The Fabian Socialist’s are Having It All Their Way- An End To BRITAIN!!!

The EU’s UNELECTED and UNACCOUNTABLE ‘leaders,’ are an elite plutocracy, who ‘answer’ to NO ONE!documentary from 2004 that features EU insiders and commentators.  Independent author Phillip Day covers the history and goals of the European Union, as well as the disturbing, irrevocable implications this new government has for every British citizen.  He says that sadly, the mainstream media has refused comment, because the British press, just like ours, is totally controlled by the One World Monopolists.  Soon, for the European countries . . . ALL vestiges of national sovereignty will be ERASED FOREVER!  It is incrementally being replaced with a totalitarian dictatorship!

To understand what happens when you give up your sovereignty to become the NAU . . . you MUST watch this 43 minute video titled:  The Real Face of the European Union.  It is a SHOCKING

One Other Point . . .

Isn’t it interesting that the slavishly praised cult of diversity and multi-culturalism, was completely abandoned when the One World Monopolists created the EU?  If they believed their own propaganda, then why did they obliterate all those grand, wonderfully distinct, and uniquely European nations by turning them into a single, drab, shapeless, blue blob, called the EU?  It seems that the One World Monopolists have created a singularly vapid, depressingly anonymous European Union, the complete opposite of the multi-culturalism and diversity they doggedly espoused.

As the final curtain falls, the EU is to be divided into ‘regions‘ obliterating their geographic boundaries.  By design, unity will reign through the creation and enforcement of ONE legal system, ONE military, ONE police force, ONE flag, ONE currency, ONE national anthem, and eventually . . . only ONE language . . . English?

Why was it that one of the most prized, loudly and repeatedly touted, ‘mantras’ of the elites had been that of multi-culturalism and diversity, and yet they created in the EU a boring federalist superstate?  Oh, that’s right, they used that mantra to bludgeon all the European countries into accepting more immigrants than they could assimilate or sustain.  Think about the riots and the vicious anti-Semitism running rampant in France, the militant Islamic threats to take power and bring forth Sharia Law in Britain, the riots in Australia, and the rampage over cartoons.  Do you suppose we too are being duped by those same One World Monopolists who espouse multi-culturalism and diversity as they facilitate the Hispanic invasion and de facto elimination of our sovereign borders?


European Union Map

Just Like the EU . . . Harmonization Is The Tool They Will Use To Erase America

A word you will see and hear often is . . . ‘harmonise‘ or as we spell here in America, with a ‘z’ — harmonize.  What exactly does ‘harmonize‘ REALLY mean?  It means that people in a position of government trust have made an agreement to CHANGE and subvert our regulatory laws.  As you will learn that . . . by the stroke of a pen, wielded by unseen and unaccountable bureaucrats, who are signing into LAW agreements changing existing regulations, often detrimental to best interests of We the People.  None of these ‘harmonized’ agreements are being brought before our congress as is REQUIRED by our Constitution . . . TREASON ABOUNDS.

Ever since Fox, Bush and Martin signed the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement, they have conducted secretly convened meetings of their ‘ministers‘ to ‘harmonize‘ ALL of our bureaucratic or administrative, regulatory laws.  Laws that cover EVERYTHING you can imagine effecting our daily lives, many examples of which will be discussed in this paper.

How the EU Carved Up Britain To Eliminate Their Sovereignty

David Noakes a Brit and avid anti-EU activist laments:  ”Behind our backs the EU has divided up Britain into 5 regions that overlay the 12 already established.  They are called Transnational regions, often referred to as cross-border.  The plan is to unite us with areas on the Continent, ignoring the seas in between, and to render each side identical to eliminate all feelings of national loyalties.  During Germany’s EU Presidency, starting in January [20]07, cartographers will begin to “harmonise” all “spatial data” such as place names of areas, regions, localities, cities, suburbs, towns or settlements etc.  A current EU directive proposes a database for an EU wide property tax via the Valuation Office Agency, to levy Council and Inheritance Taxes.”(3)

“ArcManche – First to be established in the South East Prominent is the South East that has an Arc Manche Region which sprawls across west Belgium, Northern France, Nantes, etc. linking Plymouth, Bristol, London and Dover.  All within that area now live in the Arc Manche Region of Europe.  Paris is its Capital; it has a Regional Assembly a Secretariat, a French President M. Alain le Vern (elected on the 17th Oct [20]06) and an English Vice Chairman Brad Watson OBE.”(3)

It would seem that France has just annexed Britain since Paris will be the capital and the ‘Arc Manche’ is headed by a Frenchman.  Thus France has taken over British sovereign soil with the stroke of a pen.  It is a feat that used to be accomplished only by war.  Don’t you wonder how the Brits feel about the ‘peaceful’ takeover of their sovereign land that many died to preserve for the British people, only to see it handed over to the French?

