The TUC , the Cabinet Office and the New Fascism…Lincolnshires Anti British Council,

The TUC , the Cabinet Office and the New Fascism

September 17, 2009 by George Fanning  
Filed under National News

Its Not Fascism When We Do ItLabour Communities Secretary John Denham has raised the spectre of a return to 1930’s Fascism, and in one respect, he is absolutely right.    It is perfectly true that a sinister new Fascism is on the march in Britain but, of course, it does not come from the British National Party or the nationalist movement.

In modern European history, there have been two categories of regime which sought to hound dissidents from their jobs, solely on the grounds of their political affiliation.   

The communist regimes of Eastern Europe formed one group, and most notoriously, Nazi Germany and her Fascist allies formed the other.    In Communist Eastern Europe, the tactic of depriving political dissidents of their livelihood and forcing them into menial occupations developed into a finely honed instrument of state policy.

Now, in 21st Century Britain, Fascist-style political job harassment is again back in vogue:  the modish preoccupation of government ministers, Trade Union barons, Establishment journalists and Cabinet Office bureaucrats alike. 

At the TUC’s Liverpool rally this week, a parade of tin pot Trade Union gauleiters marched onto the platform to deliver their shrill demands that BNP members be hounded from public sector jobs, deprived of their livelihoods and herded into ghettos of unemployment and poverty.   The admiring ghosts of Himmler and Goebbels were surely there in the audience at the Liverpool TUC, vigorously applauding the TUC’s latter-day Final Solution to that tiresome BNP problem.

For the TUC have adopted an archaic and wicked stratagem: to construct a baseless lie and then use it to justify a hate-fuelled reign of terror.   The TUC barons have deliberately taken the first steps of a journey along the same road which led Christian martyrs into the Roman arena, Soviet dissidents into the gulag and Jews into Auschwitz.  According to this blood libel for the third millennium, BNP members are “subhuman” and “racist”, anti-democrats who must not be afforded the protection of the law.

Even the most cursory inspection reveals the bright shining lie under the thin crust of their transparent arguments.   Far from being anti-democratic, the British National Party’s policy programme calls for a massive expansion of democracy through credible, locally-elected structures and the roll out of Swiss-style direct democracy to many aspects of government.    Democratic nationalists are true democrats, because unlike Lib-Lab-Con politicians, we wholeheartedly trust the judgement of the people on important questions such as EU membership, capital punishment, traditional education and mass immigration.   Why would we not respect the institution of democracy, when we concur with popular opinion on almost every subject? 

Of course, there is no evidence that Civil Servants, teachers or nurses who join the BNP are any more likely to abuse their public-sector employment than the adherents of any other political belief or religious creed.  Indeed, they are much less likely to do so.   There is abundant evidence of extremist Left-wing teachers indoctrinating their pupils with their anti-democratic revolutionary convictions, yet neither Labour ministers, nor the TUC, have ever advocated a ban on Socialist Worker Party membership among teachers.  Indeed, there are certainly a great many public servants and officials who espouse hard-line Islamist views, but no attempt has ever been made, or ever will be made, to root them out – they are far more likely to be cultivated, glad-handed and appeased.

So our desperate enemies are starting with sophistry and racing towards Fascism through a journey of breathtaking hypocrisy, to which they themselves seem entirely oblivious.   On the very day that the two-faced TUC passed a “composite” motion calling for BNP members to be ejected from their livelihoods, they also approved a statement berating employers who “blacklist” trade union activists.

Still more astonishingly, the Guardian Newspaper reported the following extraordinary quote from a Cabinet Office Civil Service spokesman about the jihad they are apparently planning against BNP members in the Civil Service. The spokesman said: “The civil service also has a diversity strategy with a clear commitment to zero tolerance of discrimination on any grounds.”  Clearly the Cabinet Office has zero tolerance of discrimination (unless it is ordered by the Labour Party, politically motivated, and targeted against a lawful opposition political party supported by one million British voters.)

Have intellectual standards really declined to the point where a senior civil servant can condemn himself by his own words with so little insight into the depth of his own hypocrisy?   There was once a time when well-educated leaders of the British Civil Service, placed in this situation, would have read Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible and recognised themselves in the role of Witchfinder.     Now it appears that insight and erudition have been consigned to history, and that an ability to chant the mystic mantras of the multicult faith is the sole qualification for Civil Service promotion.

Whitehall civil servants, who are currently formulating plans for politically-motivated discrimination, would do well to contemplate the fate of their predecessors in Nazi Germany and Communist Eastern Europe who promulgated similar policies.   When political winds changed, those guilty men were held to account for their misdeeds and were not saved from their fate by limp protestations about being lowly functionaries, only ‘obeying orders’.   The tides of history turn quickly enough and those who run with the bloodthirsty pack today may soon find themselves standing alone in the dock, as those over-zealous American CIA agents who fought Bush’s War on Terror a few short years ago are already finding to their cost.

