How We Can Rescue Our Country From The Fascists’ That Have Stolen It….

How We Can Rescue Our Country From The Fascists Who Have Stolen It

Vernon Coleman

If, when you’ve read this piece, you agree with my fears please either send the report to a friend or ask them to read it on this website.

1. The big question we should be asking is not: `When will Blair leave office? but: `When will he be arrested as a traitor and war criminal?’

2. Blair – and just about every other senior British politician for three decades – has betrayed British electors. They have sold our country and taken away our hard won democratic rights. We have been disenfranchised by dishonest politicians.

3. Ted Heath was just the first in a long line of politicians who betrayed their country. What a tragedy it was that he died before he could be hung as a traitor.

4. We now live in a fascist country where the state is all and where everyone is guilty until investigated. (And then they’re proven guilty.)

5. Our government is fond of telling us that the states we’re at war with are fascist. But Britons (like Americans) are the ones with a fascist government. Britons are living in a fascist country.

6. Fascism was invented by Benito Mussolini. Here is how he defined it: `Liberalism denied the state in the name of the individual; fascism reasserts the rights of the state as expressing the real essence of the individual.’

7. Mussolini also pointed out that: `the more complicated the forms of civilisation, the more restricted the freedom of the individual must become.’

8. Fascism reduces our freedom and privacy because only the state really matters and the state (and those who work for it and control it) take precedence over everyone and everything else. In a fascist country the state comes first and the people come second. The state’s employees exist to defend the state (rather than to care for the people) and their loyalties are to the state. That’s the fundamental difference between a fascist state and any sort of democracy.

9. Democratic states provide leadership; representing the people in the nation’s relations with other countries and making decisions designed to protect the safety of the citizens. They also manage the infrastructure without which no country can survive; providing services which can not properly be provided by individuals within communities.

10. Any time a government does anything that isn’t protecting the lives, liberty and property of its citizens it is exceeding its authority.

11. Running an army is an essential government activity. Providing a decent transport infrastructure (roads and railways) is an essential government activity. Starting wars for no good reason is not within the remit of a proper government.

12. Politicians in the world’s two largest fascist countries (Britain and America) were hired to protect individual citizens. However, they have adopted policies designed to exploit the citizens and to take advantage of them. Politicians who were elected to look after the voters now expose the people they are paid to look after to increased danger. These fascist governments exist to protect their own personal survival rather than to protect the interests of the electorate.

13. The British people didn’t want to go to war with Iraq. Parliament didn’t want to go to war with Iraq. It was always clear that going to war with Iraq would dramatically increase – not reduce – the danger to individual citizens. (Decent countries don’t start wars unless they are necessary for the defence of the realm.) In the end Britain went to war with Iraq because it suited Blair’s personal agenda. We went to war with Iraq so that Blair could ingratiate himself with Bush and other powerful Americans and, therefore, ensure for himself a more than ample income on his retirement.

14. The basic principle by which fascists stand is that they have no respect for individuals or individualism. The state is all. And the functionaries of the state make all the decisions. How else would you describe the politics of Blair, Brown, Blunkett and Brussels?

15. We are living in a fascist country and we have been politically disenfranchised.

16. We are in the middle of wars we didn’t want.

17. We are going to be saddled with the EU constitution we didn’t want. (EU politicians are bringing the constitution back. They have decided that the people who voted against it were just wrong or stupid or not entitled to have an opinion. This, remember, is the EU which costs us £200 a second more than we get out of it. And it’s the EU which is so corrupt and full of fraud that auditors haven’t approved its accounts for 11 years on the trot.

18. We are going to be forced to buy identity (ID) cards we don’t want (and have never wanted).

19. There are, of course, still some sweet innocents who will tell you that if you haven’t got anything to hide you shouldn’t worry about ID cards. Read on.

20. When they bring in ID cards you will have to attend an appointment to be photographed, have your fingerprints taken and iris scanned or you will fined up to £2,500. (Incidentally, I’m a doctor and I’m not convinced that iris scans won’t endanger your sight.) You’ll pay up to £100 to get your compulsory card. That’s £400 for a family of four. And another £400 per person every time you move house, change jobs, find you’ve got another disease or buy a new car.

