Roads Leading Us All To Hell…..Sheepies Had Better Start Taking Heed!!


Bushehr-nuclear-pow_492929aThe tone of the Israeli and Iranian governments about each other – never to each other – over Iran´s nuclear drive is maximally negative – expressing a desire to attack each other – even to wipe off the map – at least that is what Ahmedinejad has promised Israel time and again. Israel being a “partner” in the Union for the Mediterranean, this possible nucclear showdown is pertinent to all of us – thanks to “our” irresponsible New World Order politicians. This blog has previously and here reported on the development of this standoff.
Naturally, Ahmedinejad has brought Israel to the point of despair.
But there is a joker in this game: The House of Rothschild who financed the first Jewish settlements in Palestine at the end of the 19. century, bribed Pres. Truman to recognize the new state of Israel in 1948 and who has built a globalist temple and here for themselves in Jerusalem – The Supreme Court building. The Rothschilds are the initiators and the very force behind the world state and their world government by their own multinational companies and their corrupt hands – ”our” politicians and media. To have a world state all national borders must be abolished. So why did the Rothschilds found a new national state, Israel?What are the Rothschilds doing today?
The National 6 Nov., 2008
Baron David Rothschild shares most people’s view that there is a new world order. In his opinion, banks will deleverage and there will be a new form of global governance. Although his office denies that he was part of the official party during Mr. Gordon Brown´s fundraising trip to the Gulf states, it is probably no coincidence that he happened to be in the same part of the world at the right time. That is how the Rothschilds have worked for centuries: quietly, without fuss, behind the scenes. We have had 250 years or so of family involvement in the finance business,” says Baron Rothschild. “We provide advice on both sides of the balance sheet, and we do it globally.”

The Supreme Court in Jerusalem was funded by Rothschild. Note the pyramid with Lucifer´s al-seeing eye on the roof.



The Rothschilds have been helping the British government – and many others – out of a financial hole ever since they financed Wellington’s army and thus victory against the French at Waterloo in 1815 (Comment: where Nathan Rothschild cheated the London Stock Exchange to crack on false rumours of Wellington´ s defeat at Waterloo – although through his courier system he knew better. When you could have the stocks for a song, Nathan bought them!! ). By the 19th century, they ran a financial institution with the power and influence of a combined Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley and perhaps even Goldman Sachs and the Bank of China today. (Comment: The Rockefellers are their right arm, strangling the USA and Europe´s national states by means of their New World Order clubs).

In the 1820s, the Rothschilds supplied enough money to the Bank of England to avert a liquidity crisis. (Comment: I.e they bought the Bank of England!!) “There is no debate that Rothschild is a Jewish family.”
Building a global firm before globalisation meant a mindset of sharing risk and responsibility.” (Comment: Or a firm belief in their own plans!!)
David_rothschildThey are now strong in Europe, Asia especially China, India, as well as Brazil. It is the role as trusted adviser to both governments and companies that Rothschilds is hoping to build on in the Persian Gulf region.                    Baron David Rothschild seems to be the financial leader of the Rothschild dynasty

As stated here and as repeatedly shown in history this family and its interwoven allies, the Rockefellers, go for power and money – unscrupulously robbing the Americans – and now the world – by means of the Federal Reserve System , his agents JP Morgan, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and perhaps even Goldman Sachs– all guilty of the current economical crisis).
Do you trust them to save the state of Israel, if they can increase their power grip of the world and make a neat sum of money by letting it perish, 
because there is better business on the Gulf? They financed the Russian Revolution  and the the Holocaust. This family are the secret rulers of the world, the political “rulers” of which are all financially in their pockets – and thus dependent on the Rothschilds!So what does the flagship of its self-pronounced New World Order, its right arm, the Rockefeller-dominated Council on Foreign Relations´ Newspaper, the New York Times write in an Op-ed article on 8 April 2009?  I don’t buy the view that, as Netanyahu told Goldberg, Iran is “a fanatic regime that might put its zealotry above its self-interest.” Every scrap of evidence suggests that, on the contrary, self-interest and survival drive the mullahs. Yet Netanyahu insists (too much) that Iran is “a country that glorifies blood and death, including its own self-immolation.” Huh? What’s critical right now is that Obama view Netanyahu’s fear-mongering with an appropriate skepticism, rein him in, and pursue his regime-recognizing opening toward Tehran.”
This does not bode well for Israel



War games
Already last year, the Israelis made spectacular manoeuvers over the Mediterrranean over distances corresponding to the distance to Iran. However, President Bush forbade Israel to attack Iran – apparently in return for the Iranians not to bother US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now President Obama has also apparently nervous forbidden Israel to attack – just 4 days ahead of Netanyahu´s visit to the White House!!  Obama and the Pentagon have their eyes fixed on Afghanistan and Pakistan – the Grand Chess Board – and want no trouble elsewhere in the environment! However, it also seems that the AIPAC-Jewish lobby in the US dominates more than half of Congress, putting Obama under pressure. Israeli Foreign Minister, Liebermann, on 5 May gave the Western diplomacy 3 months to work. Thereafter action must be taken, he said.  Now The Israeli Air Force is training against Russian MIG-29 warplanes in the service of Arab countries and Iran – lent by an unknown country!Among the steps taken to ready Israeli forces for what would be a risky raid requiring pinpoint aerial strikes are the acquisition of three Airborne Warning and Control (AWAC) aircraft and regional missions to simulate the attack. Two nationwide civil defence drills will help to prepare the public for the retaliation that Israel could face.
An official said that it was unlikely that Israel would carry out the attack without receiving at least tacit approval from America.

The Times 18 April, 2009: The Israeli military is preparing itself to launch a massive aerial assault on Iran’s nuclear facilities within days of being given the go-ahead by its new government.

 DEBKAFILE 15 April:  The detailed report compiled by the Center for Strategic & International Studies(CSIS) in Washington last month,concludes that the Jewish state has all the resources necessary for a successful strike.  When asked recently, Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint US Chiefs of Staff, agreed with this estimate. This week, president Shimon Peres and prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu both said that if diplomacy failed to halt Iran’s nuclear activities, Israel would be left with no option other than the military one.

 Israel and the US
DEBKAFILE 15 April Benjamin Netanyahu declared at his swearing-in last Tuesday that if American sanctions and diplomacy fail, Israel will be forced to take action against Iran’s nuclear Netanjahu-okweapon drive and time was running out.  His words were echoed by Barak. Washington will not brook any unilateral Israeli military action that might upset US-Iranian moves towards cooperation in Afghanistan/Pakistan.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a
member of the US Council on Foreign Relations – although being an Israeli citizen? Ehud Olmert, too, is a member of the CFR! Here Netanyahu is showing the sign of the “Divine King”, the sign of the Antichrist, to govern the Earth –from Jerusalem? See the Rothschild Temple above. The sign means “Annuit coeptis”: “he approves of our undertaking” according to Texe Marr – as written on the back side of the Great Seal of the USA and on every 1–dollar bill. (See header of this blog). 