So if you happen to be a Cabinet Office civil servant plotting a pogrom against members of a lawful, registered political party, you would be wise to consider now how you will justify yourself to a court in 10 or 20 years time, how you will explain to a jury that your political witch-hunts complied with the Civil Service’s “clear commitment to zero tolerance of discrimination on any grounds”.

The BNP has a great many members who work in the public services and many of them will certainly challenge this pogrom through the courts.   It is a savage indictment of the so-called “Human Rights Act” that this political reign of terror is being contemplated at all, even by this wicked and decaying Labour regime and its TUC and Civil Service co-conspirators.  It seems that Labour’s bizarre “Human Rights Act” prevents a convicted transvestite rapist and murderer from being detained in a men’s prison, but does nothing to deter a malign government from victimizing members of a lawful and electorally successful opposition party.  

In the looking-glass world of 21st Century Britain, with a legal system corrupted by decades of perverse legislation, there may perhaps be no legal remedy.   But there certainly will be a rich political harvest for the BNP to reap.  Once again, the British National Party is set to benefit from natural sympathy for the brave and defiant underdog, viciously kicked by a sneering and hated overlord.

The British National Party has survived so far because every last act of bigoted political persecution has eventually backfired against the persecutors, and this resurgence of the Fascist politics of hate at the TUC and the Cabinet Office will be no exception.




Tony Blair had the death penalty for treason repealed shortly before leaving office. In the case of Rex-v-Thistlewood (1820)

treason was defined as ‘any action which attempts to overthrow or destroy the Constitution’ being the words of the Treason Act 1795 which Tony Blair repealed. Blair has been Chairman, or in politically correct terms ‘Chair’ of the Fabian Society. He unveiled George Bernard Shaw’s ‘Fabian Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’ stained glass window at the London School of Economics in 2007. But what is the true nature of the Fabian Society? It’s image is that of a socialist ‘think tank’, but its influence worldwide since 1884 has been enormous. In his paper “Communist” Councils in New Zealand John Christian describes the Fabian Society thus — “a mixture” of Fascism, Nazism, Marxism and Communism all bundled together. However, it is much more deadly because it is much more clever and subtle. The only difference between Fabian Socialism and Communism is that Communists take your house by directly sending in the “secret police” to knock your front door down ? Fabian Socialists do it much more subtly and cleverly ? by “gradually” taking your individual rights away, by “gradually” increasing property taxes and rates, and finally, when you can’t pay them, they send in their regional “council tax inspectors” to take your house away ? but the end result is the same’. It has long been a Fabian aim to incrementally downgrade the Monarchy of Great Britain but they are too subtle to overtly push for abolition. Their approach is to promote ‘debate’ about the necessity for ‘modernisation’ of the Monarchy and that it should be operated more economically etc. They always attempt to change the climate of opinion as a prerequisite to the slow, incremental achievement their aims. This is achieved by operation of the Hegelian Dialectic, the use of which was perfected by Fabian co-founders George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb. It is usual to find Fabians on both sides of a discussion, however their debates are carefully managed. What Fabians never mention is the Constitutional role of the Monarch. The constitutional settlement in this country, and in the others in which the Queen is Sovereign has evolved after centuries of struggle. The agreement reached is that we the people entrust the power to govern us to our Sovereign, who in turn promises to govern us according to our laws and customs. If the Sovereign’s role could be incrementally diminished and finally eliminated, the way would be open for powerful interests to corrupt our government virtually at will.
The nature of Fabianism might best be illustrated by prominent Fabians themselves. On the 19th November 1937 the Fabian Nicholas Murray Butler addressed a banquet in London with the words, “Communism is the instrument with which the financial world can topple national governments and then erect a world government with a world police and world money”.



Indigenous British People Brushed Aside by NE Lincolnshire Council Housing Policy

September 16, 2009 by BNP News  
Filed under National News

NE-Lincs-CouncilIndigenous British people are being brushed aside in favour of people from “black and minority ethnic groups” by North East Lincolnshire Council’s housing policy.

The latest shocking example of Britain’s colonisation by Third Worlders has come with an announcement by the council that BME “ethnic groups are to get dedicated support workers to help them find and maintain homes in North East Lincolnshire.”

The York Housing Association has been chosen by Liberal Democrat controlled North East Lincolnshire Council to help the non-British people “access facilities and become more involved with the local community.”

Two housing support workers will be employed to work with the community, and translation and interpreting services will also be provided.

A report published in 2007 by the Labour Party-affiliated Institute for Public Policy Review (IPPR) entitled “Britain’s Immigrants, an Economic Profile” showed that 80% of Somalis, 49% of Turks, 41% of Bangladeshis, 39%  of Ghanaians, 35% of Jamaicans, 33% of Iranians, 29% of Nigerians, 21% of Ugandans, 20% of Zimbabweans, 15% of Filipinos, 15% of Pakistanis, 14% of Sri Lankans, 12% of Kenyans and 9% of Chinese immigrants live in public housing.

These figures show that immigrant groups occupy a massively disproportionate amount of public housing compared to their percentage of the population, confirming the long-held suspicion that immigrants are given priority over native British people.

