THE NAZI AGENT WHO BECAME BRITISH PRIME MINISTER_ Edward Heath…Nothing Honourable About A Traitor!!!!

Not all Fabians are BASTARDS- Just the majority!!!



Conservative Party’s true Common Purpose colours emerge

Latest News   13/08/2009

A very revealing quote from Conservative Home blog reveals the true direction of Cabbage Patch Davy Cameron’s Tories and that is to a Common Purpose future. Remember that Cameron is heavily involved with the Ditchley Foundation and the Young Foundation, itself a vehicle of DEMOS the marxist think tank. Geoff Mulgan, is the key creator of DEMOS, the former buddy / home of Julia Middleton CEO Common Purpose. For those with doubts Tory Shadow Chancellor George Osborne ( and friend of Rothschild dynasty Peter Mandelson), is now on the head team of DEMOs. To understand the LibLabCon we need only understand that DEMOS was key creator of NuLabour political policy. The posted quote re Tories and Common Purpose reads:


“Direct Democracy comes from a variety of traditions within the Conservative Party but we are bound by a common purpose – a belief in a new kind of politics”


Our ambition is to devolve, decentralise and democratise the public services as effectively as Margaret Thatcher did the economy in the 1980s.

The Labour Party won the 1964 General Election and the following year Heath defeated Enoch Powell and Reginald Maudling to become leader of the Conservative Party. In 1965 Heath support attempts by Harold Wilson to bring down the white minority regime in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). This upset Conservatives on the right and Heath had to deal with a rebellion led by Lord Salisbury.

Heath lost the 1966 General Election to Harold Wilson. In 1968 Wilson’s popularity slumped after Enoch Powell made his “rivers of blood” speech on immigration. Instead of supporting the use of the race issue to gain favour with the British electorate, Heath sacked Powell as a member of the shadow cabinet.

The Conservative Party won the 1970 General Election with a majority of 30 seats. Heath now became prime minister and immediately made the third British application to join the European Economic Community (ECC). On 28th October, 1971, the House of Commons voted with a 112 majority to go into Europe. However, many in his party was unhappy with this policy and it created deep divisions that lasted for over thirty years.

At which point Heath allowed into the UK 3 Million immigrants…

EU treaties and publications abolishing Cornwall.

In addition to abolishing Britain as an independent nation, and the name England in all its forms, the European Union will also abolish the English counties including Cornwall, under its “Regionalisation policy.”

1965 The EU publishes its first “Memo on Regionalisation” the “First Commission Communication on Regional Policy’.

1966 British politicians dutifully start to enforce this EU policy.  

1971 The European Commission produced the map of England broken up into the 9 regions.  

1973 EU “Common Regional Policy” established.  

1987 Single European Act expanded Regional Policy  

1992 Regionalisation was introduced in Article 198 of the Maastricht treaty, which re-stated much of the 1957 Treaty of Rome. Its 130 unreadable pages cross refer to other treaties by Article number, so without reading all the treaties at once, an impossible task, it conceals its true intent. Article 198 set up the Committees of the regions (24 representatives in UK).

1997 Amsterdam Treaty (Articles 263-5) Destroys England in all its forms and creates 9 regions responsible directly to Brussels, bypassing Westminster. Kent, Surrey and Sussex are to be ruled from Calais, effectively becoming part of France, except there won’t be a France.

Cornwall will disappear into the SW Region, an EU “County” stretching from Lands End to Cheltenham, and be administered by the unelected authority in Exeter, who will get their orders direct from the Brussels government of unelected Commissioners.

The Committee of the Regions means 444 extra representatives to pay for in Europe, plus their staff, travel and other expenses

The creation of the new regional boundaries took place well over a decade ago, its used by a number of authorities (eg the RDA, FSB, and in the 1999 and 2004 EU elections to the powerless European Parliament. The map is in the foyer of the European Commission office in London, entitled: “Local Authorities in the United Kingdom”.

1999 EUrostat NUTS maps published March also define the regions shape and size.  

The SW Regional Assembly has already defined the boundaries for the Unitary authorities. SE Cornwall leaves what was Cornwall and joins Plymouth.

2002 John Prescott announced the plans to abolish the counties in Parliament April 2002 to the horror of his back benchers, who wanted it kept quiet.

2006? The EU will abolish our counties after the EU Constitution is ratified, currently planned for next year; then we are imprisoned in Europe, at least for our lifetimes.

David Noakes.

The Conservative Con trick
Many people have been fooled by the Conservative Party into believing the party is anti EU. It was the Conservatives, under Ted Heath, who took us in to the EU, and then he lied that his 1972 EU Treaty wouldn’t affect our sovereignty. Three out of the four Prime Ministers who signed the 6 EU treaties were Conservatives, every one af them legally a traitor under the British laws of their time. Do you see a pattern here?