21. You must promptly inform the police if you lose your card or it becomes defective. If you don’t do this the punishment will be up to 51 weeks in prison.

22. You must promptly inform the National Register of any change of address. You will have to give all your previous addresses and all your current addresses – wherever they are. So when burglars get hold of the register they’ll be able to check on where you are and where you aren’t. They will, therefore, know which house to burgle.

23. You will have to promptly inform the National Register of changes to your personal life. Or there will be more punishments. And you’ll have to pay every time you change anything.

24. You will of course have to carry your ID card at all times. 25. `I have no problem with that,’ said someone I know. `What’s wrong with being expected to carry an ID card?’ Well, apart from the fact that there is something intrinsically fascist and oppressive about being expected to carry identification with you at all times, one problem is that if it is illegal to leave your house without an ID card then there has to be a punishment for not carrying an ID card. To begin with the punishment will probably be an arrest, an appearance in court and a fine. But, historically, all the evidence (from Nazi Germany and the USSR) shows that the punishments will become increasingly severe. (The fines will provide easy pickings for a Government which is obsessed with gouging money out of already stretched taxpayers.)

26. People who lose their ID cards (or go out without them) will become lawbreakers with criminal records. This was exactly what happened in Nazi Germany and in the Soviet Union.

27. The Government’s plans for ID cards may well break Human Rights legislation on privacy and discrimination. The Government intends to demand and collect so much personal information that they will breach our right to privacy.

28. A joint House of Commons and House of Lords committee on human rights said that the amount of information due to be held on ID cards amounted to a: `significant intrusion into private life’. The committee also said that they were: `concerned at the range of information that may be held on an individual’s record and its apparent lack of relation to the statutory aims (of the Bill)’.

29. The information on ID cards can, of course, be recorded and used without the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned. Information on ID cards will be made widely available to civil servants and Government employees. And information will be sold to private companies.

30. People applying for a new or renewed passport will automatically have to buy an identity card and will not be free to refuse one.

31. The Government intends to put the following information on ID cards: previous residential status, address of main home and any second homes, details of how often name has been accessed by others, date and place of birth, physical characteristics, fingerprints, nationality, medical details, financial details, criminal record and anything else they think they might be able to sell to data processing companies.

32. Politicians have stopped referring to identity cards. They now prefer to describe them as `entitlement cards’. I presume that by this they mean that if you have one you will be entitled to stay out of prison but if you haven’t you won’t. The phrase `entitlement card’ is, of course, just another addition to Labour’s newspeak dictionary and fits well with such modern standards as `collateral damage’ and `friendly fire’.

33. ID cards are being sold to us on the grounds that they will help the Government keep terrorists out of the country and make our country safer for us. This is a lie.

34. The claim that ID cards will help protect us from terrorism is such a silly lie (and so easy to disprove) that the only surprising thing about it is not that people believe it (most people will believe anything the mass media tells them as long as they are left to get on with getting drunk and watching Eastenders) but that the Government actually had the nerve to suggest it.

35. The truth (and I’m glad you’re interested because no one in the Government or the media is) is that just about everything the Government does to fight terrorism (including ID cards) makes it easier for terrorists to succeed.

36. Politicians want ID cards because ID cards will help them control us. When you accept an ID card you lose power, independence and freedom and you give all those things to the authority which has issued the card.

37. Spain had ID cards before the Madrid bombings, and the alleged September 11th hijackers all travelled on legitimate papers.

38. Even if terrorists can’t get hold of legal identity cards (a task which won’t be any more difficult than getting hold of legal gas bills, legal passports or legal credit cards – in other words ridiculously easy) they will make their own.

39. The only way ID cards will help prevent terrorism will be if terrorists get ID cards with the word `terrorist’ embossed on them.

