Electing The Fourth Reich…



Are you fed up with the damage politicians and their political correctness have done to our country? Are you ashamed of what has become of our way of life, our health system, immigration laws, justice system, police, our national pride and morality and our once mighty armed forces? Are you angry enough to want to do something about it NOW?


Will her sovereign people permit the destruction of Britain by giving their consent to be ruled by an unelected, unaccountable European autocracy dominated by Germany and France?


Will the British people legally enforce their will against their own conniving politicians in order to keep Britain independent, strong, flexible, well defended, free and prosperous?


Just announced today- the Fascist EUSSR is to spend almost £300, Million on a new home for the EUs  New Furher BLAIR!

Another unelected leader- in the pretence of Democracy!!!

Cameron Has That European Elephant in His Room
By Christopher Booker

PREPARING LAST WEEK to visit my old school of Shrewsbury for a speaking engagement, I was interested to hear that another recent speaker at the school was Lord Butler of Brockwell, formerly Robin Butler, cabinet secretary under five prime ministers.

Apparently he had not only entertained his audience with some caustic comments on Tony Blair’s handling of the Iraq war but startled them by observing that the biggest issue at the 2005 election should have been “Europe”, because it is in Brussels that most of our important legislation now originates. It was contemptible, Lord Butler said, that the parties had conspired not to discuss this with the electorate.

Naturally this delighted me since the way in which our politicians conspire to conceal how much of our government is now centred in “Europe” has been a theme of this column for years, and last week provided yet another glaring example. Prior to his sacking, Charles Clarke, while attempting to defend his record on the handling of immigrant criminals, had blithely promised new legislation to create a “presumption for deportation” of any foreigner found guilty of an imprisonable offence. (This was later endorsed by Gordon Brown on the Today programme.)

If the Tories were honest, they should immediately have pointed out that the UK Government no longer has the power to do any such thing. It is simply not permissible, thanks to a combination of the European Convention on Human Rights and various EU directives, not least that which came into force only last week, 2004/38, which, for the first time, explicitly lays down, as one of the “fundamental objectives of the Union”, that EU citizens and their families should now have an absolute right to take up permanent residence in whichever EU state they wish (and to enjoy all its social benefits).

Whether Lord Butler was right to deplore a “conspiracy” between all the major parties to keep “Europe” out of view in 2005, the silence of the Tories under Mr Cameron has become deafening (above all, as I have noted before, in his bizarre failure to recognise that we long ago ceded to Brussels the power to make laws on that very subject in which he takes such an obsessive interest, the “environment”).

Another revealing instance, so far unreported, is the way in which Mr Cameron has quietly dumped what for eight years was arguably the Tories’ most distinctive single policy on Europe – the pledge, endorsed by all his three predecessors as party leader, that a future Tory government would extricate Britain from the disastrous Common Fisheries Policy and reclaim national control of Britain’s fishing waters.

Last year Michael Howard’s fisheries spokesman, Owen Paterson MP, even fleshed out this policy with an exhaustively researched Green Paper, showing how Europe’s fish stocks could be saved by adopting the fisheries management methods which are now proving dramatically successful all around the North Atlantic, from the US to the Faroes. All these countries have secured rising fish stocks and prosperous fishing industries through strategies quite contrary to the ludicrous system by which Brussels is devastating our “European fishing waters”.

But Mr Cameron has handed over the task of devising a new policy to John Selwyn Gummer, the most unpopular fisheries minister we have ever had. This was precisely because, as a fervent Europhile, Mr Gummer meekly accepted whatever Brussels proposed, however damaging to both fish stocks and British interests. The likelihood is that Mr Gummer will now sign up the Tories to accepting more of the same.

It is unfortunately a measure of Mr Cameron’s leadership that he should not have had the courage to admit openly to Britain’s surviving fishermen that he has scrapped the only policy in which they could see a glimmer of hope or common sense. How wonderfully logical, too, that he should wish to see his party once again endorsing a policy that has created one of the major environmental catastrophes of our time.

The wider moral is that, by collectively conspiring to hide from us the extent to which our governance is no longer in our own hands, Britain’s politicians betray not only our country but themselves. If Lord Butler himself sees this as contemptible, who are we to disagree?
The Sunday Telegraph, 7th May 2006

more here on the Traitors’ of Common Purpose- Communist party!


Philip Blond- trusting this guy to offer help to Cameron- tells me all i need to know about todays’ Tories CP ..Demos Commie scum hidden in yet another think tank.