In 2005 Party Leader Michael Howard could have won the election for the Conservatives by making one simple statement: “We will repeal the 1972 EU Communities Act and leave Europe”. Millions of Conservative voters would have rejoined the fold. A million Lib-Dems and Labour voters would have joined him. But he didn’t.

Because the Conservative leadership would rather be in Europe than be in power.

Instead Howard continued betraying Conservative voters, so he lost. (And to be fair, why should Conservative leaders miss out on the EU corruption gravy train?)

The Conservative leadership is completely dedicated to joining Europe, none more so than David Cameron, who is using the language and methods of Common Purpose against the Conservative Party.

Conservative policy is to reform the EU from the inside (renegotiation). We’ve been in it 34 years and failed to refom this dictatorship one jot. Their policy is to continue this complete failure, and they know this pretence is wholly dishonest. You either submit to 100% of the EU or don’t join it at all; that is the only choice open to us.

Half a cheer for the Lib-Dems
They realise we’re now living in what is legally a police state, and speak out against it. We’ve been forced to harmonise our laws with the EU during the 34 years we’ve been inside, and the police state we’re living in is the EU’s. The Lib-Dems tell us with stunning naivity its Labour’s police state, don’t seem to realise the EU is behind it, and are still madly in favour of the EU. Its no comfort that they will suffer for their stupidity. Lately some Lib-Dem MP’s have been talking about the Tories pathetic “reform the EU” idea. Will they never learn?

With the Labour and Lib-Dem parties openly for Europe, and the Conservative leadership secretly for it, its clear the three parties will never give us a vote to leave the EU and keep our nation. Massive civil disobedience, a permanent General Strike, or a blockade of Westminster until MP’s resign might be effective.


The abolition of the Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem parties.
So sloppy have our politicians been in their reading of the EU treaties, most haven’t noticed that the EU will abolish our Labour, Conservative and Lib-Dem parties. It was clear in the Madrid 1999 party financing document, and it was re-stated in the Constitution, clause I-46-4. Only pan European parties like the EPP will be allowed. Some politicians, like Heseltine and Ken Clarke, can’t wait for this to happen.

A date for the abolition of Westminster has tactfully not been given
Once the 6th treaty is signed, Westminster’s remaining powers are transferred to Brussels, and Westminster is left with the powers of a county council. Except it won’t have a county, because they will be abolished under the Regionalisation plan. The 9 EU regions report direct to Brussels, so Westminster will be a county council without a county. Anyone with half a brain can see Brussels will abolish Westminster, as it’s only potential use would be as a rallying point to challenge the power of Brussels.


  Kenneth Clarke, Conservative Chancellor in International Currency Review Vol 23 No 4 1996
“I look forward to the day when the Westminster Parliament is just a council chamber in Europe”


The death of Sir Edward Heath on 17th July 2005 has ‘enabled’ intelligence services to reveal to us what had previously been carefully withheld from the public domain – namely that Sir Edward was a long-term agent of the German Nazi intelligence organisation called *DVD (* Details on our Bulletin Board-A BLOCKBUSTER EXPOSE OF THE ILLEGAL- CORRUPT EU), Based, to this day in Dachau, the location of one of Nazi Germany’s most satanic extermination camps.

Ministers say–Trust us!


On the day following Heath’s death, the Editor received an unexpected briefing from a UK intelligence source, who informed him about Heath’s treacherous background. A day later, another veteran, UK intelligence source conveyed ‘further and better particulars’, independently of the first source. No doubt this service was selected for this exposure because of the expectation that the previously withheld intelligence would be used. What these appalling revelations mean is that Britain’s entry into the EEC was fraudulent, which means that there is no problem leaving it.




For many years, British opponents of the United Kingdom’s disastrous membership of the European Union Collective, have been aware that no amount of decisive rational argument is liable to prevail in the minds of the tight-knit, self-serving elite of geopoliticians who direct this flawed policy, led today by the Fabian Society, with its symbol of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


5 responses to “THE NAZI AGENT WHO BECAME BRITISH PRIME MINISTER_ Edward Heath…Nothing Honourable About A Traitor!!!!