At least the Liberal Democrat controlled NE Lincolnshire Council is open about its anti-British treachery, unlike the Tories and Labour Party which tries to pretend otherwise.

4 responses to “The TUC , the Cabinet Office and the New Fascism…Lincolnshires Anti British Council,

  1. The Anti-Fascism Wolf
    In Sheep’s Clothing
    By Curt Maynard

    I’ll be darned if Sean Penn didn’t say something the other night on CNN’s Larry King Live that made a great deal of sense. As a rule Mr. Penn and I don’t see eye to eye on many things, but I couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised to see Penn, the son of a Jewish father and Irish Catholic mother catch Larry King momentarily off guard when he quoted the old Kingfish Huey Long. Penn said, “Well, in 1932 Huey Long said something very interesting. It was, ‘Fascism will come to America, but likely under another name, perhaps anti-fascism.'” The look on King’s face was priceless, for a moment he was speechless, he finally managed a few words just before going to a commercial break, “We’ll dwell on that for a minute,” he said with a perplexed look on his face.

    Of course King never returned to that particular comment, nope, something like that hits way too close to home. For the better part of fifty years Larry King [born Lawrence Harvey Zeiger] has done his absolute best to convince Americans that “anti-Fascism,” is the personification of the greatest American ideal, that as the polar opposite of fascism, it must always be good, whereas fascism is always bad, and should forever be equated with Hitler, the Nazi’s and of course the holocaust. And in one unguarded moment, this half-Jewish co-ethnic of King’s goes and gives the whole thing away, on national television, honestly noting that there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between two types of totalitarianism, even if the current perpetrator may have once been it’s victim.

    What difference does it really make if one’s ideas and inherent right to express them are suppressed openly as they might be under a so called “fascist sytem,” or covertly as they are in our current system, which likes to masquerade as a government with the greatest respect for its constituencies civil and constitutional rights, a modern democracy it likes to refer to itself as, but yet when it comes to expressing an idea that doesn’t jibe with the status quo’s view of things, suppression and persecution are in order. It happens every day in the United States, Canada and Europe, if someone takes a stand and the ruling elite doesn’t like it, that individual will be made to pay a stiff price, to serve as an example to others, often this happens with the full support and collusion of the misinformed public. In Europe they throw people in prison for questioning certain aspects of the holocaust ­ don’t believe me ­ perhaps you should do a google search on Ernst Zundel, David Irving, Germar Rudolf, Siegfried Verbeke, Horst Mahler, Sylvia Stolz, and hundreds of others. Canada’s approach is slightly different, but with the same results, instead of charging historical revisionists with “defaming the memory of the dead,” as they do in Europe, they charge them criminally with a “hate crime,” or drag them into the courts and force them to engage in expensive litigation to avoid a lengthy prison sentence. The alleged modern democratic nation of Canada held one historical nonconformist, Ernst Zundel, in solitary isolation, in a maximum security institution no less, for two years without charging him with a crime, just because he dared to question a few details associated with a relatively brief moment in time, when time itself is considered in its totality, the years 1939 through 1945, and what really happened during those years in Nazi Germany.

    Any relatively intelligent and inquisitive person might wonder about some of these details too ­ for example six million Jews allegedly died during the holocaust. Initially, four million of these Jews were said to have been gassed to death at Auschwitz. For decades a plaque commemorating their deaths sat on the Auschwitz grounds for all to see. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Popes and Ambassadors paid homage to it, diligently pointing out during their photo-op the dangers of fascism. The plaque read “Four million people suffered and died here at the hands of the Nazi murderers.”

    Today, a different plaque commemorates those that died at Auschwitz, it was quietly changed in 1990. it now reads that “about one and a half million men, women and children,” were killed by the Nazi’s. I’m not a mathematician, but I do know there is a numerical difference of two and a half million between four million and one and a half million.

    The Zionists know it, too, but the difference between them and Ernst Zundel, is that the Zionists don’t want you to know about the change in plaques and Zundel does. It is for this reason that Zundel was illegally arrested in the United States under the guise of a missed immigration hearing. It is for this reason that Zundel, a white European Christian, without any history of criminal behavior, and/or terrorism was illegally deported, without due process, from the United States and held in a Canadian maximum security prison without any criminal charge as a “threat to Canada’s National Security.” Can you believe his case is really this petty and simple? Can you? Well it is, it’s just that simple, Zundel questions certain aspects of a story that doesn’t add up entirely, and for that reason and no other he now sits in a German prison facing five additional years. The charge he faces in Germany, i.e. “defaming the memory of the dead,” has a five year sentence attached to it and the so called modern democratic German government doesn’t intend to give him any credit for the three and a half years he’s already spent languishing in prison. Talk about vicious ­ it’s all about making an example of Zundel, albeit cryptically, but it still amounts to the same thing – an attempt to frighten any other dissidents or skeptics into silence, fascist principles to be sure, doled out by our so-called modern anti-fascist governments.