DEBKAFILE 16 April: Tehran effectively rejected the latest offer by the five UN Security Council permanent members plus Germany of nuclear negotiations with direct US involvement. This shut the door on US president Barack Obama’s first diplomatic gambit for direct dialogue with Tehran.

Obama’s planned dialogue with Tehran received another setback Saturday, April 4, from Moscow. Shortly after the six powers published their proposal, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov told the Russia parliament: “Relations between Russia and its neighbor Iran are expanding at high speed.”

Debkafile 14 May Director of the US Central Intelligence Agency Leon Panetta visited Israel two weeks ago to explore Israel’s intentions with regard to a raid on Iran’s nuclear facilities and its alignment with Egypt and Saudi Arabia for this shared objective.  On the one hand, Panetta showed Israeli leaders with a new US report which estimates first, that Iran lacks adequate military resources to shield its nuclear sites from attack and, second, would pull its punches in responding to an Israeli strike. On the other, it is feared in Washington that by linking up with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Israel would be free to send its warplanes against Iran through the skies of its two Arab partners. This understanding prompted a policy review in Washington, which is still going on. This is confirmed by The Times 16 May, 2009.

The Times 5 May: ”Vice President Joe Biden added that Israel had the right “to make its own judgment about what it needs to do to defend itself”, which many members of the audience saw as a hint that the US might allow it to deliver an airstrike against Iran’s nuclear sites.

Israel on its way to be isolated in the Union for the Mediterranean?
The EU has taken a stand for the Palestinians during the Gaza War – and now urges Israel to accept a two-state solution by all means The European Union is also discussing the possibility of diplomatic sanctions against Israel. The Time factor
The Middle East Times on 10 April announced it might be possible for Iran to make a nuclear bomb within 60 days. The IAEA gives varying information.
The New York Times 18 May 2009: Pres. Obama told Mr. Netanyahu that he saw no need for a deadline for “diplomacy” with Iran – he wants to see at the end of the year.This does not comply with Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman´s, term about August 1.
Netanyahu´s comment was: “We will defend ourselves.”

But who is this Ahmedinejad?  An Iranian writes about him that he hates Jews and is incomprehensibly fanatic – but not insane.
Something indicates that Israel will have to act on its own.


If all this information is correct we can expect a catastrophe to take place in the Middle East some time this year. Much indicates that such a crisis cannot  – and probably is not even planned to – be contained to the Middle East. I cannot forget the video statement by Vice-President Joe Biden on a severe crisis to hit us within 6 months (after Obama´s swearing in) – even mentioning the Middle East and Russia as the foci. This combined with the opinion of “Die Welt” that a war between Russia and the NATO has already been planned is not reassuring.

Such  events do not take place without the consent of Rothschild and Rockefeller (The Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commisssion, the Bilderberg, the Club of Rome).
The “Albert Pike letter”- known for at least 60 years- describes exactly this scenario. I think Albert Pike (or what illuminist wrote “his” letter to Mazzini) had e.g. Ezechiel 35–39 and the Book of Revelation in mind. And according to God´s plans, it is not Iran which will finally destroy Israel. Nor does the German Islam expert, Peter Scholl  Latour think so video – the man who has stated that the fate of Jerusalem and Israel is a matter of Apocalypse. This is a task reserved for a great power.

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EU Commissioner Joáquin Almunia, “EU Press Release May 14, 2009: There can be no effective governance of the world economy without bringing all the relevant players to the table. If new global powers are to take their share of the responsibility for global governance, then multilateral institutions need to undergo a fundamental reform. These reforms have been a long time coming, and yet the crisis provides a real window of opportunity to move this agenda forward.Without question, the EU must be an active partner in this new global order.” So, what does this new global order imply?
The Telegraph 8 May, 2009
: The day that the Westminster village has long feared is here. The revelation of the full detail of  MPs expenses will outrage the public and have grave consequences.


EU President, Mirek Topolanek: The US and the UK´s borrowing and spending (bail-outs) is the road to Hell . And it may be true: On 25 March there were no buyers for the UK Government´s bonds (120 mio pounds)!!! The IMF, the Confederation of British Industry, the ECB seem sto be of the same opinion. The Telegraph even states that Obama and Brown see their advisors (Geithner, Bank of England director, Mervyn King) as coming from Hell!



Betænkelig brownDuring the latest months there have been big strikes in France , Sarkozy fearing a new 1968 – Spain and Italy also seeing strikes and hundreds of thousands of students, professors and parents descending on Rome on 30 October 2008 for the largest student protest the country has seen since the sixties,  in the UK , the Defence Ministry of the UK even expecting a revolution from the middle class , in Greece, riots in Iceland.  The multiculture in England now makes the police punish children for “racist” thought crimes, which reinforces anger, too. In Sweden, a the citizens of a township have now taken the matter in their own hands and simply driven violent Iraqi refugees out of their town. 
The Telegraph , April 3, 2009
writes about “the boiling rage of the United Kingdom’s coping classes – law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying citizens. Politicians are a tribe of political pygmies creating a democratic deficit, remorseless onslaught on our traditional values, civil liberties and freedom of speech. The Government promised much and delivered little. In doing so, it fostered a wrath among those who cling on to the hope that sanity can be restored to high office. These voters will not be found hurling rocks at the Bank of England or setting fire to RBS’s head office. But, make no mistake, their yearning for fulsome retribution is palpable. When the will of the people runs contrary to Government intentions, it is simply bypassed. We keep paying more and more in taxes and getting less. Immigration: Many are dismayed at the way their local communities have been changed – irreversibly – beyond recognition. State education is a disgrace. Rural communities are banned from hunting foxes, while British soldiers are sent to grisly deaths in sub-standard equipment. Gangs of teenagers hang around street corners, doing nothing but spitting and swearing and abusing passers-by. There is indulgence of thugs and spongers.


eurofacts 13 March, 2009

Rage-ukBBC 23 Febr.:  Police – as well as the government – are preparing to face a “summer of rage” in the UK as people join protests over the economic downturn, says a senior Met Police officer.

As people lose confidence in the ability of governments to restore stability, protests look increasingly likely. There is growing concern about a possible global pandemic of unrest. Warnings of dire social unrest are coming with increasing frequency from the highest sources.
MI5 and the army is preparing for riots in the UK  – even asking soldiers  if they are willing to fire at UK citizens . 
But our home editor said “activity on websites does not necessarily translate into action on the streets“.

The year has already seen wildcat strikes across the UK in sympathy with British workers protesting at the use of foreign labour at Lindsey Oil Refinery in Lincolnshire. Recently, about 100,000 joined a march in Dublin to protest about the Irish government’s handling of the country’s recession.The London Telegraph 21 March 2009 refers to the Economist´s Intelligence Unit: Ninety-five countries were ranked in the “high” or “very high” risk (social upheaval) bracket. The report identified the use of immigrant labour at a time of soaring unemployment as a possible flashpoint for unrest in Britain.




80 per cent of British adults believe that immigrants should be asked to leave the country if they do not have a job.”