40.Independent researchers at the London School of Economics have pointed out that the Government’s ID card scheme could be a `one stop shop for fraudsters’. They pointed out something I’ve been warning about ever since the scheme was first mooted, which is that if thieves manage to steal your fingerprints or iris scan you will lose these very personal bits of biometric data for ever. Unlike your bank details you can’t change your iris scan every time it gets nicked. But fraudsters will, of course, be able to fake up iris scans and fingerprints.

41. `Instead of wasting hundreds of millions of pounds on compulsory ID cards…let that money provide thousands more police officers.’ Tony Blair, speaking in 1995, before he met George W.Bush and bought a house worth several million pounds.

42. The proponents of ID cards seem to ignore the fact that in order to obtain an ID card (and prove our identity) we will be asked to produce some identification. What will we be told to produce? Passport or driving licence. Two easily forgeable pieces of identification.

43. ID cards will, of course, be easy to forge.

44. As the Labour Party became more desperate to `sell’ ID cards to the public their ramblings became reminiscent of their attempts to explain the war against Iraq. The words `desperation’ and `surreal’ refuse to go away. `ID cards will help you get into America faster,’ said one Government Minister, implying that the cards would in some way help tourists by-pass long queues at American airports. Anyone who believed that one would probably also find comfort in the suggestion that ID cards would help us check our criminal records more speedily. Maybe Labour wants to turn us all into criminals (it is certainly doing its best) so that we will all be able to realise the benefits of having ID cards.

45. The new ID cards will contain a chip which will tell them where you are every minute of every day of your life. Since it will be illegal to go out of your home without your ID card (and its implanted chip) the Government (and anyone to whom they sell the information) will always know exactly where you are.

46. And here’s another thought that should make you go cold inside. The proponents of ID cards are already suggesting that we have identity chips implanted under our skin. `This would have made it easier to identify bodies after the tsunami,’ they announced, with breathtaking bad taste. `Embedding chips under skin is much better than a tattoo,’ said an enthusiast. `We can get more information on an embedded chip than can be put on a tattoo.’ Would you be happy for the Government to tattoo you with a number? Now, who else was it who did that?

47. The Government also wants to control store cards. They want to know how much money you’ve got, what you buy and where you buy it. They want to have a monopoly over information about you.

48. We should all fear the introduction of identity cards and we should all refuse to have anything to do with them. If ID cards are introduced it will be the crooks and the fraudsters who will benefit most and the honest citizens who will lose out. Terrorists and criminals will find that fraudulent ID cards (easily obtained) will provide them with a veneer of respectability. The feelings of distrust which will rise among the honest public as officials abuse their power will mean that cooperation with the authorities will deteriorate still further. Petty officiousness and heavy-handed behaviour by thugs with authority will destroy any remaining trust and faith in the police. All this has happened every time and everywhere ID cards have been introduced.

49. ID cards bring with them the assumption of guilt (rather than the presumption of innocence). They bring state interference and take away individual freedom, they bring coercion and remove consent.

50. Decent, upstanding citizens may believe that they have nothing to fear from ID cards. But they are wrong. And when they discover that they are wrong it will be too late to do anything about it. If he has never protested or been a member of any protest group, the honest citizen may not have experienced the way policing is managed already and he may not fear that he will be harassed by the police simply for going about his lawful business. But when the state is run by and for villains and extremists it is only the villains and the extremists who will thrive. When the police are hated rather than supported, when harassment is commonplace, then it will be the law-abiding who will have most to fear.

51. The bottom line is scary: Identity cards will make your identity easier to steal.

52. Some naughty protestors are threatening to disrupt the ID card system by crossing their eyes in front of iris scanners. Others intend to claim that they have undergone a religious conversion and insist on wearing burqas which will hide their faces. Burqas are traditionally worn by women but it would clearly be sexual discrimination not to allow men to wear them too.

53. The Government has admitted that it will sell the information on ID cards to anyone who wants to buy it.

54. The cultural identity of nations is being changed (for ever) by mass immigration. There is a huge difference between the sort of immigration we have today and the old-fashioned immigration which took people off around the world in search of new adventures and new excitements. Today most of the people moving around the world have no interest in the culture, history or lifestyle where they are going. They go for other reasons and their roots remain in their country of origin. (France, founder nation and controller of the EU, has its own rules, and immigrants to France are strictly controlled. England, which is four times as overcrowded as France, obeys EU laws and allow unlimited immigration.)