‘Totalization’ . . . An Example of ‘Harmonization’ . . .

Note the euphemistic (doublespeak) terms they used above to hide what they are actually doing.  For example, the words ‘Transnational Regions’, instead of ‘Cross-Border divisions’ of sovereign countries, is a slick and typical manipulation of your mind in order to make the ‘bitter pill’ go down smoothly.  Similarly they will ‘harmonise’–’spatial data’ instead of saying that they are compiling the names of the towns and cities that fall in the ‘new’ artificially drawn regions, and altering, combining or perhaps erasing towns and cities forever.  Purportedly they are compiling databases, to generate new, and now no longer comparable, property tax evaluations.  Or, who knows, possibly for other future privacy eroding, nefarious purposes.

Such doublespeak is not unique to the EU.  Similar words are being used here in America.  For example, there was a Social Security ‘totalization’ agreement signed with Mexico by our president.  The ‘totalization’ agreement was subsequently hidden from ‘We the People’ until a three and half year court battle FORCED the president to produce it.  It was a document that should have been immediately forthcoming under FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act), which it was not.  Why not?  Because the traitors had something to hide.

The agreement, when or IF it is subjected to approval by the Congress, will give illegal aliens who have committed a felony by using false or stolen identities, the ability to collect Social Security after illegally working here for only SIX quarters, in combination with their Mexican work history.  YOU have to work FORTY quarters in order to collect.  Keep in mind that corruption is so rampant in Mexico that a Mexican citizen could produce documents saying they had worked the proper number of quarters in Mexico to meet the combined total (i.e., totalization).(4)

That secrecy and flouting of our laws is EXACTLY how they did things to create the EU.  It is a common and often repeated modus operandi, being applied deliberately, without conscience, everywhere in America, involving just about everything imaginable.

Are You Ready To Roll Over And Give Up YOUR Sovereignty?

WTO Hand Grabs The World

As you now know, the EU is already a federalist superstate that will consist of REGIONS.  The prior nations of Germany, France, England, Italy, etc., do not even get to keep their previous geographic delineations as they are being melded into amorphous ‘regions’ so that their love of nationality and sovereignty can NEVER be resurrected.

A Ms. V (borrowed from the movie V for Vendetta) provides a wonderful, calm, soft and oblique view of how the formation of the EU has insanely altered the lives of the people in the UK.  She talks about how:  ”The Fabian Socialists are having their way.  Tony Blair is handing the UK over to the EU.  The people are being lied to and the news being spun by hidden manipulators.  The unelected European Commission passes down its dictates to the rubber stamp European Parliament.”(5)

Borders [are] being taken down, [there is] Mass immigration [and the] European Police, European Army and rapid reaction force [is] coming.  The people were not asked.”  Ms ‘V’ asks:  Where is our Democracy:  Where is the Justice?  She tells you that:  ”What Hitler failed to do and what many wars were fought over . . . is happening now in Europe… the dissolution of borders and Democratic rights.  Trial by Jury [is] to be suspended, guilty until proven innocent, no double jeopardy [protection], Habeas Corpus suspended.”(5)

That last sentence is worth repeating . . . several times!  It says the following:

You cannot have a jury of your peers to decide if you are INNOCENT.  A single person who may have a bias, a secret agenda, who can be bribed, or on drugs, or crazy, or just plain unfit, gets to sit as BOTH judge AND jury.  That ONE person is the ONLY person who gets to decide your fate.

You are ‘guilty’ unless and until you can prove your innocence.  Why would anyone, no matter how heinous the crime, be assumed to be guilty?  That means that you have ALREADY BEEN JUDGED.  Who has the right to do that?  Why would anyone believe that is fair and equitable?  How do you fight for your innocence when you have already been condemned as guilty?  That concept is insane on its face.