“Popular anger around the world is growing as a result of rising unemployment, pay cuts and freezes, bail-outs for banks, and falls in house prices and the value of savings and pension funds.
As people lose confidence in the ability of governments to restore stability, protests look increasingly likely.“A spate of incidents in recent months shows that the global economic downturn is already having political repercussions.“This is being seen as a harbinger of worse to come. There is growing concern about a possible global pandemic of unrest.”




Politivold-i-athenFrom the riots im Athens Dec. 9, 2008. The killing of a 15–year-old boy touched a raw nerve among young Greeks, outraged at years of political scandals and rising levels of poverty and unemployment, worsened by the global economic downturn.France
  A day of protest on Jan. 29 that was joined by up to 2.5 million people. Opinion polls show around 75 percent of French voters support the strikes. “A very strong sense of injustice is building up.” Video.  Many analysts predicting that the economy will contract by 2 percent this year and unemployment jump 25 percent to almost 10 percent.

EUobserver 20 March

In a record turn-out, as many as three million people hit the streets in France on Thursday (19 March) to protest against the government’s economic policies in response to the global crisis, according to union estimates. The numbers were closer to 1.2 million, say the police.
The country’s airports, trains, schools and public transport were disrupted by the mass demonstration – the second general strike faced by France in two months.” Meanwhile, strikes have been taking place in other EU countries as well, including Italy





Nato riotsBBC News   Unemployment is likely to shoot up to 10% in the next 12 months with a further 350,000 lay-offs expected by the end of this year. Many people are angry that big companies like the oil giant Total is making staff redundant while simultaneously announcing record profits.







Italy’s President has warned of a “worrisome” increase in intolerance toward immigrants in his country, the day after the government turned back a boat carrying 200 migrants without screening them for asylum onshore.

Germany Deutschlandwelle 23 April 2009: German President candidate Gesine Schwan and top union leader Michael Sommer  If there is no sign of hope for things to improve, then the mood can turn explosive,” she added. In an intervew with Germany’s ARD television, Sommer warned of social unrest comparable to that in the 1930s – when widespread poverty paved the way for the Nazi regime’s rise to power.The Eurozone
Jean-Claude_Juncker_%282006%29 Deutsche Welle 13. May 2009:   According to the European Commission’s latest estimates, some 8.5 million Europeans will lose their jobs over the next two years, with unemployment hitting 10.9 percent in the euro zone. As a result, social unrest across the zone could increase as workers meet the crisis with strikes and protests. Some say it’s a potentially explosive situation.  To raise awareness of the issues facing European workers, trade union representatives are holding a series of demonstrations from May 14 – 16. Up to 200,000 people are expected to take to the streets of Madrid, Brussels, Prague and Berlin, said Reiner Hoffmann, deputy secretary general of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).




On May 14, 2009 Madrid (50.000) and Bucharest (10.000) saw large demonstrations against the  impoverishment – brought about by criminal New World Order bankers

 Euro group chief Jean Claude Juncker May 5, 2009 “We are in the heart of an economic and financial crisis and we are headed towards a social crisis,” said Mr Juncker after a meeting with eurozone finance ministers, describing the fallout as potentially “explosive.”

Historians have observed some uncanny parallels between the world today and on the eve of the first world war.   The greatest danger, dwarfing all other risks, is the possibility of an outbreak of major inter-state conflict, an all-too-common feature of past episodes of extreme economic distress. The British historian, Niall Ferguson concludes that in the 20. century just three factors made the location and timing of large-scale conflict more or less predictable: ethnic disintegration, extreme economic volatility and the decline of empires. All three are very much present today.

This is the first time I have seen an MSM, The Telegraph, expressing what people really think and feel. Normally such sentiments in the population are ignored completely – as taboo – by the New World Order owned media. Video .
Political correctness has suppressed the wrath of Europeans for so long that the police now is fearing “a summer of rage.” Or are they? Maybe they are just using such arguments as a pretext to increase surveillance even more, to get more police state. At the G20 summit in London it seems that plain-clothed policemen egged on the riots – according to the London Observer, For deep inside they know very well that we are too disciplined to do what free citizens would do: Firmly to say enough is enough in a way not to be misunderstood. I think that if such protests should occur they would be coordinated strikes – in Northern Europe. And maybe the undemocratic rulers just want to scare people into accepting “global solutions for global problems” (made by them).The Brookings Institute: Historically it has taken war or crisis to bring about a fundamental transformation of international order.
International order in an age of transnational threats requires power in the service of responsibility. Major powers must be convinced to exercise their sovereignty responsibly. But above all it will require effective international leadership by the United States.






And EU Commissioner Joáquin Almunia agrees: “EU Pess Release May 14, 2009    Finally, there can be no effective governance of the world economy without bringing all the relevant players to the table. International policymaking no longer concerns a cosy transatlantic club. If new global powers are to take their share of the responsibility for global governance, then multilateral institutions need to undergo a fundamental reform. These reforms have been a long time coming, and yet the crisis provides a real window of opportunity to move this agenda forward.Without question, the EU must be an active partner in this new global order.”
But the Telegraph´s article is a hallmark of  shame over former democracies who have stealthily given our freedom away to New World Order criminals – who even have the insolence to declare in public that they are working for that new Order (see videos nr. 2 and 3 from above on the right margin of this blog).
If we do not wake up now these criminals are going to rob us of our last money and send us to live on the street. OK, if that happens I should even say this is the consequence of our decadence – and that we are getting our deserves. How is that robbery to take place? On this video David Rothschild is addressing children, who are easy to brainwash, with a climate combat propaganda. He even appears more credible in his lies than does Al Gore! His motive: The European and the Chicago Climate Exchanges – which bring his and Al Gores houses a tremendous lot of our money, and the New World Order through terror campaigns. (“Global solutions for global problems”).

The role of the Bilderberg Club
Daniel Estulin
is always very well informed on the Bilderbergers – he even took part in their 2005 meeting, where they adopted an energy tax (CO2) – small enough that it would be very little felt. He correctly foretold the US housing crisis and the current financial crisis – due to his Bilderberg insight. This club (video) has




Etienne davignoncorrupted “our” politicians for many years to work for world government – wherein the EU was made an irreversible building bloc!




Etienne Davignon is the president of the Bilderbergers

Now According to the Canadian Free Press, Estulin seems to have got hold of a pamflet for the Bilderberg
meeting in Greece on May 14-17. The Bilderbergers will prolong the current recession or make a severe depression and make it very painful. And they will continue to deceive millions of savers and investors who believe the hype about the supposed up-turn in economy. They are said to be about to be set up for massive losses – as also stated in the Financial Times, 9 May, 2009.


Bilderberg expert and spy, Jim Tucker, tells the Bilderbergers are for a short depression – and are grim faced because Europeans and Americans are responding and their programme is being blocked!  Their programme also includes making us pay a direct CO2 tax to the UN and to transform the WHO into a world Health Department and the IMF into a world Treasury – both of course under the UN world government – and here.
Bilderberg expert and spy, Jim Tucker, tells the Bilderbergers are for a short depression – and are grim faced because Europeans and Americans are responding and their programme is being blocked!  Their programme also includes making us pay a direct CO2 tax to the UN and to transform the WHO into a world Health Department and the IMF into a world Treasury – both of course under the UN world government – and here.