55. Here are some very specific examples of the fascist state in action:

1. A woman who read out the names of British soldiers who had died in Iraq was arrested.

2. An animal rights campaigner, peacefully inviting passers by to look at his leaflets about vivisection was reported by the police for a breach of the 1824 Vagrancy Act because he: `attempted to obtain or gather alms by exposing wounds or deformities’. It took three policemen and two community support officers to invoke the 1824 Act (which was originally designed to stop soldiers who had returned from the Napoleonic Wars displaying their tattered limbs in the street in an attempt to beg money for food) and to take away the campaigner’s animal rights material.

3. A heckler who dared shout out ‘Nonsense’ during a speech by the hideous Jack Straw at the 2005 Labour Party Conference was manhandled and forcibly ejected from the building by two stewards (one of them a professional bouncer). He had his security pass confiscated. The 82-year-old Jewish refugee of Nazi Germany, mildly diabetic and hard of hearing, was detained under the Terrorism Act when he tried to re-enter the hall.

4. A woman who wore a T-shirt carrying the words `Bollocks to Blair’ was taken away by police.

5. A woman who said on the radio that she did not believe homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children was contacted by the police who told her that she had been responsible for a homophobic incident – which they regarded as a priority crime.

6. When the Chinese leader last visited Britain, people concerned about China’s record on human rights wanted to protest peacefully. They were dragged away by police to avoid embarrassing the Chinese leader.

7. Six students at Lancaster University were prosecuted for demonstrating on their own campus. The students were charged with `aggravated trespass’ after they heckled at a corporate conference held in one of the University’s buildings attended by representatives of an arms dealer, an oil company and a drug company. The protestors, who were accused of interrupting a speech by Lord Sainsbury of Turville (the Labour Government’s Science Minister) said that they were concerned about the commercialisation of research. One of the students was arrested immediately after the protest, the other five were summonsed five months later.

8. The British Government has brought in endless European laws which are not wanted by the British people. It is planning to break up England into nine regions. England is not recognised by the EU. No one has ever been given the opportunity to vote for this. Voters in the North East of England were given the chance to vote for or against a Regional Parliament. They rejected the Regional Parliament. But as I’ve been warning in my book England Our England for years, all nine new regions of England have had secret Parliaments for ages. The vote was an undemocratic nonsense. More fascism in action.

9. During the European elections a pensioner put up a poster on which he wrote: `Free speech for England. Don’t forget the 1945 war.’ He was arrested and charged with racially aggravated criminal damage.

10. Planning meetings are now a waste of time. Local communities can spend years – and huge amounts of money – fighting a planning application and winning only to find that the Deputy Prime Minister will overrule the democratic process because he doesn’t like the result. That’s fascism in action.

11. There are around four million surveillance cameras in Britain. That is more than six per square mile. Only Monaco (where every square inch of the principality is under 24 hour Government video surveillance) has more cameras. It won’t be long before Britain catches up since our Government is having more cameras installed every day. The evidence shows that they don’t help the police catch criminals and they don’t prevent crime. CCTV cameras are the main reason why so many city-centre thugs now wander around wearing hooded jackets.

12. A group of excited schoolchildren, visiting London for the day to take photographs in aid of charity, were marched away when they tried to take photographs of Trafalgar Square.

56. There are dozens more examples of practical fascism in action in my book Living In A Fascist Country. The police in Britain are allowed to shoot innocent people with impunity. They can drive at 159 mph without even having points put on their licence. The Government has brought in so many oppressive new laws that not even the lawyers can keep up with them. It’s difficult even for decent citizens to avoid breaking the law on an almost daily basis.

57. On top of all this taxes are constantly rising. And the Government’s desperate need for more funds to finance its fascist ambitions means that thousands of honest, hard-working citizens are constantly being persecuted by tax offices struggling to satisfy the Government’s unquenchable thirst for money. And day by day it’s getting worse. Is it any wonder that every year 300,000 hard-working Britons leave the country to live abroad?