The EU has eliminated the law of double jeopardy.  That means if a person is adjudged ‘not guilty’ and a government prosecutor is not happy with the decision, you can be tried again, and again, and again for the SAME crime, until they get the guilty verdict they so desire.  We all know about finding a judge who is sympathetic to some prosecutor’s position is easy to arrange.  The people of Europe already live under these EU rules.

Habeas corpus has been suspended, which actually means eliminated.  What does that mean?  Habeas corpus literally means that there is ‘body of evidence’ indicating your guilt.  When the writ of habeas corpus is in effect, you can use it in court to require the penal system to show proof that they have legal and legitimate reasons for your incarceration.  When habeas corpus is suspended YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS.  They can put you in jail and throw away the key.  They can keep you there forever, and you have no recourse to petition the courts for your release.

Here in America . . . on October 17, 2006 the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (MCA) was signed into law.  The MCA has suspended habeas corpus, a law that has existed for more than 200 years.  The MCA creates a military tribunal that can call you an ‘unlawful enemy combatant‘ and jail you without trial for the rest of your life.  This issue will be discussed more fully later.  You must understand that our long standing rights have ALREADY been removed.  Few are aware of it because of the deliberate treasonous omissions by the One World Monopolist controlled media.

Ms. V "V" "V"

“Ms V. points out how the UK is being suppressed by its own Government.  [She shows you] Newspaper articles [that] point this out.  There is one thing that the UK has … [more free press than the USA].  Tony Blair in his quest to hand over the UK to the EU has not quite managed to control the press!”(5)

Political Correctness and Environmentalism as the new religion of the NWO [New World Order], is being used to control its own citizens in the UK.  All intended to suppress the peoples nationalistic feeling and hand the country over to the European Union/New World Order.  Warning to the American People when you sign up to international Trading Agreements they come into your home and dictate your every move and thought.  This is how they take control of every individual.  It is happening in the UK and Europe now!”(5)

It is clear that things are ’spinning out of control’ in the EU!  Listen to Ms. V, and get educated!  This is what is actually happening there NOW!  Americans need to pay attention to her warnings, because all that she speaks of is being replicated here in America.  As you watch, be afraid, be VERY afraid, it is not very far off, for us here in America, unless we work to stop the One World Monopolists and their diabolical scheme to create the North American Union, which is replica of the EU.

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious.  But it cannot survive treason from within.  An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly.  But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.  For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men.  He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist.  A murderer is less to fear.” ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero (42 B.C.)

How Britain Lost Her Sovereignty . . .  Treason Abounds . . . 

Signing of treaties is how they took over all the countries that comprises the EU.  ”Since 1972 The Queen has illegally signed five of the six EU Treaties.  The five treaties define and build the EU as an unelected dictatorship.  The EU’s laws, passed by Westminster, give it the powers of a police state.  The sixth EU treaty [set for May 2009] will complete the abolition of Britain as a nation . . .  A foreign power, the EU, will then rule us, and enforce the laws of a police state“.(7)

Queen Elizabeth & Dick Cheney Queen Elizabeth(6)
The Queen and Dick Cheney Queen Elizabeth

“Europe [EU] works by bribing politicians with huge salaries and expenses to vote for Europe, against the best interest of their own voters. As a result all three parties are in favour of the EU – Westminster acts like a one party state. Whistleblowers like Marta Andreason, the EU Budget Director, who in 2005 found the EU couldn’t account for 95% of its £66 billion budget, are simply fired for telling the truth.”(7)

6 responses to “The Fabian Socialist’s are Having It All Their Way- An End To BRITAIN!!!

  1. Unite Union Traitors!!



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    Report: EU Must Build Military in Face of Climate Change *


    Make your voice heard on EU treaty

    No EU referendum: MPs vote to deny the people a voice

    END OF NATIONS – EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty (Film) *

    Lisbon Treaty Song – Easy Come, So Easy Go (video) *

    End of Nations – EU Takeover & the Lisbon Treaty (trailer 2) *

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    WHAT THE EU TREATY OF LISBON DOES (legally accurate) *

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    MEP Exposes The EU Lisbon Treaty!!! (video clip) *

    Shocking EU Insider Quotes *

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    Last Stand Against EU Tyranny

    Ireland thrust into the driving seat of history!*

    Ireland MUST Save EU Democracy

    Help Save Europe!*

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    Alex Jones & We Are Change Ireland

    McCreevy exposes himself as propagandist EU servant

    It is no time for the racist Le Pen

  4. Exploited Immigrants Used To Legally Abuse And Deplete Social Welfare *
    Wise Up Journal
    By Greg O’Brien

    Immigrants are not to blame for immigration social welfare abuse; it is legal to abuse and deplete Ireland ’s social welfare purse. Detailed below is how far the economic hole has been dug that most people are not aware of and what is responsible for legalising fraud.