    In what has become the normalcy of our modern schizophrenic approach to democracy, we believe we can force other nations to embrace the “democratic process,” but when they actually exercise those princliples and elect rulers our government doesn’t like, our government then believes the results should be null and void ­ in other words democracy is only good if the people democratically elect representatives our government approves of. If that isn’t a schizophrenic view, I don’t know what is. The very same thing happened in Germany after the Second World War, but the American’s found a much more willing and compliant group of people in Europe than they are finding in the Middle East at present. A perfect example of this logic, or lack thereof, at work can be seen in a recent Reuters article by Erik Kirschbaum entitled “Far Right Wins Seats in German Assembly.” Without so much as noting the irony associated with his article, Kirschbaum details the fact that the far right in Germany “won 7.2 percent of the vote in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, a northeastern state on the Baltic Sea which borders Poland,” in a democratic election. In the very next sentence Kirschbaum quotes “Dieter Graumann, vice president of the Central Council for Jews in Germany, who told Reuters, “The [German] government must look for ways to impose a ban,” on the political party that the German people had just democratically elected.

    As noted above, Kirschbaum doesn’t even attempt to tone down Graumann’s obviously undemocratic statement, he just puts it out there for all to see, but he does it in such a way as to hide its true implications, which is that democracy is great as long as you elect who the Zionists want you to elect. Unlike the Iraqi people and their democratically elected government, which apparently cannot be cowed, there is a distinct possibility that the German government will outlaw or ban its competitors, damn the voters, they have attempted it before, as evidenced by Kirschbaum’s article, in which he notes that Jewish groups intended to call upon the “federal government to renew its bid to ban the party after a previous attempt failed.”

    So, in the name of anti-fascism, because the German far right is perceived to be fascist, the anti-fascists are more than willing to embrace fascist principles in order to deprive the German people of their democratic right to elect their own representatives ­ now if that isn’t twisted and downright undemocratic, I don’t know what is.

    Wake up America, you are being deceived. Fascism HAS arrived in America, and the rest of the western world, and it IS parading about as anti-Fascism, just as Huey Long predicted seventy-four years ago.

  2. Liberal fascism
    Thursday, 26th February 2009

    On Harry’s Place, Dave Rich makes some good points about the now common analogy that is drawn between Israel and the Nazis, or Gaza and the Warsaw Ghetto, as used by such Israel-haters as George Galloway, Jenny Tonge, the British Muslim Initiative and others. Its import, as he says, lies in far more than its mere offensiveness and demonstrable barmyness. It is used for very specific political purposes. Since Nazism is totally beyond the pale – and since the Israel-haters believe, falsely, that Israel’s legitimacy rests upon the Holocaust – tarring it as a Nazi state delegitimises it and thus advances the agenda of its destruction.

    But Rich points out a further consequence of demonising Israel in this way:

    If Israel is a Nazi state, then anybody who does not oppose Israel is morally no better than a Nazi. There is only one place this train of thought can end: with the demonisation and social isolation of the vast majority of ordinary British Jews.

    It means that when mainstream Jewish community leadership bodies organise a rally with the slogan, “Stop Hamas Terror: Peace for the people of Israel and Gaza”, and launch a Jewish community fundraising campaign for hospitals in both Gaza and Israel during the fighting, Richard Seymour accuses them of “cheerleading the massacre” and concludes that anybody who goes on the rally “ought to be shunned, and treated as the moral and political degenerates that they are.” It means that a research paper published by the School of Oriental and African Studies to investigate “legal aspects of economic and trade issues arising from Israel’s occupation of the OPTs” lists the names, addresses and contact details of kosher food shops in London and Manchester.

    Once the central argument of anti-Israel campaigning in this country is that Israel is Nazi Germany, then this is no longer an anti-Zionist movement: it is an antisemitic one, with an antisemitic politics as its driving force.

    Precisely so. And that is why so many British Jews now feel under siege in a country that to their horror and astonishment has now turned against them — which they feel every time they switch on the BBC or read the newspapers or go to the office or stand around over drinks with people they once thought were friends but who now force them to make a choice: renounce Israel and be accepted, or support Israel and be a pariah.

    I would also make a further point that Rich does not make. Calling Israel a Nazi state retrospectively sanitises the Holocaust and lets complicit Europe off the hook – Britain too. After all, Britain was partly responsible for the murder of thousands of Jews to whom it refused entry to Palestine — in order to appease the Arabs of Palestine who were in league with the Nazis – and who perished in the Holocaust as a result. If the Jews have become Nazis, then their victimisation at the hands of the Nazis stops being the crime of crimes.

    It also allows people safely to hate the Jews once again. As I was told to my face by a prominent man of impeccable liberal views, the enormity of the Holocaust had meant that it was no longer possible to disdain or loathe the Jews as before, at least not in public. But with Israel painted as a Nazi state, it can be open season on the Jews once again.