Here is an interview with Jim Tucker on the Bilderberg meeting – video. And here he says that the Bilderbergers not only staged the financial crisis – they are celebrating it as a quick road to world government.

Against that kind of usurpation and conspiracy against us, there is only one remedy: Disclosure and vigorous popular protests!
It is “our own” politicians, media tycoons, bankers and corporate bosses who thus are betraying us! Popular wrath should aim at them!







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: 52 % of  the UK Tory electorate and 42 % of the Labour electorate see immigration as the political top priority – and decreasing the EU´s power comes second.  

BlodgrådI have suggested that an alternative road may bypass the main path of history, shortcircuiting the organic stages of consensus, value formation, and the experiences of common enterprise generally believed to underlie political community. This relies on a grave crisis or war to bring about a sudden transformation in national attitudes sufficient for the purpose. According to this version, the order we examine may be brought into existence as a result of a series of sudden, nasty, and traumatic shocks. ” Prof. Lincoln P. Bloomfield, The Council on Foreign Relations.

This MIT-paper is from 1961 – but does seem to be the background for the efforts to create world government  through the UN today the EU being particularly involved in creating a UN Parliamentary Assembly – the World Parliament and here 

En foreløbig oversigt over en form for stabilt militært omfelt. Udarbejdet for  IDA som støtte for et studie, der der fremsendt til US Udenrigsministeriet under contractNo. SCC 28270, dateret 24. Februar, 1961.   Lincoln-p.-bloomfieldThe author, Professor, Dr. Lincoln P. Bloomfield, a consultant to the Special Studies Group, has written extensively on the role of the United Nations in international politics. He is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Arms Control Project at the Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).  He is a distinguished lecturer at the US State Department Foreign Service Institute and elsewhere – and he is a member of The Council on Foreign Relations . 

Un-soldiersThe principal features of a model system would include the following: (1) powers sufficient to monitor and enforce disarmament, settle disputes, and keep the peace —including taxing powers — with all other powers reserved to the nations; (2) an international force, balanced appropriately among ground, sea, air, and space elements, consisting of 500,000 men, recruited individually, wearing a UN uniform, and controlling a nuclear force composed of 50-100 mixed land-based mobile and undersea-based missiles, averaging one megaton per weapon; (3) governmental powers in a bicameral legislative organ, an executive organ, and an expanded international judicial network; (4) compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court for both legal disputes and legal aspects of political disputes; (5) approximately 130 political subunits, all nominally independent states, within the system; (6) continued jurisdiction over cosmetic affairs by the national governments; and (7) unrestricted international inspection of all states against violation of the disarmament agreement, with permament inspection of nuclear research and power equipment, strategic areas and industries, administrative policies and operations, and other key and strategic points in the national economy.


The United States position in 1960 carried the unmistakable meaning of world government, suggesting an International Disarmament Control Organization and an international peace force within the United Nations. Finally, to avoid endless euphemism and evasive verbiage, the contemplated regime will occasionally be referred to unblushingly as a “world government.”

In general, this is what “a world effectively controlled by the United Nations” might look like
The central authority itself can be sued, but like the US Government today cannot be forced to comply with court judgments.
A human rights court modelled upon the comparable court under the European Community is empowered to hear individual complaints of violations of a covenant of civil rights which would accompany the constitution.
UN_NWOA significant UN presence” exists in all countries. The secondary aspects of this presence provide dissemination of impartial factual information .While there can be no individual veto, the great power veto will in this partial sense be extended into a limited world government.

The nightmare prospect is of world order at the price of world tyranny.

We have postulated by necessity a willing acceptance of limited world government by the great powers. We then further postulate either acceptance by or imposition on all other nations of such a regime. This at once sets up future instabilities. To modify von Clausewitz, limited world government is a form of international conflict carried on under other institutional arrangements than unlimited state sovereignty. In the case of the lesser powers, there must be the conviction that they will not be permitted to settle their disputes by force.It is difficult to foresee a limited world government within twenty-five years at the earliest, fifty years.


The Recipe to handle Iran
The other potential for strategic war would arise from the
deliberate, overt repudiation of the new order and the political system representing it. If the system did not abort such violation by imposing timely sanction upon a violator in the form of immediate seizure of the forbidden facilities, punishment of those responsible, etc., the danger to the nations who relied upon it would clearly be immense. To abdicate responsibility for self-preservation through a failure of nerve would confront the world with far worse perils than it now faces, given the marginal nature of the authority’s nuclear force. The ultimate question would then be the utilization of the international force after failure to use it preventively. The failure to make early use of initially superior forces to overcome a major violation of the established order is reminiscent of the 1930sFunding
Percentages of national tax
collections. In addition, revenue sources not tied to individual nations might be assigned to the central authority — e.g., tolls on international water-ways and revenues derived from  Antarctica, petroleum reserves under the high seas, space rights, etc. There is the Aristotelian dilemma of corruption of government into tyranny. And for the central authority to have nuclear weapons poses one of the most difficult questions about world government: Who guards the guards?


Now here is a very interesting article in one of Germany´s biggest newspapers, Die Welt on 10 May, 2009 (Hintergrund). It makes the Zbigniew Brzezinski´s Grand Chessboard something like the final destiny of the world. Brzezinski realizes that his original vision from 1997 of the US occupying Central Asia is no longer realistic. He has written a new book “The Second Chance”, where he still sees the US dominating Central Asia – by means of the EU´s Eastern partnership and the Union for the Mediterranean, a very close and expanding partnership existing between NATO and EU. Javier Solana stated the year of 2009 to be decisive for the Middle East – and the EU cooperates well with NATO in the region.  Die Welt sees the ABM project in Poland and Czechia as systems to catch the last remnants of Russian nuclear missiles after a US first strike against Russia. Which means that Russia might feel tempted to strike first!
Die Welt thinks the NATO strike against Russia has already been planned – as reflected in the abruptly changed Antirussian propaganda of the German media throughout the latest year.
Maybe we should remember once more Vice-president Joe Biden´s warning of a testing of Obama within 6 months (after his initiation – probably) video.The UN does have have plans to govern the world, that´s why it was constructed by the Rockefellers and illuminatus Franklin D. Roosevelt (and Churchill)  – but probably rather by stealth and secret agreements – like the EU. Apparently its 2 partners , the USA and NATO, will not wait very much longer to fulfill the prophecy of the master of their secret societies, Albert Pike. For Brzezinski´s Grand Chessboard is still the aim of the US and NATO – according to Die Welt. And indeed, it seems the US is already remapping the Middle East and Central Asia.



Conspiracy theory? No conspiracy practice. And President Kennedy agrees. Video




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Easrern-european-partnershipEU Press Release 6 May, 2009 : The first Eastern Partnership summit in Prague on 7 May will gather leaders from the EU Member States, EU institutions and Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to launch this new framework of reinforced bilateral and multilateral cooperation.

EU Monitor 8 May: In addition to the highest representatives of the Czech Presidency and the European Commission, the summit is attended by representatives of Egypt, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Observers from the USA, the Russian Federation, the World Bank, the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.