    Around the time of the second Nice Treaty referendum in 2002 there was much debate about immigration and accusations of racism and hyperbole directed at the No campaigners by all the Yes side in the campaign. The politicians and employers organisations significantly downplayed the effect this would have on Ireland ’s labour market. It was clear from the beginning that there would be a flood of cheap labour and that this would completely distort the market and social fabric of our society. However powerful vested interests wanted a large pool of cheap labour to force down wages and conditions to increase the bottom line. So began the propaganda war with clichés and slogans to bring this about and dispel any opposition. We began to see the terms “multiculturalism”, “open economy”, “competition” and “doing the jobs the Irish no longer want to do”. Anyone who questioned the official rhetoric was automatically branded a racist trying to bring the country back into the dark ages.

    It is a disgraceful xenophobic myth that there will be a threat of a flood of migrant workers coming to Ireland ……. This is the worst and most unworthy objection I have heard to the Nice treat… It is a shameful and distasteful piece of propaganda…. There is no credible reason to believe enlargement will be accompanied by large movements of people. All the evidence points in the opposite direction .

    -Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs (Mr. Roche), 12th September 2002

    At the time of enlargement of the EU to the ten new accession States only three of the existing fifteen Member States allowed full access to their labour markets for workers from these States. Ireland , Britain and Sweden opened their doors fully to seventy five million people, mostly from the poor former communist Eastern European countries. Meanwhile Germany and France, the two biggest proponents of ever closer union and the drivers of political integration along with the other Member States made the decision to shut their doors for seven years we are told officially in a last minute opt out provided by the EU.

    “Mr. XXXX also repeats the line propagated by the No to Nice campaign that

    only four countries are to permit immigration after enlargement. This

    statement grossly misrepresents the position of the other member states.”

    – Dick Roche I.T. Letters Aug/Sept. 2002.

    At the time the government introduced new legislation to stop what it termed “welfare tourism”. This was rushed through the Dail at the last minute in response to similar legislation introduced in the UK . There was much media fanfare at the time that this would prevent fraud and abuse of our social welfare system and that all immigrants would have to meet new habitual residency requirements, including being in the State at least two years before receiving any social welfare payments.

    However the EU had other ideas and outsmarted the national governments by introducing a new Directive on the Free Movement of People in 2004. This replaced the previous Directive and considerably expanded its scope. This Directive has had a huge detrimental financial effect and has undermined our immigration policy but you would not know it from any reports in the mainstream media. It has effectively allowed the EU jurisdiction over our borders and opened up the door to fraud, huge social welfare payments and abuse of our hospitality.

    “It is a deliberate misrepresentation to suggest that tens of thousands will suddenly descend en masse on Ireland .”

    -P. De Rossa I.T. Letters, 20 August 2002

    The Directive is a carefully crafted document which is foremost a political agenda and is designed to push integration, harmonization and mass movement of people to fulfil the beliefs held by elites’ while undermining national identities and labour markets. It entitles all EU citizens to the same social welfare payments as Irish people regardless of their contribution to the State. It eliminated the so called two year rule for social welfare payments which our government introduced with great fanfare. Jobseekers’ Benefits which was provided for Irish people after one years contributions and Jobseekers’ Allowance which was provided on a means test basis for people with less than one years contributions suddenly became open to anyone who could prove habitual residency. This meant that the workers from other EU countries were now allowed social welfare for less than one years work in the State. Furthermore they were entitled to Family Income Support and Child Benefit from day one. What emerged was Child Benefits being sent to the home countries of these workers and Family Income Support being used to prop up workers in low paid jobs.

    “Article 24.2

    By way of derogation from paragraph 1, the host Member State shall not be obliged to confer entitlement to social assistance during the first three months of residence or, where appropriate, the longer period provided for in Article


    The myth of cheap labour started to become apparent, it was not cheap labour but in fact subsidised labour providing cheap workers for the vested interests at taxpayers’ expense. Other social costs started to become apparent, including schooling, healthcare, housing and translation services . This added to the costs of immigration while the wages for the majority of these workers were around minimum wage hence they did not contribute much to the tax base.

