere, and many other acculturations to Muslim entreaties have all been made in the service of respecting Muslim religious beliefs and practices.

      To those in Western democracies, these accommodating actions appear, on the surface, to be little more than harmless civil gestures, respecting the needs of a growing religion in their midst and welcoming a new addition to their proud, multicultural tradition. Many Westerners pat themselves on the back for their liberal bent, their tolerance and their open-mindedness.

      Little do they realize that this strategic pattern of demands is part of an insidious, 1,400-year-old proscription for Muslims that originates in the Koran and the Sunnah, the deeds of Mohammed. It is the Hijra or doctrine of immigration. Modeled by Mohammed’s migration from Mecca to Medina, this immigration is not to a romanticized melting pot wherein newcomers gratefully search for opportunities for a better life in liberty and freely offer their talents and loyalty to benefit their new homeland. This is immigration for Islamic expansionism employing ethnic separatism to gain special status and privileges within the host country. Hijra is immigration designed to subvert and subdue non-Muslim societies and pave the way for eventual, total Islamization.

      In their compelling book, “Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration,” authors Sam Solomon, a former professor of shari’ah law and convert to Christianity, and Elias Al Maqdisi, an expert on Islamic teachings, explain the migration of Muslims to the Dar-al-Harb, the “land of war,” as a religious edict with a basis in Islamic doctrine. They delineate the step-by-step process of this 1,400-year-old strategy of conquest. It is a transitional strategy which they characterize as the most important step in spreading Islam and preparing for jihad. From their carefully delineated treatise on Hijra, it is clear that migration in concert with military conquest comprise the bookends of Islamic expansionism.

      Solomon and Al Maqdisi review the phases of the Hijra and its juristic or legal basis in Islamic doctrine. Under the cover of taquiya or deception, the step-by-step methodology of the migration process is designed to subdue, then, subjugate the host culture, culminating in implementation of shari’ah law.

      The beginning phase of Islamization usually includes activities pivotal to building a physical presence. It consists of public calls to prayer; founding of schools, libraries and research centers; and the teaching of Arabic — actions that appear to be reasonable and respectable infrastructure requirements necessary to support the presence of a faith. At this point in the Hijra, it is permissible for Muslims to engage in haram, or forbidden actions, out of necessity to establish and empower the umma or Muslim community. Koranic rules such as the prohibition against friendships with infidels are suspended while the objectives of future Islamization are systematically put into place. In its initial phase, the Hijra passes scrutiny by the West whose citizens erroneously view the migration as mainly economic — a pilgrimage for a better life.

      Solomon and Maqdisi examine the comprehensive strategy that begins with the establishment of the umma or Muslim community. The mosque becomes the locus of power, a strategic base and the center of all activities. They explain how in this embryonic phase, a top priority is the scouting for new arrivals to expand and empower the existing Muslim community. Muslim leaders offer solicitous assistance and helpful suggestions for schools, housing, mosque worship, halal markets and other services to ingratiate themselves with new arrivals and bring them into the local Muslim community. Agents of local mosques, ever alert for new immigrants and potential converts, engage in subtle forms of indoctrination and police local Muslims.

      This first step of establishing the mosque as the center of local Islamic life and activities is mistakenly viewed by non-Muslims as merely the benign construction of houses of worship. Its true goal escapes notice, that of firmly establishing a purposeful non-integrated Muslim identity to advance the goal of Islamization.

      Once the consolidation of the Muslim community occurs under the radar, the purposeful fight for special status and shari’ah follows. As dictated by the Koran and Sunnah, segregation from non-Muslims is a natural outcome of the advancement of the Hijra.

      Visible changes begin to be apparent as the Muslim population achieves more of a critical mass. Over time, the dress code, often beginning with a hijab in segregated enclaves and moving toward the complete covering of a neqab in the public sphere, separates Muslim women from men and from non-Muslim women. Eventually, as the host population becomes familiarized with what they believe to be the requirements of religious piety, demands are made for segregation at public facilities, in the workplace and at schools and universities. Requests for halal food, shari’ah-compliant financial transactions and the addition of Muslim holidays to public calendars further elevate the Muslim community with a special status making them separate and distinct.