Nabucco“The Southern Corridor should not be a one-way road to transport energy feedstock from the Caspian region to Europe”, declared President of the European Council Mirek Topolánek, “but a two-way highway for the exchange of goods, investments, knowledge and people – a modern Silk Road of sorts“. According to Mirek Topolánek, such a corridor could be ushered in by the Nabucco Gas Pipeline, for instance.Background

Gains for partner countries
* Better economic integration with the EU (with the objective of establishing deep and comprehensive Free Trade Areas), as well as free trade among the partners themselves, with a longer term goal to develop a Neighbourhood Economic Community;
* increased mobility through visa facilitation and readmission agreements (with gradual steps towards full visa liberalisation)
* strengthened energy security cooperation
* improved administrative capacity of partner countries through jointly decided Comprehensive Institution-Building Programmes, financed by the EU;
* specific programmes addressing economic and social development in the partner countries. additional financial support …the total for the implementation of the policyamounts to €600 million.

Eastern-partnership-1By means of platforms: * Democracy, good governance and stability, * Economic integration and convergence with EU policies, * Energy security and * Contacts between people.Common challenges can be addressed through seminars to improve understanding of EU legislation and standards, sharing of experience, and where appropriate, development of joint activities.

Five flagship initiatives: * border management programme,* integration of electricity markets, energy efficiency and renewables, * an SME facility, * Southern corridor and response to disasters

Fine words – what is reality?
EUObserver 7 may, 2009 Last minute tweaks to the Eastern Partnership summit declaration reveal EU unease over enlargement and immigration, as well as the complexities of old conflicts on the union’s eastern frontier.
An earlier Czech EU presidency text of 29 April referred to the 27 EU states plus Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia as “European countries.” It also spoke of “visa-liberalisation.” The latest document, rubber-stamped by EU diplomats in Brussels on Wednesday (6 May), renamed the six as “Eastern European Partners” and “partner countries. It added that the visa move is a “long-term goal.”

Germany and the Netherlands forced the changes, concerned that “European countries” sounds too pro-enlargement. The new language on visas is a far cry from pre-April Czech proposals, which spoke of “visa-free” travel. The tweaks might look unimportant but have serious implications. Polish and Ukrainian officials fear the new country nomenclature dampens Ukraine’s dreams of getting an “EU perspective” in the next two years.
The visa wording may see just a privileged few, such as diplomats or businessmen, one day freely enter the EU, while ordinary people struggle to, say, meet a friend in Madrid or try to build a better life in London.
3 protagonists of EU expansion in the Mediterranean area – much less so in Eastern Europe: Solana, Benita Ferrero Waldner, David Milliband in Prague.

Meanwhile, Georgia and Azerbaijan failed to push in a clause that the 33 countries should respect each other’s “territorial integrity.” The latest wording speaks of obeying the “principles and norms of international law” – a loose phrase that could see Belarus recognise Georgia rebels in South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent states, entrenching Russia’s military occupation of Georgia.

Moscow is quite negative about the Eastern Partnership. But frankly, that’s a Russian problem.”

42% of Ukrainians want to integrate with Russia, compared to 34 % with the EU.

“The Eastern Partnership is as important as the Union for the Mediterranean” (Angela Merkel)
Deutsche Welle 7 May, 2009: The Mediterranean Union’s  inaugural summit last July represented a milestone in bringing the heads of state of Israel and its Middle East adversaries together in Paris, but the French EU initiative had already lost steam by the start of the Czech Republic’s presidency in January 2009.
Now with less than two months left of Prague’s beleaguered EU Presidency, the 27 nation bloc’s priorities have shifted northwards and eastwards geographically. The Russia-Georgia war last August over the breakaway province of South Ossetia further underscored the EU’s need to “engage more deeply with its eastern neighbors to stabilize the region.

Lavrov-utilfredsRussian Foreign Minister, Lavrov, expressed warnings to the EU not to encroach on the Soviet backyard (e.g. Belarus). But maybe he is pleased, because after the meeting he may eye the Ukraine returning to the Russian sheepfold, the EU prioritizing the Euromediterranean Union higher then the Ukraine.


The partnership offers carrots to encourage political and economic reforms, but it is not a stepping stone to eventual EU membership, says DGAP’s (German Council on Foreign Relations) Meister, who characterizes the EP as an alternative to joining the EU. “It brings the six (CIS) states closer to the value system of the EU and offers them something like a customs union, but maybe not what they really want – the perspective of EU membership down the road,” he said. Ukraine is eager to join the EU club, but the bloc is suffering from enlargement fatigue and the Lisbon Treaty, that is supposed to streamline decision-making, still hangs in the balance.

Back to realities
“I think this is really offensive to everybody who has participated,” Czech Prime Minister Topolanek told reporters, painstakingly reading out the names of all the heads and government who had attended.
British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and his Italian counterpart Silvio Berlusconi were among the no-shows.
However many analysts pointed out that the project’s European funding of 600 million euros up to 2013 was relatively modest compared to the risks of political and economic instability in the six partner countries.

Some of the wind has been taken out of the sails of the Eastern Partnership. EU leaders were keen to stress that the new rapprochement with the ex-Soviet states would not lead to new members of the EU club.
France, Germany and others feel that the bloc already has enough on its plate by offering possible membership to Balkan states, and are keen to avoid heightened levels of illegal immigration and crime, being scared of popular domestic backlash against immigration from the East.  What they can hope for is free trade and easy visa regimes, though with strict conditions attached and on a slow and gradual basis.

Several European leaders including Angela Merkel decided to skip a dinner hosted by EU´s enfant terrible, Vaclav Klaus, who is unwilling to sign the Lisbon Treaty. However, Javier Solana and José
Barroso did turn up. Pres. Klaus will probably in the end be forced to sign the Lisbon Treaty

Bruno Waterfield, The Telegraph may 7, 2009 The EU will end up destabilising the region further.

This is very interesting: The EU is afraid of immigration from the East – and guarantees practically unhindered immigration from the South! While all 27 heads of state and government were present at the initiation of the Union for the Mediterranean, just1 western leader was present at the initiation of the Eastern Partnership!!  It seems that Muslims are welcome in any quantity, whereas East Europeans, who can work and provide for themselves, are to be excluded. Because they are members of a creed to be eradicated: Christianity? In my latest post, I reported the EU establishing a recruiting office in Mali to get 56 mio Africans to Europe by 2050. Now another recruiting office has been established in Cap Verde. Why are African workers so much more preferred than East Europeans?
The Collective Security Treaty Organisation (
CSTO) under Russian leadership will welcome a Ukraine without an EU perspective.

Global Research: The lack of European interest for the Eastern Partnership – especially its small investments – could force e.g. Ukraine to make a U-turn, if Russia is willing to allure it back into the sheepfold, using its  $ 385 billion USD it has accumulated in gold and foreign currency reserves  – as it is doing in the CSTO states (Manas Base in Kyrgyzstan). From Moscow’s viewpoint, the Ukraine is probably the most geopolitically important country in the near abroad. It is not surprising that bringing Ukraine back into the Russian sphere of influence ranks high in the Kremlin’s to-do list. Even if Viktor Yushchenko’s successor is not pro-Russian, the Kremlin would certainly be willing to seduce a more pragmatic leader so that Ukraine enters Russian-sponsored organizations, the Union State of Russia, EurAsEC, and the CSTO.