Rise of the red Tories

  28th February 2009  —  Issue 155 Free entry

The crisis is an opportunity to sweep away the rotten postwar settlement of British politics. Labour is moribund. But David Cameron has a chance to develop a “red Tory” communitarianism, socially conservative but sceptical of neoliberal economics.
Communitarians….Following Hitler – disarm a nation- with all power held by the Mafia!
What is needed is domestic disarmament. This is the policy of practically all other Western democracies, from Canada to Britain to Germany, from France to Scandinavia. Domestic disarmament entails the removal of arms from private hands and, ultimately, from much of the police force. Once guns are hard to obtain and the very possession and sale of them are offenses, the level of violent crime will fall significantly.
Britain disarmed on trumpt up excuse of Dunblane- with an 100 year banning order on what Dunblane was really all about- protecting the elite PAEDOS’ From prosecution.

Guns must be next: History.

History shows that before a dictatorship takes control, the private guns must be taken from the people, leaving them defenseless. History also shows that whenever a government takes the private guns from the people, a dictatorship inevitably follows.

If you want to bake a cake you usually use a recipe which calls for certain ingredients; if you want to implement international socialism (communism) one would have to take certain actions over a period of time which are clearly spelled out in the Communist Manifesto and in William Foster’s “Toward a Soviet America,” and in many other books and documents. Those actions constitute a “recipe” so to speak. All those requirements have been met. I’ve spelled them out for you: free trade, international banking system, U.S. Dept. of Ed with teaching of evolution, humanism (atheism), internationalism, and use of Pavlovian method; faith-based initiatives (communitarianism defined in dictionaries as communism) and choice to control schools and community through the tax dollar, STW to control economy (planned economy), Patriot Act to control “us” when we resist. Now I ask, “What label would you put on a system which encompassed those elements?”


This control takes place through regional government which was referred to by a communist writer for Daily World as the Soviet system that has “worked so well in the Soviet Union!” Regional government is being implemented worldwide. The European Community is a good example of a major region being set up for the world management system (Lenin’s international socialism). Does anyone need to be reminded that unelected councils are appointed councils? Regrettably, we’re getting participatory democracy. You get to participate IF chosen!



(Put a frog in cold water, heat it up gradually and he stays until he’s dead). The top change agents at the UN, federal government and state government levels, including non-governmental persons and entities, have been at this game for over one hundred years.


Clegg Lid- dim leader calls Cameron a Con man– my coffee went everywhere – The lot of them are Salesmen- Con men!!

Ever wondered how a guy that in real life- was just a post man or Union guy- can sudddenly develop a brain that can run huge corporations- then when the top bod decides to re-shuffle- the same postmen can turn his hand to running the entire transport network- no disrespect to postmen the same applies to Teachers- Lawyers etc–nobody can chop and change to the extent these actors do.


How the brothers measure up 

David Miliband 

Born: 15 July 1965 

Education: Corpus Christi College, Oxford; Massachusetts Institute of Technology 


Tony Blair’s Head of Policy from 1994 

Head of Prime Minister’s Policy Unit, from 1997 

MP for South Shields since 2001 

Minister for Schools, 2002 

Cabinet Office Minister, 2004 

Minister for Communities and Local Government, 2005 

Environment Secretary 2006 

Foreign Secretary, 2007 

Family: Married to Louise Shackelton, violinist in London Symphony Orchestra. Adopted two sons in United States; Isaac in 2004 and Jacob in 2007 

Strengths: Useful experience in stint at Foreign Office 

Weaknesses: Looks too geeky; politically, seen as too close to Tony Blair 

Ed Miliband 

Born: 24 January 1969 

Education: Corpus Christi College, Oxford; London School of Economics 


Speechwriter and researcher for Harriet Harman 1993 

Speechwriter and researcher for Gordon Brown, 1994 

Appointed special adviser to Brown, 1997 

Appointed Chairman of Treasury’s Council of Economic Advisors, 2004 

MP for Doncaster North, elected 2005 

Minister for Cabinet Office 2007 

Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change 2008 

Partner: Justine Thornton, a barrister. 

Strengths: More telegenic than his brother 

Weaknesses: Lack of experience http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/will-ed-miliband-eclipse-brother-david-1788699.html


Their  membership of the subversive Fabian Society should automatically disqualify both from any public office.



An open letter to be sent to your MP pls!!!!!