    As the thinker Paul Berman points out in an interview on Z Word, the problem of Jew-hatred today lies principally with people just like this. The idea that it is reserved for knuckle-dragging right-wingers is simply wrong. Throughout history, it has been people pursuing the mostly high-minded visions who have wanted the Jews out of humanity’s hair once and for all. As Berman notes:

    The unstated assumption is always the same. To wit: the universal system for man’s happiness has already arrived (namely, Christianity, or else Enlightenment anti-Christianity; the Westphalian state system, or else the post-modern system of international institutions; racial theory, or else the anti-racist doctrine in a certain interpretation). And the universal system for man’s happiness would right now have achieved perfection – were it not for the Jews. The Jews are always standing in the way. The higher one’s opinion of oneself, the more one detests the Jews.

    … But the disdain takes another shape, too, which is cruder, though it follows more or less from the first version. In the cruder version, the Jews are not just regrettable for being retrograde. Much worse: the Jews have done something really terrible. By forming their state and standing by it, they have set out actively to oppose the principle of universal justice and happiness – the principle that decrees that a people like the Jews should not have a state. So, yes, the comparisons to apartheid – or, more radically and these days more typically, to the Nazis.

    … Israel’s struggle puts it at odds with the entire principle of universal justice and happiness, as people imagine it – no matter how they choose to define the principle. Other countries commit relative crimes, which can be measured and compared. But Israel commits an absolute crime. In the end, it is the grand accusation against the Jews, in ever newer versions: the Jews as cosmic enemy of the universal good.

    Having stated these truths, Berman then flinches from the contemporary political application, refusing to agree that the human rights movement is intrinsically a vehicle for Jew-hatred. But it is. It is very noticeable that hatred of Israel and the Jews today goes hand in hand with higher social class and education, and high-minded progressive ideals such as human rights, the replacement of war by law, post-nation universal values and the forcible eradication of any views that challenge this agenda. It is, in short – as the title of Jonah Goldberg’s excellent book proclaims — liberal fascism.

  3. The Rise Of Elitist Fascism And The Death Of American Democracy
    An essay in hypertext by Scott Bidstrup
    “The really dangerous American fascist… is the man who wants to do
    in the United States in an American way what Hitler did in Germany in a Prussian way. The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information. With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power… They claim to be super-patriots, but they would destroy every liberty guaranteed by the Constitution. They demand free enterprise, but are the spokesmen for monopoly and vested interest. Their final objective, toward which all their deceit is directed, is to capture political power so that, using the power of the state and the power of the market simultaneously, they may keep the common man in eternal subjection.”

    — U.S. Vice President Henry A. Wallace, quoted in the New York Times, April 9, 1944


    Fourth, the public education system has been carefully subverted for the purpose of ensuring that Americans end up generally undereducated and incapable of critical thinking and reasoning, so the propertied elite can rule without interference by the “rabble” or the “great unwashed” asserting their outrageous demands for the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. By de-emphasising critical thinking and reasoning skills, Americans with all their years of education, know a lot of facts, but are generally incapable of doing independent, critical thinking that might lead to conclusions at variance with the consensus generated and maintained by an propertied elite with an ingeniously slick propaganda machine. Civics is no longer taught, so most Americans don’t even understand the meaning of demagoguery, much less understand how to recognize it and, more importantly, neutralize it. The numerous examples of other peoples in the world living better than Americans are carefully kept from the American people, whose world runs from the 49th Parallel to the Rio Grande, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. There is a whole world out there of which Americans are woefully ignorant, and from which they hear only when there is a calamaty that needs their attention. Fewer than 14% of Americans even hold passports.

    Where will it end? In the very long term, the most likely possible outcome is that the United States will end up in a brutally violent and extremely repressive fascist dictatorship in which the distinction between business and government is blurred if not outright abolished, and between which the propertied elites move back and forth freely, a world in which the propertied elites simply regard the general population as oxen to be put to the plow and to be exploited to the maximum extent possible. Human rights will be completely ignored by a flag-waving, Bible-banging paramilitary elite, since the citizenry will be regarded essentially as livestock, and business will use large amounts of penal labor as slave labor for the production of cheap goods to be exported to the rest of the world, exclusively for the propertied elites’ benefit – any hint of opposition will earn a life sentence of slave labor in the camps, and ever increasing numbers of the general population will find themselves involved in the criminal “justice” system as ever more slave labor is needed. Eventually, even the pretense of democracy will be abandoned, and the constitution will become but a fond memory.

    Another possible but less likely outcome is that the United States will settle into an unstable fascist dictatorship, falling apart over the course of the twenty-first century, breaking up into a small number of under-developed, ineffectually governed, deeply repressive third world dictatorships, many, if not most of them elitist Christian theocracies, in which the difference between big business and government is often blurred and where the use of slave penal labor by business is common, but which are frequently at war with each other. Either way, this end-state of capitalism – a merger of business and government – will be so brutal and inhumane that it will cause the rest of the world to re-examine with abhorrence its blind acceptance of market-based capitalist free-enterprise and the very premise of an American-style republic.

    A third possibility, by far the least likely in my view, is that the people will rebel, and take up Jefferson’s challenge to revolution, which would end up brutal and bloody indeed, and which is unlikely to succeed. I view this outcome as unlikely, because the fascists are already making thorough preparations to deal with dissent and rebellion – they have learned well the lessons to be derived from their loss of power in the past.