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and here
The Eastern Partnership, as proposed by the European Commission in December 2008 and endorsed by the European Council in March this year,  will complete the EU’s foreign policy towards Eastern Europe and South Caucasus through the development of a specific Eastern dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Successive enlargements of the EU brought these countries closer to the EU and led to increased political ties. The EU’s and these countries’ energy security are interlinked while the EU has a growing responsibility to the partners to help them address the socio-economic challenges they face. The Eastern Partnership will be developed in parallel with bilateral cooperation between the EU and third countries, including the EU’s Strategic Partnership with Russia. New Association Agreements (for those partners that have made sufficient progress towards democracy, the rule of law, respect for human rights and principles of market economy, sustainable development and good governance);



Jyllands-Posten. 8 May, 2009: Italy has just picked 227 North African boat refugees up and immediately returned them to Libya. “A historic day,” says Italy´s Minister of the Interior, Maroni.

The EU has a predilection for immigration and subsequent destruction of European culture and racial mixing (métissage). The protagonists of this development are the criminal EU Commissioner for Justice, Jacques Barrot and European Economic and Social Committee. Due to the EU Charter for Fundamental Rights it is virtually impossible to return any asylum seeker or illegal refugee. 
As Barrot has stated: he will see to it that the EU Charter and the UN Universal Declaration of human Rights are meticulously followed. EU Commissioner Frattini  introduced the blue card system to drain the EU´s neighbours of what little skilled labour they have – wanting 20 mio workers (+ their families ) to come to Europe over the next 20 years. Now the EU has opened a taxpayer funded job centre in Mali for a start – to recruit 56 mio workers + families to Europe by 2050.
On this background the following can hardly amaze any one. But it is a cultural disaster for Europe.(The 4 bills were enacted on 7 May).

EU Press Release 28 April 2009A  package of measures to improve the way the EU asylum system works and strengthen asylum seekers’ rights was approved by the European Parliament’s Civil Liberties Committee on Monday. MEPs adopted amendments to enhance solidarity between Member States when managing asylum applications. The four co-decision reports that make up the package will come before the full Parliament next week in Strasbourg.
The first piece of legislation, was adopted by the committee by 33 votes to 1 with 1 abstention, is intended to beef up the right of asylum seekers to adequate reception conditions: it lays down standards that must be guaranteed in terms of housing, food, clothing, health care, financial benefits, freedom of movement and access to work.  The text also includes provisions on the protection of vulnerable people, such as minors, unaccompanied minors, pregnant women and victims of torture and violence.
African-queueRules on the use of detention
According to the draft legislation, the use of detention should be decided on a case-by-case basis, and asylum seekers should not be held in prisons but in specialised detention facilities.  Legal guarantees against arbitrary detention must be introduced. The detention of unaccompanied minors must be banned.
Free legal assistance for asylum seekers
Only the judicial authorities should have the power to order detention, says the legislation. Administrative authorities can do so only in emergency cases and their decision must be confirmed by the judiciary within 72 hours.  In the absence of a decision, the asylum seeker concerned must be freed immediately. Asylum seekers placed in detention must be informed in a language they understand, or that it is reasonable to assume they understand, and receive legal assistance and free representation if they wish it. They must also be able to receive medical care and appropriate psychological support.
In addition, they believe that access to work must be guaranteed within six months after a request for international protection has been lodged.  Minors must have access to education within three months.
Vulnerable people
Member States are required to check, as soon as request for international protection is lodged, whether the applicant has special needs: vulnerable people, including minors, pregnant women and victims of torture and violence, or victims of female genital mutilation, must receive adequate attention, say MEPs.  They add that torture victims must be directed quickly towards a care centre suited to their situation. Member States must also assist family unification and guardians must be designated to advise and protect unaccompanied minors.
Muslimske flygtninhe i belgisk kirkeRehousing of asylum seekers
A second proposal in the asylum package seeks to improve the Dublin regulation of 2003.  The purpose of this regulation was to ensure access to the asylum application procedure and guarantee swift processing of applications, while preventing multiple applications by one person in several different Member States. The proposals seeks to guarantee higher standards of protection for individuals and cope better with situations in which the reception capacity of asylum systems of the Member States are under particular pressure.

The EU is making it easy for asylum seekers.

In Belgium refugees have taken permanent stay in churches, desacrating , covering Christian religious symbols. The Bishops of Belgium sympathize with “the Poor Undocumented refugees” and blame the government for it. Rather politically correct and mock Christ!!

The report, which was adopted unanimously, backs these principles. However, it proposes that solidarity between Member States be enhanced by means of compulsory instruments such as the formation of teams of national experts to assist Member States confronted with a large number of asylum applications, and the creation of a rehousing programme to enable beneficiaries of international protection to be received by a Member State other than the one that granted them this protection.Improving the Eurodac fingerprint database
The Dublin system could not work without a system for identifying foreign nationals who have already lodged an asylum application in another Member State. This system is Eurodac, a digital set-up for comparing fingerprints, which has been in operation since 2003.   Member States will be required to delete data no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected. The report by Nicolae Vlad Popa (EPP-ED, RO), adopted by 28 votes to 4 with 3 abstentions, supports this proposal with some technical improvements.
BadflygtningeAn office to help Member States
Lastly, the Civil Liberties Committee adopted, nem con with one abstention, a report approving the creation of a European Asylum Support Office.  This body will provide expert assistance to help implement EU asylum policy and will boost cooperation between Member States and help those subject to particular pressures. MEPs want this office to develop, in conjunction with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and relevant NGOs, training programmes on asylum for members of national civil services.  The office must also put in place an early warning system to enable Member States and the Commission to anticipate large-scale influxes of applicants for international protection as well as a system of mandatory solidarity for rehousing beneficiaries of international protection of any Member States whose national asylum system are overloaded.
The Globe and Mail 5 May, 2009   Migrants who flock to this busy port city try just about anything to get out. They cling to the undersides of tractor-trailers being loaded onto ships and ferries. They sneak into refrigerated trucks, shivering among crates of vegetables. They seal themselves like amateur Houdinis into false-bottom cubbyholes in the backs of vans.Their destination is Italy, the next stop after Greece on the people-trafficking routes into Europe. Some are caught before they make the crossing. Some die of suffocation in their airless hiding places.
In Italy, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s government has said it will deploy troops in major cities this summer to round up illegal immigrants and will hold new arrivals in island detention centres until they can be expelled.