      All demands are initially presented as benign attempts to accommodate the religious requirements of devout Muslims. Any actions to suppress them are decried as religious discrimination. In the United States, requests for separate swimming and gym hours for Muslim men and women, demands for identification photos for licenses for women wearing hijabs and refusals to handle pork products or don immodest dress in the workplace have appeared. At this point, representatives of the Muslim community are often working cooperatively with the host government to bring about change. As Solomon and Maqdisi explain, the idea is to get the host society accustomed to Muslim buildings, customs, holidays, dress and food. Newcomers are encouraged by Muslim leadership to become citizens, vote and run for political office to increase the umma’s influence.

      At the university level, students are indoctrinated to become advocates for Islam, engage in interfaith activities and da’wa or proselytization and train for jihad. Non-Muslims professors are solicited through zakat or payments to present courses favorable to Islam and write and speak publicly to promote Islam. The bequeathal by Saudi Prince Al-waleed bin Talal of $20 million dollars for Islamic study centers at Harvard and Georgetown universities, respectively, was a gesture to insure the promulgation of positive research, publications and presentations toward Islam.

      In “Modern Day Trojan Horse,” Solomon and Maqdisi point out that as Muslims gain power and mass in the host country, consolidation of identity occurs, as well as strengthening of their infrastructure of mosques, schools, clubs, organizations and media. The doctrine of taquiya is firmly in place as Muslims hide behind the dictates of their religious devotion and seek cultural changes in the land of the non-Muslim or kuffar. At this more advanced stage, attempts are made to silence opponents and curry favor. The judicious use of zakat elicits favorable views of Muslims and Islam from politicians, representatives from the media and other organizations. For example, within the last couple of years in the United States, the words, “jihad” and “Islamofascism,” have been expunged from the lexicon of government officials and the words, “Islamic” and “terrorism,” are rarely paired. In Europe, which is further advanced in this process, a dangerous turn materialized with the murder of filmmaker ,Theo Van Gogh, who produced a film on the subjugation of women in Islam, and with death threats against Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilder for his outspoken criticism of Islam.

      As Islamization of the host culture proceeds apace, preparations begin for learning the skills necessary for jihad. Young jihadists may travel to their countries of origin for further indoctrination and terrorist training. This development has been noted within Somali Muslim communities in Minnesota and Tennessee. Young Muslims have disappeared to Somalia to rendezvous with Al Shabaab, a terrorist group linked to Al Qaeda.

      As the resident Muslim community becomes more established and begins to wield considerable power in the political arena, pressure is brought to bear on politicians to permit shari’ah law courts in exchange for Muslim votes. This is very much evident in Britain where parallel systems of legal jurisprudence currently coexist. Muslim inhabitants of the host country are pressured to follow shari’ah law in lieu of the prevailing legal system. Several recent legal decisions by non-Muslim judges in Europe have referenced shari’ah law as a standard for verdicts concerning Muslims.

      As the intensity of the hijra advances, the appearance of open ghettos or Muslim-only regions occurs. These are areas where non-Muslims are essentially prohibited and where, if they enter, they actually may be physically threatened. Such no-go zones, where even non-Muslim community workers are unwelcome, exist throughout Europe today. Remarkably, Muslim movements are never restricted; they venture freely anywhere in the host country.

      As Solomon and Maqdisi point out, the Hijra is a comprehensive and direct political attempt to undermine the culture and values of the host country and replace them with Islam and shari’ah. It is an insidious migration seeking transformation of the culture, behaviors, customs, rules and laws of a host society to spread Islam and establish an Islamic state. The stages of the Hijra are very much evident in varying degrees in all Western societies today. Ironically, our open democratic societies with constitutionally mandated freedoms of speech, religion and assembly have facilitated this march toward the very demise of our way of life.

      “Modern Day Trojan Horse” should be required reading for all citizens of Western democracies who urgently need to understand the Hijra and the threat it represents. The book sounds the alarm for the cautious evaluation of what may appear to be innocent religious practice in our midst but has sinister motives to transform our societies forever.
      64 Comments on “The Hijra”


      Christian persecution on the rise- muslims.

      Ex muslims….WWW.FAITHFREEDOM.ORG They promise to close their site down if ever proven to have lied!
      The bigger picture to me is very clear- Eurabia is on the horizon- PC =Cultural Marxism is allowing Britain to become islamic..End of!

      what Lee is saying is- the EDL have been hijacked- used.

  2. I tried leaving the comment on the original site, but had problems, so left one here hoping for it to be picked up. I shall try again.

    The EDL have not been hijacked by anyone. You still don’t see the big picture I’m afraid – if you did, you would realise that!

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