    ” Ireland will be in precisely the same position as all other member states

    on the question of free movement following any enlargement of the


    -Dick Roche, Irish Times, September 2002

    The politicians pointed to the fact that we are also entitled to the same benefits when we move to other EU countries however if we look at some of the schemes in place it’s clearly not a level playing field . For example in Poland you have to be working for a minimum of ten years before you are entitled to any social welfare and even then it’s a very basic allowance. In Italy there is no social welfare at all as we know it but food stamps are supplied for the needy.

    A great deal of foreign qualifications from highly experienced nurses and doctors and other professionals are not recognised as valid. This excludes a source of professionals from entering their respective professions here. The expected increase in doctors, nurses, architects, dentists to help expand competition never occurred. Again this was not put in to the conscience of the public by the media while they promoted the myth of competition and multi-culturism. For example we have a large number of doctors from Somalia in our hospitals but almost none from Poland . Are we to believe that doctors from Ireland or Somalia have greater education and expertise than doctors from Poland which has a more advanced healthcare system than ours?

    ” I estimate that fewer than 2,000 will choose our distant shores each year.”

    -P. De Rossa I.T. Letters 20 August 2002

    The Directive also applies to non-EEA family members of EU citizens and this is where the fraud has come about. It provides for five year residence cards for spouses, partners, children, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, great-grandparents and any other family member who are deemed to be a member of the household or dependant of the EU citizen or their non-EEA spouse or partner.

    A huge market for marriages of convenience has developed. By far the greatest numbers of applications for residence cards are from Pakistani students and Nigerian asylum seekers married to Eastern European women . When high levels of marriages between two cultures occur normally there would be a historical, cultural or language connections. With this high rate in welfare state Ireland there are none.

    There is almost no discretion allowed for the authorities to refuse these applications because the EU Directive allows for minimum standards to apply. As long as the EU citizen has the most basic job or is in some form of education or is deemed to be a jobseeker the authorities cannot refuse residence for the spouse (Article 7 of the Directive). When it comes to marriages that fall under EU law, marriages to non-Irish citizens, no provisions are allowed to make sure that they have been living together or married for a minimum amount of time. Nor can evidence of financial viability be requested. The Irish authorities have their hands bound by EU law.

    In 2008 a case was referred to the ECJ as up until that time the Irish authorities refused to grant residence cards to non-EEA family members unless they could show prior residence in another Member State before moving to this State. This was how the Directive was interpreted into national legislation as it was assumed the Directive only applied to movement from one Member State to another:

    “3(2) These Regulations shall not apply to a family member unless the family member is lawfully resident in another Member State and is –

    (a) seeking to enter the State in the company of a Union citizen in respect of whom he or she is a family member, or

    (b) seeking to join a Union citizen, in respect of whom he or she is a family member, who is lawfully present in the State.”

    This was overturned by the ECJ in the “Metock” case which judged that the Irish authorities could not request evidence of prior residence in another Member State . The judgement further stated that evidence required for an application was limited to what was in the EU Directive, thus allowing for the fraud to expand and reducing the powers of discretion of national authorities while eating up dwindling taxpayers’ money. The EU prefers states inter-depended on it rather than a nation being strong enough to go it on their own establishing international trading partners with other nations themselves. The EU wants you to need it.

    Once they receive a residence card they are automatically entitled to the same social welfare payments as Irish nationals, as holding a residence card is seen as meeting the habitual residence requirements irrespective of how long they have been in the State .

    Any asylum seeker or illegal immigrant can now enter the country, get married after giving three months notice, and apply for a residence card straight away. The majority, approximately 90% , of asylum seekers are refused asylum because their applications are deemed to be bogus. This is a long process with appeals and other applications allowed for leave to remain and subsidiary protection. The majority of asylum seekers don’t provide any passport or acceptable form of identification and no information can be requested regarding the applicant from the authorities in their country of origin who they claim they are fleeing from. It is quite possible that these people are criminals on the run from other authorities in other countries.

    The marriages of convenience allow them to bypass the normal immigration process and apply for residence as soon as they are married. Once they have provided the minimum standard of evidence they automatically receive a five year residence card, which is upgraded to a ten year residence card on expiry.