    The other side of the assault is coming from the fascists themselves, who are increasingly successful in “dumbing down” the public education system to make its product servile, compliant and easily manipulated and used, a project which it has been working on since 1948 when the project was first overtly planned. Again, statistics tell the story of the success of that project: “In a ‘State of the First Amendment Survey’ conducted by the University of Connecticut in 2003, 34 percent of Americans polled said the First Amendment ‘goes too far’; 46 percent said there was too much freedom of the press; 28 percent felt that newspapers should not be able to publish articles without prior approval of the government; 31 percent wanted public protest of a war to be outlawed during that war; and 50 percent thought the government should have the right to infringe on the religious freedom of ‘certain religious groups’ in the name of the war on terror.” Since 2003, these statistics have clearly worsened noticably, as has been quite evident to me by the responses to this essay and others on my site that I have received over the years. The New York Times has reported that many school districts are now making sobriety tests a regular feature of the school day: apparently opium derivatives are the opiate of the youth who cannot cope with the mind-numbing vapidity of an educational system deliberately calculated to rob them of their initiative and creativity. And 90% of that opium is coming from one of America’s new colonies – Afghanistan – and no one notices or cares. Millions of Americans have no idea who the U.S. fought against or with in World War II, and even fewer understand what the issues were. Few recent college graduates can define the difference between an argument and an assertion. Geographical ignorance is appalling – one travel agent in Hawaii reports that he regularly gets inquiries as to whether taking a plane or a train to Hawaii is cheaper. The majority of high school graduates cannot locate themselves on a map of their state. Many cannot even identify the United States on an outline map of the world.

    The United States doesn’t manufacture much of anything anymore, but simply borrows money from abroad to buy whatever it likes from foreign manufacturers, and increasingly, service providers – to the tune of half a trillion dollars every year in new debt to finance its current consumption of everything from European airliners and Russian satellite launches, to Chinese plastic flip-flops and underwear stitched in sweat shops in Indonesia or El Salvador. Americans never hear about how the United States now buys more food abroad than it sells – the United States, which once fed the world, no longer even feeds itself, but instead increasingly borrows money from other nations in order to buy its food – the very definition of food insecurity. Americans are not told how this new debt not only mortgages their future, but how it is rapidly eroding America’s influence in the world as foreign nations such as China, the owners of that debt, thereby gain leverage over American foreign and increasingly even domestic economic and even political policy. While the Chinese automobile industry is rapidly rising, the American automobile industry is in a state of near collapse, and no one seems to care or even notice. They’re not told how legislation, much of it actually written by business itself, has subsidized the export of all those jobs. Even Hollywood, the industry that has proudly entertained the world for generations, is about to be surpassed by the Indian film industry known as “Bollywood” in terms of both film output, theater showings and even revenues. Already, there has been a huge rise of local entertainment (including film) industries in Latin America, the Far East, South Asia and in the last two years, even Africa. While the American film and music industries are obsessing over online digital piracy and how to hijack the coercive power of government to stop it, the rest of the world is happily eating Hollywood’s lunch. America’s arrogant and belligerent foreign policy has made America so deeply unpopular that increasingly large numbers of foreigners are unwilling to pay to watch American movies anymore, just to be reminded of how well Americans are living at their expense.

    The rapid decline of the American middle class has become noticable since I left. A surprising number of middle aged couples, looking forward to becoming “empty-nesters,” are finding themselves now raising young children again – their grandkids, because their own children cannot afford to live on their own while raising kids anymore – a situation that would have been unthinkable just a generation ago. More and more people who used to buy a new car every other year are now finding themselves shopping for three-year old used cars and driving them until they’re worn out. Most homes in the U.S. are now mortgaged to the their current market value and even beyond, and their owners are dependent on pulling out the equity from increasing home values to finance a lifestyle that can no longer be sustained by their shrinking real incomes. When the real estate bubble finally bursts, and the equity is no longer there to pay back those second and third mortgage loans, there will be some serious anguish as bankrupt homeowners suddenly discover that they can no longer escape their mortgage debt burden through a declaration of bankruptcy, thanks to new bankruptcy laws. Americans on the whole now are, for the first time in American history, spending considerably more money than they are earning in income – sixty percent more – and pulling equity out of their homes and drawing down savings to make up the difference. The savings rate in the U.S. is gone negative, for the first time in American history.

    BRITAIN IS JUST THE SAME—WE HAVE LOST 50% of our dairy industry and each week we are losing around 14 dairy farmers—-milk will have to be shipped in………food we cannot sustain ourselves—it’s getting worse–food will have to shipped in……………..making us wholly dependent on OTHER countries………dangerous!!



    the Chinese currently (as of January, 2006) hold well over $700 billion in U.S. debt instruments – that’s one and a half percent of the entire net worth of the United States, being owned by a Communist country – and they’ve made no secret of the fact that they are selling that debt as fast as they can without driving down the market. And that’s just China. Add to that the U.S. debt held by Japan, the Europeans, the east Asians, and the Latin Americans, and you can begin to appreciate how much of American liquidity is owned by or owed to foreigners, who are quietly (and some not so quietly) getting rid it as quickly as they can. And the situation grows worse every day, as the U.S. borrows ever more, ever faster, to finance its current consumption. Add to that all the domestic debt owed by the U.S. government and Americans privately, and you have an amount of debt approaching the entire net worth of the United States of America. How will it ever be paid back?