Postby tigereyes on Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:17 pm


We, the democratic and peace-loving people of this nation of England, invite individually all democratically elected members of the Parliament of the United Kingdom who serve English constituencies to table a Motion within 30 days of this date to the UK Parliament in Westminster to immediately reform the Oath currently being given and enforced which requires members of the above parliament to pay their first allegiance to an unelected head of state and which penalises them daily if they do not, to individually agree and have published a statement by each MP that the said oath must be democratically reformed. So that the Parliamentary oath will from the expiry date of this letter in 30 days time swear to uphold democracy and good government in England and will no longer require any oath of allegiance to be made by any democratically elected English member of parliament to any unelected head of state.

We further request that if such a Motion is not tabled and supported by the MP’s of the English constituencies and is not approved by the UK parliament of Westminster within 30 days of this letter these same members of parliament of the English constituencies at the UK Parliament in Westminster consider resigning their posts.

And we call on the parliamentary members of English constituencies to recognise the extreme peril in which this nation of England has now arrived at in respect of its continued survival as a sovereign nation. Since the gap between the governed and the government has reached a state of crisis in which our nation of England faces the prospect of being absorbed within a European empire which has already divided the nation of England, administratively, in to 9 regions of the EU but which has not obtained a democratic mandate from the people of England to do so.

We also view with alarm and dismay the corruption within national and local government and its agencies who preside over the rise of this lawlessness and unaccountability in England and see there is no prospect of resolving the fair and reasonable grievances of the English people from within the United Kingdom government without structural and democratic change of this kind being a priority.

For these reasons we ask that the contents of this letter are individually and personally acknowledged by all members of Parliament of the English constituencies, either on their own websites, or by means of statements issued publicly by each English member of the above parliament, this within the next 30 days. Failing which the move towards establishing a peaceful, democratic government of England will begin without your help.

A government of England will be realised. One whose first priorities will after its election be a referendum on monarchy and the establishing of an English Land Commission.

Our declaration of English national independence by the people of England requires no election, no political party, nor even a Constitution. Since our national existence is founded on the sovereign right of the people of England to determine their own status by the mere assertion of their own sovereignty. A Constitution of England will be made by we, the people of England, on which a parliament of England will be founded, and to which members of an English parliament will be elected.

The fact that this invitation and these requests are extended to you as a democratically elected member of an English constituency at the Westminster parliament is proof of the goodwill of the people of this great nation of England to respect the democratic process and of our hope that you will, individually, finally be able to associate with the declaration of and the assertion of our English national independence.

Thank You

Courtesy of one of our members, many thanks to Wat tyler,if you could all be so kind as to send this to your MP,many thanks
Tigs x





UK Freemen on the Land for Liberty
This group is for Freemen on the Land and those interested in becoming so liberated.

The UK is a corporation and it’s Statutes are offers of contract imposed on your ‘person’ or ‘legal title’. Thus you are an employee of this corporation.

Statutes are not Laws. Laws you must obey (Do not Murder, Do not commit Fraud, etc.) But Statutes are a ‘legislated rule of a society given the force of law’. You are OFFERED the chance to give the Statute the force of Law.

Or you can decline these offers of contract, but the naughty government and corporations do not make ths known to the people.

If it’s a Statute being enforced on you, chances are you can decline the OFFER to give that Statute the force of law.

You can relinquish your ‘person’ and operate as a human being with all of his/her Common Law rights. Since you would no longer be a member of the society, its Statutes would be meaningless to you.

You can capture your ‘person’ thus taking ownership and responsibility of it – and minimise government interference in your life.

Those who are just beginning to find their way through the deliberately deceptive and difficult maze of Statutory regulation, join here and let’s talk. We must find legal ways to reclaim our true, free human selves.

Baby: a newly born human being – property of no-one.

Child: a ‘person’ of young age – property of the state.

Corporation: a legal business entity.

Statute: a legislated rule of a society given the force of law.

Freeman: a human being who has relinquished his ‘person’ and severed ties with the government of his society.

Person: a legal title assigned to a corporate entity (eg MICROSOFT or JOE BLOGGS)

Those were the closing words of the new global chancellor of nothing yesterday, during his post G20 summit speech. “These are not just a single collection of actions,” he said, “This is collective action; people at their best. I think a New World Order is emerging, and with it a new and progressive era of international cooperation. We have resolved that from today, we will together manage the process of globalisation …”

So there you have it. The much mooted New World Order takes another lurch forward with this G20 summit and (to quote Brown from a previous speech) “the greatest restructuring of the global economy the world has ever seen.” He just loves to brag, doesn’t he?

The content of the final communique from the G20 makes the agenda clear for all to see. The financial collapse has been engineered to put every nation on this planet in such a dire situation that they must accept a new global financial dictatorship, or die. No nation state has any sovereignty as from this day.

The problem for Brown and his colleagues is that to get to this point they had to destroy the world’s financial system. Their financial system. What do they do now?