    Having acquired the residence card they are now entitled to bring in family members from their country of origin . Everyone from parents, grandparents and children of the applicant to siblings, neighbours can apply based on either being a family member of the applicant or a member of the household or dependant of the EU citizen. Again the most basic evidence is all that can be requested. Furthermore they are entitled to the same social welfare benefits and entitlements as an Irish citizen. Unbelievably if they marry citizens from any other Member State they are actually entitled to more benefits than if they marry an Irish citizen because the EU Directive provides for more benefits than our national legislation and does not apply to Irish people living here.

    Having a criminal record does not exclude people from applying unless it can be categorically proven that they will commit crimes in this State. Hence a long history of previous crimes, if they ever come to light, can be excluded under the EU Directive. Even those that have committed crimes in the State end up taking endless legal challenges and costing considerable expense to the taxpayer. Most immigrants have access to the High Court that Irish citizens can only dream about courtesy of our legal industry.

    “Article 27

    Measures taken on grounds of public policy or public security shall comply with the principle of proportionality and shall be based exclusively on the personal conduct of the individual concerned . Previous criminal convictions shall not in themselves constitute grounds for taking such measures.”

    We now have over 80,000 foreign nationals on the dole courtesy of our generous social welfare policies and the taxpayers. This again doesn’t take into account subsidised housing, education and healthcare as well as income support for low wage earners and other back to work or training allowances. This money could have been used to improve services in our society. The EU has dug a massive financial hole in Irish society.

    At a time of record unemployment another 56,000 PPS numbers have been allocated to foreign nationals in 2009.

    The myth of cheap labour is just that, a myth, perpetuated to drive down wages, exploit foreign nationals and transfer wealth from taxpayers to the employer organisations, landlords and various other vested interests in our society. Just remember this fleecing should not be blamed immigrants these laws come from the top. We have been duped on a grand scale, criticise it and you may end up being branded as a ‘racist’.


    EU equality law is an instrument of oppression, Roman Catholic bishops warn*
    By Simon Caldwell

    A proposed European Union equality law has been branded an “instrument of oppression” by Britain’s Roman Catholic leaders.

    The bishops of England, Wales and Scotland denounced the European Commission’s planned Equal Treatment Directive as “wholly unacceptable” because, they said, it would force Christians to act against their consciences.

    The directive is aimed at harmonising and enforcing a ban across the 27-member bloc on discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, age, religious belief and disability outside the scope of employment law.

    But the bishops say the directive will simply have the result of sharply curtailing the rights of religious liberty and freedom of expression.

    They say they will be powerless to stop witches from hiring out church property, for instance, or from insisting that people at Church events behave in a way consistent with Christian teaching.

    Monsignor Andrew Summersgill, the general secretary of the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, said that the Church “recognises that groups which do not agree with its teaching should be free to organise themselves and to propagate their views as they wish”.

    “What the Church is seeking from this directive is simply the right to maintain its own teaching and activities with integrity, according to its own ethos,” he said in a written submission to a public consultation.

    He said that the organisers of a Catholic conference, for instance, would be legally obliged to make double rooms available to gay and unmarried couples as well as for married heterosexuals.

    He said: “At this point the EU would effectively be dictating to religious bodies what their faith does or does not require – a wholly unacceptable position.”

    The definition of harassment in the directive will also mean that any person who decided they were “offended” by an expression of Christianity could bring a case against the Churches.

    Various pressure groups are likely to use the provisions of the directive to curtail the expression of views they disagree with by the simple expedient of declaring themselves to be offended.

    “Homosexual groups campaigning for same-sex marriage may declare themselves to be offended by the presentation of the Catholic Church’s moral teaching on marriage,” he said, and “an atheist may be offended by religious pictures in an art gallery, or a Muslim may be offended by any picture representing the human form”.

    The directive fails to explain how conflicting rights could be reconciled, leading to fears that the EU will subordinate the rights of some groups, especially Christians, to the rights of others.

    “If the directive is unable to provide a means of balancing those competing rights there is a risk that practical implementation may effectively turn the directive into an instrument of oppression,” said Monsignor Summersgill.

    EU directives are overarching laws introducing a minimum standard which all member states must meet.

    A directive can only become law if all member states agree to it at a meeting of the council of the EU.

    The European Parliament voted in favour of the proposed directive in April but MEPs put forward changes to the text that would reduce protection for churches and faith schools.

    They also recommend deleting an assurance that the directive did not apply to national laws on marital status or abortion.

    Full article


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