    But by far the most disturbing evidence of the corrosion of the American polity and its rapid degradation into a totalitarian dictatorship that has been noticable to me in the years I have been out of the country, is just how eager are the American people to be obediently subservient to a regime that clearly, even defiantly, exhibits serious totalitarian tendencies in its contempt for even the most basic of human rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights and treaties to which the nation is signatory, and its rapid consolidation of power into an authoritarian one-party state, arrogantly, even defiantly, holding itself above the law and the constitution. Not only was the NSA warrantless spying scandal met with arrogant defiance, but America thoroughly disgraced itself when attempts to outlaw torture were openly, vigorously and defiantly opposed by the administration. And now we learn that one of the latest of the Vice President’s open-ended contracts to Halliburton is actually for the construction of concentration camps in the United States, to hold as many as five million people (large PDF document, 1.2mb.), a project ominously called “endgame” by its creators, and the United States Army has been tasked with organizing and enforcing slave labor (PDF document, 775kb) in those camps – and again, no one notices or cares, or thinks to question why a legitimate government honoring basic human rights would need concentration camp space for five million people – nearly twice as many as are currently housed in all the detention centers, jails and prisons of America, put together, or what business does the military have in running forced labor operations in civilian prison camps. The congress and the courts just happily go along with it, as if it were business as usual. The press, pursuing its own interests as allies of the nascent dictatorship, never questions it. The people slumber on, even as new forced-labor concentration camps are being readied for one out of every sixty of them.

    All this reminds me of the words of the Roman emperor Tiberius. When he became the emperor, the Roman senate sent him a note, informing him that whatever legislation he wanted, would be quickly passed by them. He responded that this was outrageous. “Suppose the emperor is ill or mad or incompetent?” he asked, returning their message to them. When they sent it again, he responded, “How eager you are to be slaves!”

    How eager indeed.

    The corporate media, whose corporate owners have participated in much of that corruption, have been largely silent beyond a very superficial reporting of some of it, and few realize what dangers this corruption poses to democratic values and the rule of law. As the reasoning goes, corruption is expected of Republicans, and as long as it is conservatives that do it, it’s OK, because, as they say and Americans generally believe, they’re in favor of liberty (even if privately they admit that they believe in it for themselves alone). The current administration has made a mockery of transparency in government, even going so far as to subsidize any and all agencies and individuals within the government who are fighting Freedom Of Information Act requests. They are classifying as “secret” reports that have nothing to do with national security or criminal investigations, and are harassing and intimidating whistleblowers on an unprecedented scale. Getting information out of the current administration, particularly when it reflects badly on the administration, is becoming extremely difficult. Virtually the only information appearing in the press and among the dissidents nowadays is the result of leaks.

    Why This Essay
    On the ninth of August of 2003, I voted with my feet and got on an airplane.
    My family and many of my friends, with varying degrees of puzzlement, have inquired as to why. This essay was written, in part, to explain to them. But it was also written as an open letter to my fellow Americans, to warn them once again, as I have tried so many times in the past, as to the perils that await them.

    I voted with my feet, primarily, because, as the long-time readers of my blog are aware, I’ve been the subject of illegal, judicially unauthorized surveillance and harassment by the FBI, purely and solely for my political opinions expressed on this web site, and have therefore concluded, based on what had already happened to other webmasters with sites similar to mine, that expediency required fleeing into exile. But a contributing factor is that I believe that the American republic came to an end on the 20th of January, 2001, the day that George W. Bush was inagurated as president in the aftermath of an election, judged by a court of law, to have been fraudulent – the first time in American history this has happened. What I found even more alarming than the election fraud itself was the almost complete absense of outrage among the American people. Indeed, most remained blissfully unaware of the sheer scale of the fraud that had ocurred. As Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, had suggested must be done, the people had been repeatedly lied to, so many times and so consistently, that the lie simply became conventional wisdom, that the outcome was both legal and reflected their wishes. And so to this day, they slumber on, even after a second fraudulent election, on a truly vast scale has occurred, which has, for all intents and purposes, established a one-party state. And the second time, there was even less outrage!

    Even worse, a nascent dictatorship, unrestrained by the American constitution with its Bill of Rights, could be fairly said to have commenced on October 31, 2001, the day George W. Bush signed into law the seriously mis-acronymed “USA PATRIOT Act” effectively gutting the Bill of Rights, permanently, and again alarmingly, without significant opposition or protest.

    I’ve long contended that America is headed for a fascist dictatorship, and have said so publicly on this web site as long ago as 1996.





    Both the Enabling Act and the Patriot Act have legally torn down the democratic process and paved the way for takeover of each respective country. Out of cowardice and fear, the Reichstag became a cheerleader for Hitler, much as Congress has become for Bush.