They are flooding in – nobody wants them – so the EU keeps them

But hope and desperation keep them coming, making Patras a magnet for thousands of illegal migrants that Greek officials say they can no longer manage or absorb.  The influx of undocumented migrants coming into Greece – and then trying to sneak out – has grown dramatically in the past few years. Last year, more than 146,000 people were arrested for entering the country illegally, a 65-per-cent increase over 2006, and many more are believed to slip in undetected
If they are caught, undocumented migrants are fingerprinted, held for a few days in overcrowded detention centres and then released with orders to leave the country within 30 days.
But the deportation orders can only be enforced if the migrant’s home country is willing to take him or her back. In the case of Asians, Africans and Arabs, who make up an increasingly large proportion of illegal migrants, that rarely happens

And now a personal story with a bias
Flygtninge-fortvivlelseAnsamed 5 May, 2009: “Abdullah has decided to go home, but takes no joy in doing so – indeed his eyes tell a sorry tale of ”defeat”. He is the tale of all the Abdullahs, Mohammeds, Ahmeds and Alis who having made it to Libya after torturous journeys from the heart of Africa, have not managed to conquer ”fortress Europe.”
The failed immigrants fly home on charter flights, with documentation from their consulates and having received medical and psychological care, as well as money to help them reintegrate economically and socially in their home communities. The first four months of 2009 has seen the IOM send 363 immigrants home (1460 in 2008) to Ghana, Mali, Cameroon and Togo. 
Abdullah, 35, left his small village in Burkina Faso on May 10 2007 and crossed his own country, Niger, Algeria and Libya in 40 days travel, arriving in Libya in June. Abdullah is reluctant to talk about the Libyans, about how they treated him, the police and their raids on immigrant houses or street roundups.Today, 23 months after his journey began, he has chosen not to risk a sea crossing and to not stay as a sort of modern-day slave in Libya. His journey is over. Perhaps Abdullah’s ‘European Dream’ has been lost.”

A sad story, indeed – for Abdullahs, Muhammeds and Alis will be forced to flee again and again – for 2 reasons: 1. Muslim societies have much too high birth rates. 2. In general Muslim countries are backward and show little signs of progress whatsoever. When Abdullah, Muhammed, Ali etc. succeed in taking power in Europe and in introducing their beloved Sharia – as commanded by their Koran, the reason for all their misery – conditions here will be as there. And where will they flee then – as their Koran commands them to do?

A demographic bomb has been laid under our culture by the Muslim immigration. See this terrifying video.

The first reading of the EU legislation will take place on May 4–7. No doubt it will be passed. Thus the EU signs the final death sentence to European culture within a couple of decades. For the task of the EU Parliament is not to secure Europeans´ interests – but that of the New World Order´s world government. This press release is a very clear evidence of this agenda, which cannot even be considered secret any more (see videos on right margin of this blog). A conspiracy? No! Conspiracies are not revealed to the public. Nevertheless, the only disguise these globalist traitors have is the belief of the public, that this is “conspiracy theory”! Brainwashing is a very potent weapon working for generations – until unmasked by much more violent events than the daily violence in our streets.
The above will not be mentioned by the New World Order dominated media – and our children will have to pay dearly for our ignorance and indifference.

Indvandrere-i-italienItaly and Malta disputed about the reception of African refugees from the Turkish ship, Pinar. Italy took them – and EU Commissioner Barrot called for solidarity in the EU, i.e. all member states sharing the burden of such endless illegal immigration of Islam´s birth surplus. 

It is diificult to find numbers of asylum seekers to the EU. In 2006 the UK had 30,500, and Germany had 28,900. Austria came in fifth with 22,500. As for immigration on a whole: Once arrived here, the risk for them to be returned is slender: Despite 650 000 return-decisions in 2004, only 164 000 were actually returned to their home countries. In Denmark the rate of immigration from the Muslim world is explosive.
The police is deeply  frustrated, because it cannot cope with the increasing criminality. There is just one remedy to save us from the demise of our culture: Fortress Europe! For the immigrants show us no gratitude – just contempt. Real integration here – i.e. apostacy from Islam – means death by throat cutting according to the OIC -conference on 30 April, 2009!Next month the EU Parliament will try to get your vote. As  British Labour Immigration Minister, Phil Wollas, recently said: “Come and vote for any of the parties represented in the European Parliament today. Just do not vote for the British National party (which opposes immigration).”
Stay away from the EU Elections, unless you have an antiimmigration party to vote for. The eurocrates really fear low turn-outs in their meaningless elections. The EU Parliament´s parties are just the same – as standardized as in the Soviet Union.




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The following is an attempt to profile a globalist by drawing up some hallmarks I have encountered by studying the money-grubbing, remarkable behaviour of the  climate change ideologists in contradistinction to scientific findings, and here. I will pass by his memberships of secret societies, which I have so often mentioned. 
The following applies to the initiate  who knows the aim of globalism, the New World Order´s world government. Of course not to the unsuspecting peoples who believe the initiate globalist charlatans.


I. He is to be compared to religious missioners
His conviction seems so firm that he cannot be argued with.
Obama said recently:“I stand here to save the planet Earth” – a common expression among climatists! Not on behalf of God. The climatists are just as one-eyed as old-fashioned marxists or jesuits.They have ideological roots, viz. in the “Report from Iron Mountain” : “The threat to unite mankind under a world government need not be real, provided the masses can be convinced it is real. Credibility is the key, not reality”. Furthermore, the Club of Rome´s  “Limits to Growth” and “The First Global Revolution”: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill…. All these dangers are caused by human intervention… The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.”  An offspring was Maurice Strong, Steven Rockefeller and Michael Gorbachev´ s “Earth Charter”  and the Gaia/Lucifer cult which arose around it.

II. He is a communist  on behalf of the world and capitalist on his own behalf 
The Telegraph 20 April, 2009: “The charity (Oxfam): Today 252 million people are affected by “natural disasters” – not including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other emergencies unrelated to the weather. However this number is set to increase by 54 per cent to 375 million every year by 2015 ….caused by rising temperatures. Oxfam  warned that unless spending is almost doubled the international community will be unable to cope. This would mean at least $25 billion (£17 billion) a year compared to $14.2 billion (£9.7 billion) in 2006. In addition, the aid agency wants the world to commit at least $50 billion (£34 billion) every year to helping poorer countries adapt to global warming.
Here a
connection is indicated between the Communist EU supporters ”Common Purpose” and the Fabian socialist Tony Blair associated  Oxfam.

III. He lies to others and/ or himself

Take a look at this graph of global temperatures as measured by satellites from the University of Alabama in Huntsville: Todays temperatures are similar to those of 1980 – after having been stable since 1999. The hottest years of the 20. century were in the 1930es and todays temperatures are like those of the 1920es. Do you see an increase in global temperature? The US surface temperatue is 0.4-0.5 degrees C higher than about the year of 1900, at most.
Now the very guru of climate forecasting, Dr J. Scott Armstrong, declares that the forecasting process used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) lacks a scientific basis. The globalists are lying. Only one out of the 4 organizations measuring global temperature finds increasing temperature: The GISS of NASA – which wondrously uses ground measurements – not satellite-based measurements like the three others. The GISS is led by James Hansen and has been caught redhanded forging its temperatures  repeatedly. James Hansen is lying – but the IPCC only takes his statements.