  1. Kenneth Clarke, Conservative Chancellor in International Currency Review Vol 23 No 4 1996
    “I look forward to the day when the Westminster Parliament is just a council chamber in Europe”

    Claud Cheysson, former French Foreign Minister and member of the European Commission:
    “The Europe of Maastricht could only have been created in the absence of democracy”

    Klaus Kinkel, German Foreign Minister
    “Politicians should have the courage to take decisions….against the will of the people”

    Raymonde Barre, French Prime Minister and Commissioner
    “I have never understood why public opinion about European ideas should be taken into account”

    Costas Verras, President of the Brussels Association of Journalists
    “The Commission acts like a military junta”

    M. Willy de Clerq, MEP
    “EC Governments should not try to explain the Maastricht Treaty. It is unexplainable. Treaty decisions are far too removed from daily life for people to understand”

    Edwina Currie MP Conservative Cabinet Minister, and other roles.
    “In a parliamentary democracy, MPs are elected to make decisions, and should be left to it”

    Edward Heath
    “There are some who fear that, in going into Europe, we in some way will sacrifice independence and democracy…..These fears I need hardly add are completely unjustified”

    Francis Maude and Douglas Hurd, Conservative Ministers
    breached their Privy Councillors Oath by signature of the Maastricht Treaty. Dame Barbara Mills considered charges of treason brought against them as sound in law and submitted them to the Attorney General who, having committed the same offences, did nothing. Douglas Hurd admitted that he had not read the Treaty when he signed it.

    Tristram Garel-Jones Conservative Foreign Office Minister
    -considered that it would be “presumptious” to publish the Maastricht Treaty, or let MPs see it, until every country had signed it. The British people were not to be allowed to know what was in the Treaty until after ratification. The first sight that MPs and the public had of it was when it was leaked on to the internet.

    John Major Prime Minister
    “We have reduced the cost of new regulations almost to nothing” The British Retail Consortium estimated the cost for shops alone of the regulations he was talking about would be £758 million

    Michael Heseltine Conservative Minister
    in response to protests about EU regulations John Major had Heseltine introduce a derulation bill. In the last stages of passage through the House of Commons a junior minister admitted that all regulation from Brussels had been excluded from it. Between 1992, when the bill was introduced, and 1995 Whitehall poured out more than 13000 regulations, more than any previous 4-year period.

    House of Commons
    In 1990 passed a resolution that no Minister of the Crown” should give agreement to EEC legislation until the Select Committee had examined it. This resolution was ignored.

    John Major Prime Minister
    Upon complaints about the Maastricht Treaty John Major protested that he had given his word to our partners and he knew that the British people would not want him to break it. He did not mention that the British people had not authorised him to give it.

    Sir James Goldsmith
    “Let the people decide”

    David Noakes. 01326 316298 ; 07974 437 097.

  2. Click to access bfpjanall.pdf


  3. Hi you may wish to check out Albert Burgess’s new website. It is ram packed with evidence
    Pass it on


    Living In A Fascist Country – Banned

    Vernon Coleman

    Advertisements for my book Living In A Fascist Country have been officially banned in the UK by the Advertising Standards Authority.

    I have no idea why.

    As far as I know they haven’t seen a copy of the book.

    But they probably don’t like the title. VC August 28th 2006

    Copyright Vernon Coleman 2006


    The Evidence That Britons And Americans Are Living In Fascist Countries

    Vernon Coleman

    Fascism was invented by Benito Mussolini. Here is how he defined it:

    `Liberalism denied the state in the name of the individual; fascism reasserts the rights of the state as expressing the real essence of the individual.’

    He also pointed out that: `the more complicated the forms of civilisation, the more restricted the freedom of the individual must become.’

    Today, both America and Britain have fascist Governments. Fascism reduces our freedom and privacy because only the state really matters and the state (and those who work for it and control it) take precedence over everyone and everything else.

    : the state comes first and the people come second. The state’s employees exist to defend the state (rather than to care for the people) and their loyalties are to the state. That’s the fundamental difference between a fascist state and any sort of democracy.

    Democratic states provide leadership; representing the people in the nation’s relations with other countries and making decisions designed to protect the safety of the citizens. They also manage the infrastructure without which no country can survive; providing services which can not properly be provided by individuals within communities.

    Any time a government does anything that isn’t protecting the lives, liberty and property of its citizens it is exceeding its authority.

    Running an army is an essential government activity. Providing a decent transport infrastructure (roads and railways) is an essential government activity. Starting wars for no good reason is not within the remit of a proper government.

    Politicians in the world’s two largest fascist countries, who were hired to protect individual citizens, have adopted policies designed to exploit the citizens and to take advantage of them. Politicians who were elected to look after the voters now expose the people they are paid to look after to increased danger. These fascist governments exists to protect their own survival (and the survival of the politicians) rather than to protect the interests of the electorate.

    The people didn’t want to go to war with Iraq. Parliament didn’t want to go to war with Iraq. It was always clear that going to war with Iraq would dramatically increase – not reduce – the danger to individual citizens. (Decent countries don’t start wars unless they are necessary for the defence of the realm.)