    Can you spell d-i-c-t-a-t-o-r boys and girls???

    Mayor Bloomberg’s Fabian Roots Are Showing.


    We have already mentioned the potential horrors of the The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill, but this from Bloggerheads is such a good round up of the potential horrors of this piece of Labour legislation, I am just going to do a blatant copy and paste.

    March 08, 2006

    The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill must die!

    Pardon the ‘copy + paste’, but this is the best round-up of the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill monster that I’ve seen to date. Highlights are mine, further reading is below, and if you have any doubts about how this act will be used abused, then click here.

    Simon Carr – Now we can all make laws (if our faces fit)

    We mustn’t overstate these things because they’re quite important enough as they are. Suffice it to say that the entire British constitutional settlement is being overturned in Standing Committee A by one of the most junior and inexperienced ministers, the stand-in for the Duchy of Lancaster.

    Jim Murphy’s probably a nice young fellow but by no means, in the language of the day, fit for purpose.

    The Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill going through its stages is a New Labour masterpiece. It was conceived to “remove burdens” from over-regulated citizens. Towards the end of the drafting process, some brilliant Whitehall Olly reasoned thus: “Why should ministers have fewer rights than ordinary citizens? Don’t ministers deserve to have their burdens relieved too?” No contrary argument could be found. As a result, ministers are now being given powers to amend any laws they like without the burden of parliamentary approval.

    In the most perverse of consequences, the Bill to remove regulations has made it infinitely easier for ministers to pass them.

    I’ve been along to three of these committee meetings over the past week and am more and more surprised at each outing. Jim Murphy offers long and detailed assurances about how the Act will and won’t be used. When asked to put these assurances into the Bill, he refuses. Ministerial assurances at the despatch box have the legal status of intestinal afflatus so you would be wrong to be reassured.

    Jim Murphy buries himself ostentatiously in his brief, frequently refuses to take interventions (“I want to make progress”), and dismisses fundamental arguments against the Bill as “debating points”.

    As a result of his approach, ministers will be empowered to amend any and every sort of law from habeas corpus to what they are going to put on your ID card.

    “A person” is to get legislative powers. Anyone. If you are in the circle. The minister will be able to offer you the power to make laws. Maybe they’ll be outsourcing to Bangalore. Maybe they’ll let the TUC write employment regulations. Maybe the incoming government will let Rupert Murdoch write the takeover code.

    There are safeguards. “Controversial” legislation won’t be eligible for the “abbreviated procedure”. But who decides if it’s controversial? The minister. But there will be public consultation? The minister will assess, interpret and present the responses and doesn’t have to abide by the result anyway. Certain select committees may (that’s not a will) have a power of veto – but select committees are appointed by the whips and they have government majorities.

    And for any talk of safeguards, the Bill can be used to amend itself, abolishing anything in it the minister wishes.

    Turn your face to the wall, oh you democrats, and say goodnight nicely.

    Further reading:
    Spy Blog – Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill – arbitrary powers for Ministers by Order, no exempt Acts, no full public consultation no detailed scrutiny by Parliament
    Guardian – Reform bill could ‘sweep away parliamentary debate’
    The Times – Who wants the Abolition of Parliament Bill?
    Observer – How we move ever closer to becoming a totalitarian state
    Tim Worstall – BCC and The Abolition of Parliament Bill

    Now… find out more and find out what you can do about it.


    All societies have the capacity to resort to barbarism – if the people allow themselves to become ruled by tyrants. How many times does this lesson of history need to be learned?

    Murphy states that this Bill will shave off unnecessary burdens on Business. Considering a majority of burdens on business are devised by unelected Eurocrats in Europe, how on earth will this Bill help business?

    Are we to trust a Government whom have run roughshod over our constitutional acts such as Magna Carta, the Declaration of Rights, the Bill of Rights 1689, etc?

    I don’t think so.

    I KNOW SO!!!

    Government don’t announce that you’re no longer free- one day it suddenly dawns!!


    “Jim Murphy: Scotland’s needs at the very heart of the Queen’s Speech”

    So speaks former “revolutionary communist” and “Irish Republican”.

    This link is the vote that Labour thankfully lost, which attempted to shaft the Gurkha’s. A vote by MP’s not to let these men settle in the UK. Followed by outright lies by the PM that it would cost us millions. So I have taken a look at every MP who voted against letting the Gurkha troops settle in the UK.


    So lets have a look shall we at the Rt. Hon. members that, pay less tax in real terms than workers on £200 a week. No paying the TV licence for them, no council tax, no phone, sky, cable, internet, utility bills, hell even food upto £400 a month; instead they bill all this to the taxpayers.


    Everything from cleaning, through to soundproofing, gables and any old rubbish the MP’s can dream up.


    Yet when it comes to helping OAP’s and former servicemen who took up arms for this land, they was their hands like Pilate. No doubt charging us for the soap used to wash their Rt Hon. hands.


    Tony Wright a hoon who likes to claim for bedding and perks from taxpayer money.

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