58. So, what’s behind all this? What’s going on? How have we acquired a fascist government and become a fascist country. First, of course, there are the politicians. They’re in this for the money. Forget public duty. Responsibility.

59. Politicians have twigged that there is an easy way to get the votes they need. The micro management fascist style of government favoured by the British Labour party has led to a dramatic change in the way people behave. The Government’s programme of welfare support and its blind enthusiasm for means-testing mean that increasing numbers of people are now content to lie back and let their nation look after them. Instead of encouraging and rewarding self-sufficiency the Government is encouraging dependence. This is not going to be easy to cure and is almost certain to get considerably worse before it gets better. There are millions of citizens in Britain today who genuinely believe that the State owes them a living. They seem to assume that the State has a duty to provide them with money and services and they never seem to question the origin of either. Their dependence on the State is the reason for their loyalty to the State. They will keep voting for the fascist state because it cares for them. If you add together the number of people living on state benefits and the number of people receiving state salaries it comes to around 25% of the population. Guess what percentage of the voters put Blair into power at the last election? Around 23%.

60. The Tories have realised this and that’s why Cameron and his sad bunch of moronic henchmen are aping the policies which kept Blair in power. It’s why it doesn’t matter a damn whether the Tories or Labour get in. They’re interchangeable.

61. Alexis de Toqueville predicted, early in the history of new American republic, that democracy would last only until the public realised it could vote largesse to itself from the public treasury. How absolutely right he was.

62. Blair, Brown and company have shamed us all. They have made us all complicit in murder and they have made those who fight for their country into war criminals. They have continued to adopt policies leading directly to the destruction of England and Great Britain. You might imagine that a Tory party would be opposed. But have you heard the Tories criticise Blair or attacking his fascist friends in Brussels? The Tories have abandoned us and disgraced themselves in a desperate and despicable search for power at any cost. By voting for the EU and for illegal wars, and by abandoning England and Britain, they have done their part to devalue politics and democracy.

63. Politics in Britain is dominated by Scotsmen who are no friends of England. No one who cares for England should vote for any of them. As an Englishman I am now a member of an endangered ethnic group which the EU, aided and abetted by the Government, is attempting to destroy. It’s the silent holocaust.

64. The denial of England and Englishness is turning the English into stateless persons. This is silent, bloodless ethnic cleansing. It’s genocide without the blood.

65. Our leading politicians are so corrupt that the only safe assumption today is that everything we are told is a lie. This isn’t paranoia. It’s survival. It’s the only truth worth believing. And the media, in its most powerful forms, is as responsible as the politicians. We have to stop being nice about these people. 66. I am sometimes criticised for being rough on politicians. Well, shucks. They’re stealing my country and my freedom and my privacy. What the hell am I supposed to do? Offer them tea and cucumber sandwiches?

67. Talking of being rough on politicians. I am fed up of Brown being portrayed by his chums in the media as an economic wizard. If Brown is anything mystical he’s a witch not a wizard. He has destroyed this country’s economic stability with his obsessions with red tape, means-testing and central control. No one, in the history of this country, has ever done more damage to our economy than this exceedingly ambitious and unpleasant little Scotsman. It was Brown who sold the nation’s gold at rock bottom prices. It was Brown’s policy which destroyed pensions for millions.

68. The sooner the BBC disappears, the better chance we will have of recovering our democracy. If the BBC ever had a debate on the EU the two sides would be: `Is the EU a wonderful thing’ or, on the other side, `Is the EU a very wonderful thing’. If the BBC had a debate on Blair it would be: `Is Blair our greatest ever Prime Minister’ or: `is he the greatest ever world leader’.

69. I believe there is a BBC bias in favour of the EU.

70. Buy a TV set from a store such as Currys or Comet and they’ll dob in you to the TV licensing gestapo. And then you start getting the increasingly hostile letters. Actually, James Whale of Talksport has a good idea. He says that after you’ve had a few of these letters they send someone round to knock on your door.