    In the end Britain went to war with Iraq because it suited Blair’s personal agenda. We went to war with Iraq so that he could ingratiate himself with Bush and other powerful Americans and, therefore, ensure for himself a more than ample income on his retirement.

    The micro management fascist style of government favoured by the British Labour party has led to another dramatic change in the way people behave. The Government’s programme of welfare support and its blind enthusiasm for means-testing mean that increasing numbers of people are now content to lie back and let their nation look after them. Instead of encouraging and rewarding self-sufficiency we are encouraging dependence. This is not going to be easy to cure and is almost certain to get considerably worse before it gets better. There are millions of citizens in Britain today who genuinely believe that the State owes them a living. They seem to assume that the State has a duty to provide them with money and services, and they never seem to question the origin of either. Their dependence on the State is the reason for their loyalty to the State. They will keep voting for the fascist state because it cares for them.

    Here are some very specific examples of the fascist state in action:

    1. A woman who read out the names of British soldiers who had died in Iraq was arrested.

    2. An animal rights campaigner, peacefully inviting passers-by to look at his leaflets about vivisection was reported by the police for a breach of the 1824 Vagrancy Act because he `attempted to obtain or gather alms by exposing wounds or deformities’. It took three policemen and two community support officers to invoke the 1824 Act (which was originally designed to stop soldiers who had returned from the Napoleonic Wars displaying their tattered limbs in the street in an attempt to beg for money for food) and to take away the campaigners animal rights material.

    3. A heckler who dared shout out Nonsense during a speech by the hideous Jack Straw at the 2005 Labour Party Conference was manhandled and forcibly ejected from the building by two stewards (one of them a professional bouncer). He had his security pass confiscated. The 82-year-old Jewish refugee of Nazi Germany, mildly diabetic and hard of hearing, was detained under the Terrorism Act when he tried to re-enter the hall.

    4. A woman who wore a T-shirt carrying the words `Bollocks to Blair’ was taken away by police.

    5. A woman who said on the radio that she did not believe homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children was contacted by the police who told her that she had been responsible for a homophobic incident – which they regarded as a priority crime.

    6. When the Chinese leader last visited Britain, people concerned about China’s record on human rights wanted to protest peacefully. They were dragged away by police to avoid embarrassing the Chinese leader.

    7. Six students at Lancaster University were prosecuted for demonstrating on their own campus. The students were charged with `aggravated trespass’ after they heckled at a corporate conference held in one of the University’s buildings attended by representatives of an arms dealer, an oil company and a drug company. The protestors, who were accused of interrupting a speech by Lord Sainsbury of Turville (the Labour Government’s Science Minister) said that they were concerned about the commercialisation of research. One of the students was arrested immediately after the protest, the other five were summonsed five months later.

    8. The British Government has brought in endless European laws which are not wanted by the British people. It is planning to break up England into nine regions. No one has ever been given the opportunity to vote for this. Voters in the North East of England were given the chance to vote for or against a Regional Parliament. They rejected the Regional Parliament. But all nine new regions of England have had secret Parliaments for years. The vote was an undemocratic nonsense.

    9. A footballer in Scotland was arrested for making the sign of the cross.

    10. During the European elections a pensioner put up a poster on which he wrote: `Free speech for England. Don’t forget the 1945 war.’ He was arrested and charged with racially aggravated criminal damage.

    11. There are around four million surveillance cameras in Britain. That is more than six per square mile. Only Monaco (where every square inch of the principality is under 24 hour Government video surveillance) has more cameras. It won’t be long before Britain catches up since our Government is having more cameras installed every day. The evidence shows that they don’t help the police catch criminals and they don’t prevent crime. CCTV cameras are the main reason why so many city-centre thugs now wander around wearing hooded jackets.

    12. A group of excited schoolchildren, visiting London for the day to take photographs in aid of charity, were marched away when they tried to take photographs of Trafalgar Square.

    There are dozens more examples of practical fascism in action in my book Living In A Fascist Country. The police in Britain are allowed to shoot innocent people with impunity. They can drive at 159 mph without even having points put on their licence. The Government has brought in so many oppressive new laws that not even the lawyers can keep up with them. It’s difficult even for decent citizens to avoid breaking the law on an almost daily basis.

    And day by day it’s getting worse.

    Vernon Coleman is the author of Living In A Fascist Country, published by Blue Books (346 pp). Advertisements for Living In A Fascist Country have been banned in the United Kingdom. Available from the shop on this website. From other webshops. And from terrestial bookshops. Or direct from Publishing House (see contact details on this website). Tel 00 44 (0) 1271 328892.

    Copyright Vernon Coleman 2006




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