The answer lies with their intention to keep pumping hyperinflationary funny money into the system in an effort to keep the collapsing bubble inflated until such times as they can –

– organise the global warming scam into a new source of hot air for the bubble.

Pathetic, transparent, and did I mention pathetic?

These idiots really believe that the system can still be saved. They really believe that if they can just keep some air in the bubble long enough, that the gaping hole can be filled.

But the numbers just don’t stack up – an additional one trillion Dollars (making five in total) to support one quadrillion Dollars of unpayable derivatives debt.

Its a dangerous game they’re playing. One that I am determined to make sure they lose, as, I know, are most of you.

My immediate response to all this?

Just go to Hell, Gordon – and you will, sooner or later. Take your bailouts, your globalisation, your Free Trade and your New World Order with you.

THE CORPORATION VIDEO HERE…                                                                       http://www.wholetruthcoalition.org/2009/05/03/the-corporation/

Che! The West’s Fatal Embrace

Posted by: Andrew Cheetham in European Union & the New World Order, Illuminati Criminals, Political Manipulation, Secret Societies

The US mass media (and most corporations) are controlled by the central banking cartel, i.e. the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers etc. These are the same people who sponsored Communism.

The guiding principle behind world events is their plan to translate their monopoly over government credit into a world monopoly of power, business, culture and religion.

These bankers use a Hegelian dialectic to achieve their end. They created both Capitalism and Communism as thesis and antithesis.  Their aim is a synthesis, combining the political and cultural tyranny of Communism with the appearance of Capitalist free markets. China or even Cuba may be the end model for the New World Order.

In 1953, Ford Foundation President, H. Rowan Gaither told Congressional Investigator Norman Dodd that his instructions were to use “our grant-making power so to alter our life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.” Note September 2009 this is emerging…..

This is why the Communist Party term “political correctness” has become part of our lexicon.  Why the elite media and foundations promote feminism, homosexuality, pornography and promiscuity to destabilize society. Why they sponsor “diversity” to undermine American identity. Why the education system is devoted to Leftist indoctrination; and conservatives have been driven out. Why the culture industries are dedicated to sex, violence, alienation, deviance and the occult. We’ll never know what we have missed in terms of cultural works that boost our sense of who we are and where we should be going.

Eustace Mullins relates this story: Early in his career, a NY publisher (who are all banker controlled) told his agent that it’s too bad Mullins had decided to go against them. Look at the success they arranged for such “high school” talents as Hemingway, Steinbeck and
Faulkner. Unfortunately, Mullins would be consigned to the wilderness.

Rupert Murdoch, whose media operations are subsidized by the Rothschilds, said last week, “We are in the midst of a phase of history in which nations will be redefined and their futures fundamentally altered.”

Such anecdotes confirm that we are being dispossessed and prepared for servitude. Our culture, most of our assumptions about the world, are controlled by the central bankers.

Read more…

http://www.wholetruthcoalition.org/category/secretsocieties/        EXCELLENT VIDEOS HERE..


3. HEGELIAN DIALECTICCreate a problem; people scream; impose solution; people embrace “it” — not realizing they have been taken to the cleaners through the deliberate creation of a problem. Example: Create high school budgets that create high property taxes which causes people to have to sell their houses and move. Then propose a solution to move funding of education from local to state level; the people embrace the idea since it lowers their property tax. However, locals have just lost all their control of schools to state, federal, and the international level. Also, dialectic includes moving from sound morals and values to situational ethics through constant discussion using group process. Pit “It’s wrong to lie” against “It’s OK to lie” and nearly all agree that lying is wrong. But through discussion and presentation of situations calling for compromise, one arrives at “Sometimes it’s OK to lie.” Then eventually, one comes to the realization it is OK to lie, or kill, or steal, or do anything else that makes one feel good anytime one feels like it.


The ‘automatic assent’ of the monarch to all Parliamentary bills that are presented to her is claimed by the Fabians to have been in operation since 1911. They misleadingly claim that no monarch has ever returned a Parliamentary Bill unsigned since Queen Anne. That is not the case however as several monarchs including Queen Victoria and King Edward referred Bills back to Parliament unsigned. Asquith’s Parliament Act of 1911 embodied the first major Fabian Society inspired attack on our Constitution.

The signing of the European Union’s Lisbon Treaty represents a high-jacking of the power of the people.

The nature of Fabianism might best be illustrated by prominent Fabians themselves. On the 19th November 1937 the Fabian Nicholas Murray Butler addressed a banquet in London with the words, “Communism is the instrument with which the financial world can topple national governments and then erect a world government with a world police and world money”.