`Good evening,’ he says, when they arrive.

`We’re from TV licensing,’ they say.

`Thank you for coming,’ says James politely. And he shuts the door on them.

He says that if you panic and blurt out `Oh, dear I meant to get a licence but never get round to it’ then you’re in trouble.

Sadly, there is a snag. The TV license gestapo can goosestep off and get a warrant if they think you’ve got a TV but haven’t paid for a licence.

(James, of course, doesn’t have a TV set.)

71. Our national newspapers aren’t much better than the BBC. I never really expect the media to review my political books – and they don’t. Despite the fact that my books on politics are probably the bestselling books on the subjects in the country they haven’t received one review. I’m not whingeing. I would be surprised if they had. But, what does surprise me somewhat is the fact that advertisements for books of mine such as England Our England and Living in a Fascist Country have now been refused – even by papers such as the Daily Mail and the Daily Express which you might expect to be concerned about these issues. I even prepared an ad which said simply `Banned’ and gave the title of one of the books. The papers refused to accept that advertisement. My books tell the truth. Maybe that is too frightening to be allowed.

72. The United Kingdom is finished I’m afraid. The experiences of UKIP show that most people of Scotland and Wales are no longer interested in saving the United Kingdom; they have been suckered into thinking that they have independent futures ahead of them. They do not realise that they are effectively no more than european regions; that is their appointed destiny.

73. This is very sad but we have to face facts. Despite the fact that they receive a subsidy of over £11 billion a year from London, many Scots hate the English and they hate the Union too. Look at the results of any election. UKIP gets hardly any votes in Scotland – or Wales either. If you saw the last night of the Proms you will have noticed that the people in London, in the Royal Albert Hall, were largely waving union flags. But the people in Scotland, in the Glasgow part of the show, were all waving Scottish flags. There wasn’t a union flag to be seen. The Scots and the Welsh have been suckered into thinking that their regional EU parliaments are only a step away from independence. In reality, of course, they’re just EU regions.

74. I suspect that the Scots and the Welsh don’t give a fig that Great Britain will soon be no more. And they don’t give a fig for England.

75. We’re fighting at the last barrier and we need to fight hard for an English Parliament, where Englishmen and women can decide the fate of Englishmen and women. It is absurd and outrageous that Scottish MPs can introduce legislation on health and education which do not affect their constituents. And it is equally absurd that any party should consider foisting a Scottish Prime Minister on us.

76. The English need a party to represent them and their interests.

77. The State is now your enemy. The biggest threat to your freedom and prosperity is the Government. They oppose individualism. They hate entrepreneurs. Fascist states always do.

78. Most people don’t do anything to fight fascism, of course. The apathy is born partly out of despair. Most people spend their days stressed out of their minds trying to keep up with all the new rules. And fear is a factor too. The Government has deliberately made us all afraid. I call it the Tanks at Heathrow syndrome but it wasn’t invented by New Labour. Hitler and Goebels were masters at making people afraid by creating a fictional enemy.

79. We should be afraid. But afraid, not of what they tell us to fear, but of them. If you’re not frightened of your Government then you don’t know or understand what is going on.

80. We have to turn our anger and frustration into action. The only way we’ll win is through our passion; because we care more than they do. That’s not difficult. I suspect that all the Blairs of this world care about is money and status. We’ve got bigger things to fight for: our history, our culture, our independence and our freedom.

81. I believe there are still enough people in this country who will respond to passion, truth and caring. We aren’t alone. Many others are fed up of all the lies and the bullshit. The Blairs, Browns and Blunketts are a foul cancer that we have to vote out of office; we need to remove the political scum from public life.

82. Occasionally I get letters from people criticising me for being too rude in my books. `You shouldn’t say such terrible things about our leaders,’ they say. Well, bugger niceness. It’s too late for niceness. There isn’t time left to be twee. We’re at war with our own Government. If you don’t feel like fighting then just sit down, have a biscuit and a cup of tea and wait for them to come and get you. Because they will.