Cryosphere-31.dec.2008In Berlin on July 24, 2008 Barack Obama made a New World order speech saying:“As we speak, cars in Boston and factories in Beijing are melting the ice caps in the Arctic, shrinking coastlines in the Atlantic.”
Comment: Note the Northpole ice cap 12/30/1980 and 12/30/2008. Do you see the ice cap melting ? Since exactly 1 Jan 2009 “the weather has constantly been too bad for any photos to be taken of the  Northpole ” – according to “Cryosphere Today”!!! The Antarctic ice cap is growing!! As for the sea level: See NASA´s find: Until 2005 the sea level increased by 3 mm annually (constantly decreasing since the last ice age). However, since 2005 the sea level only increases by 2 mm annually. Obama is lying.

The Telegraph 20 April, 2009: Now the US  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared ”greenhouse gases” (incl. and especially CO2) to be a threat to public health!!!- a vital gas, which plants assimilate to set oxygen free, a gas without which there would be no life on Earth, a gas necessary for our breathing). The statement issued is expected to pave the way for new regulations of cars, power plants, building sites and factories by identifying carbon dioxide and five other gases as pollutants.

Left: Variations in global temperature through 3000 years. Note the medieval sea temperature optimum, 1 degree C higher than today.

 The EPA said rising levels of greenhouse gases “are the unambiguous result of human emissions, and are very likely the cause of the observed increase in average temperatures and other climatic changes”.
Comment: During the ice age 450 mio years ago the CO2 concentration of the air was 10 times higher than today!! Now it increases – but temperature does not! The medieval warming had nothing to do with CO2–pollution. The CO2 as offender is pure imagination without any scientific proof. EPA is lyimg.

IV,  He acts in “consensus – killing the “Old World Order.”
Look at the EU, e.g. Every decision is made in consensus. We never heard of factual discussions in the European Council or the Commission. In the EU Parliament a group of about 50 somtimes object. “Our national parliaments just accept anything from Brussels in consensus. And our media are always politically correct and consent. Now the brotherhood has secretly decided to use the climate hoax  to impose new global energy taxes on us (Bilderberg 2005 – Daniel Estulin).

V.Al-gore He is greedy beyond my comprehension
These clever guys have made the trade of CO2 comparable with stock-trading at the stock-exchange. 1 tonne CO2 is the unit. It is traded at the European Climate Exchange (so-called Emission Trading Scheme) behind which Rothschild´s Rockefeller´s and Al Gore´s  firms stand. Now they are also building the Chicago Climate Exchange. So far part of the profit goes to the national states, but the EU wants more and more of it.
James Hansen of the GISS is being very well paid by George Soros, former US president candidate, John Kerry – and Al Gore!

VI. The globalist is dictatorial by character – Gaia´s holy warrior 
He would not even dream of letting us have a free, informed debate and a subsequent say on their castles in the CO2–atmosphere – although we are to pay for it.
To fulfill his holy Rio-Conference in 1992 and its layers, the Kyoto-agreement of 1997, Bali 2007, and the Poznan Conference of 2008,he and his brethren decided to let everything become a final dictate to the world in Copenhagen in Dec. 2009. However, it seems that the current financial crisis has sobered the international brotherhood of New World Order states comsiderably up – and  prominent globalists have already given Copenhagen up. Pres. Obama has declared to be unable to do anything about the CO2 until 2012, at the earliest.  

Now the ideological “climatologists” are worried. So, on March 12, 2009 they held a conference in Copenhagen (EurActiv 13 March). The message warns that the worst-case scenario predicted by the influential scientific body Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is presently unfolding.

The “scientists” say there is no excuse for inaction.  “A ‘New Marshall Plan” for the climate would be beneficial for all parties,” said Terry Barker from Cambridge, echoing Edmond de Rothschild. As Katherine Richardson,  a marine biologist at the University of Copenhagen said: This is not a regular scientific conference. This is a deliberate attempt to influence policy.” And that is the  point.VII. The climate “expert” has never studied climate, as a rule! 
Richardson is not a climatologist – she is an ideologist and a marine biologist!! The IPCC President Pachauri is an economist, Jimmy Carter is a peanut grower – in fact, an IPCC fan with inside knowledge stated that only 20% of the IPCC panel had had some dealing with climate!!!  But such amateurs are decisive for the future economy of this Earth – for politicians have scrapped science and just want junk. In 2007  54% of professional climatologists could not say that there was a man-made climate change.VIII. He does not care about our expenditures for his fads
The EU last year adopted a goal of reducing its energy consumption by 20%, its CO2 emission by 20% and to increase its renewable energy production by 20%. Good, because energy is expensive and does pollute with soot. But according to Reuters 2007European Union target to slash greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent by 2020 could cost the bloc up to 1.1 trillion euros ($1.5 trillion), according to a new study.  Can you and I and our children afford this? B. Their most disastrous fad is the Union for the Mediterranean. Without asking us they are unifying Europe and the Muslim world around the Mediterranean in a Union – promising “partner” citizens free mobility! But the EU is paying 12bn euro of our money to the European Neighbourhood Policy (2007–2013) – even over to the Caspian Sea – plus much more loosely!



IX He is arrogant and stupid, feeling he is right when he is totally wrong.
Here is a mocking of climate sceptics by Sir Nicholas Stern, who advised the UK government about the economic threat posed by global warming. The respected economist compared climate naysayers to those who deny the link between smoking and cancer or HIV and Aids. “Climate change deniers are “ridiculous and akin to “flat-earthers. If you look at all the serious scientists in the world, there is no big disagreement on the basics of this.”
Commment: This arrogant amateur is flatly lying. 650 climatologists – some of them previously bought – have felt compelled to speak the truth in a US senate report: “Warming fears are the “worst scientific scandal in the history of science… UN IPCC Japanese Scientist Dr. Kiminori Itoh, an award-winning PhD environmental physical chemist.” Many others say even worse things.
B. MEP Daniel Cohn-Bendit´s   insolent behaviour to President Vaclav Klaus  will be remembered for a long time.
X. He is making a fool ofhimself
The Guardian 20 April 2009 High rates of obesity in richer countries cause up to 1bn extra tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions every year, compared with countries with leaner populations, according to a study.The important thing is that staying slim is good for your health and for the health of the planet.”The study is published today in the International Journal of Epidemiology.
Last September the IPCC suggested the people should eat less meat, because meat production causes 20% of global emissions.
And even worse, The Independent 10 Dec. 2006: A United Nations report has identified the world’s rapidly growing herds of cattle as the greatest threat to the climate, forests and wildlife!

The above bad and ridiculous character of the climatist globalist can be extended to all globalists. For all globalists are climatists – and they despise us as underlings. The globalist has just one goal: world government, and here. His means to convince us are, besides climate: immigration, financial crisis, “war on terror“,  pandemics – and here as well as threatened biological diversity. He presumes that when the pressure and the distress grow strong enough, we shall cry out for his world government to solve his home-made global problems by means of global remedies.

What the Nobel Prize winners Al Gore and the IPCC present may be the biggest lie in history – as indicated by a British Court of Justice making Gore´s film “An Inconvenient Truth” an inconvenient collection of at least 11 lies!!

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