The checks, balances and acountability of national representative government, however imperfect, impede world government and globalisation. There has long been a covert assault on sovereignty in Britain. In 1925 the Fabian Professor Arnold Toynbee was Director of Studies at the Royal Institute of Interntional Affairs (the RIIA is now known as Chatham House) becoming Director of Foreign Research & Press Service from 1939 to 1943 becoming Director of the Research Department at the Foreign Office from 1943 to 1946. In June 1931 Toynbee spoke at the Fourth Annual Conference of Institutions for the Scientific Study of International Relations at Copenhagen saying — “If we are frank with ourselves we shall admit that we are engaged on a deliberate. Elizabeth Beckett’s Submission continued: and sustained and concentrated effort to impose limitations upon the sovereignty and independence of the fifty or sixty local independent states which at present partition the habitable surface of the earth and divide the political allegiance of mankind. The surest sign, to my mind, that this fetish of national sovereignty is our intended victim is the emphasis which all our statesmen and publicists protest with one accord, and over and over again, at every step forward which we take, that, whatever changes we may make in the international situation, the sacred principle of local sovereignty will remain inviolable….The harder we press our attack upon the idol, the more pains we take to keep its priests and devotees in a fool’s paradise – lapped in a false sense of security which will inhibit them from taking up arms in their idol’s defence”. The Copenhagen Conference was initiated by the League of Nations Institute for Intellectual Co-operation. The National Coordinating Committee was domiciled at Chatham House and it included representatives from the RIIA, the London School of Economics, the Woodrow Wilson Chair of International Politics at Aberystwyth and the Montague Burton Chair of International Relations at Oxford. Today the assault on national sovereignty is not covert.

Keynes stated: “Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only at security, but at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth. Those to whom the system brings windfalls, beyond their deserts and even beyond their expectations or desires, become ‘profiteers,’ who are the object of the hatred of the bourgeoisie, whom the inflationism has impoverished, not less than of the proletariat. As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery.”

Sounds like a familiar process doesn’t it? The fact is that the Fabians have been in, in one degree or another, control of this country since at least the later part of the 1800s, some may say since 1860 with the nationalist putsch by Lincoln [who was influenced by Marxists from the failed revolution of 1848] and have continued to press their agenda into a Socialist society.

Perhaps one of the most important points to understand is the purpose of the central banking system and the fiat monetary system to the Fabian Socialist New World Order Plan. As explained by H.G. Wells, in his 1930 book entitled The New World Order:


In his book The New Despotism, Lord Hewart, written in 1929, revealed the serious nature of the Fabians involvement in the British government: “A mass of evidence establishes the fact that there is in existence a persistent and well-contrived system, intending to produce, and in practice producing, a despotic power which at one and the same time places Government departments beyond the sovereignty of Parliament and beyond the jurisdiction of the Courts.”





5 responses to “Electing The Fourth Reich…

  1. skipped over the Milibands dad-Ralph Miliband, Marxist activist…..came to the UK in WW2…immigrants.

  2. Good expression but I wonder what the French would have to say about “Fourth Reich”.

    • James, If the cap fits! Apparently Sarkozy has, had written into the EUSSRs constitution, that no other nation can ever take control of French Gas, Electricity etc, now that they have control of ours!
      What we need now, is to get out, then Nationalise all we have left, the fourth Reich is fitting in that the Germans and French are running the EUSSR in their own interests, all the talk of a United war free Europe is bunk, theres’ more to a war than open fighting.
      Ship all the immigrants forced on the UK due to EUSSR policy, back to both Germany and France with the message, NO THANKS!
      The EU/ARAB Axis [ EUMED] was their idea, so it’s only fair that, they benefit from the inclusion of the Muslim worlds further influx into Europe expected in 2010.

      The minority that want a United Europe, can ship out, before the channel tunnel is blown up.
      Europe can then cope alone with the crazy idea of another immigrant route, direct from Africa into Europe.
      Hence the name, Fourth Reich.

  3. The coming one world government could easily become a dictatorial government like with that of Hitler and Napoleon

    • Due to technology it will be far worse than anything Hitler could have even dreamt about.
      Ratification of the EUSSR Constitution will be the green light for the hundreds of laws to be put into operation, Nazi Germany will start to look attractive!!
      Already we are being ordered around, what we can say-eat-throw away- even whom it’s acceptable to vote for, it’s come around gradually, but totalitarianism is here for those that dare to call it what it is.
      The Bible prophecie’s don’t seem so outrages today, all the actors are in place!!

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