83. If everyone reading this tells the truth to one person a week – give or lend them a book to read if you can’t spend half an hour convincing them – and each of those people tells the truth to another person then in just a few months we will reach every man, woman and child.

84. Word of mouth – talking to people – is our greatest weapon.

85. We should all write to the media and tell them that unless they start telling us the truth we won’t buy their products or listen to their stations. Or pay their fees.

86. Don’t ever vote for one of the big political parties again. Vote for independent politicians who are standing for Parliament because they believe in something.

87. All we have to do is care enough.

For more facts, information and advice read Vernon Coleman’s books. Vernon Coleman’s books on politics include:

* England Our England
* Saving England
* The Truth They Won’t Tell You (And Don’t Want You To Know) About The EU
* Why Everything Is Going To Get Worse Before It Gets Better (And What You Can Do About It)
* Living In A Fascist Country
All these (and many other) books by Vernon Coleman are available from the webshop on this site and from all good bookshops everywhere. 

September 2006 Home



–>Vernon Coleman is the author of 114 books which have sold over 2 million copies in the UK, been translated into 23 languages and now sell in over 50 countries. His non-fiction books include ‘Bodypower’ (voted one of the nation’s 100 most popular books by British readers) and ‘How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You’ and his novels include ‘Mrs Caldicot’s Cabbage War’ (which has been turned into a major movie starring Pauline Collins) and the Bilbury series of books.

Vernon Coleman has a medical degree and has worked as a GP and a hospital doctor. Often described as an ‘iconoclast’ he has organised numerous campaigns for people and for animals. Although he now concentrates on writing books he has in the past presented numerous programmes on television (he was breakfast TV’s first doctor) and radio and has written over 5,000 columns and articles for over 100 of the world’s leading newspapers and magazines.

7 responses to “How We Can Rescue Our Country From The Fascists’ That Have Stolen It….

  1. What i have been saying for ages-long before reading this…

    You might imagine that a Tory party would be opposed. But have you heard the Tories criticise Blair or attacking his fascist friends in Brussels? The Tories have abandoned us and disgraced themselves in a desperate and despicable search for power at any cost. By voting for the EU and for illegal wars, and by abandoning England and Britain, they have done their part to devalue politics and democracy.

    63. Politics in Britain is dominated by Scotsmen who are no friends of England. No one who cares for England should vote for any of them. As an Englishman I am now a member of an endangered ethnic group which the EU, aided and abetted by the Government, is attempting to destroy. It’s the silent holocaust.

    64. The denial of England and Englishness is turning the English into stateless persons. This is silent, bloodless ethnic cleansing. It’s genocide without the blood.

    And The U.N. is where?

  2. I’m not from the U.K., but my fiance is and she has been talking a lot about these very things…disturbing really. I’m from the U.S. and while I don’t necessarily agree that we’re a fascist state, I do feel like we’re only a few steps away from one. England/U.K., however, I’m started to see more and more and it really terrifies me because my fiance wants us to eventually live there and raise our children there…and I don’t know if I can do that.

    Thanks for this informative post. I appreciate it. I tweeted it and I’ll probably link it on my blog later. Hopefully it will reach some people.

    Take care. I’d say something Latin and revolution-sounding, but I haven’t a clue what such a saying might be…

    • I hear many a one leaving the UK for life in the USA, saying they know both nations are on the same road, but at least in the USA one has a fighting chance, Americans still have a right that we here allowed politicians to remove on what was a trumped up lie. to bear arms!!

      “Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has ‘closed’, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. AND I AM CAESAR.”
      — Julius Caesar.

      Legal Rebellion- something all westerners still have the right to perform.

      Take Care!

  3. I’ve been frightened out of my mind about this for years as I’ve seen things creeping in. I do try talking to people, trying to get them to care as well, but they invariably label me as ‘paranoid’, or simply shrug. Most of my friends don’t vote at all, and the one that does lets her dad fill her (postal) vote in. Even the people who DO care won’t do anything beyond moan. As a country, we’ve been lulled into docility, and I think it’s long since spelled our death.

    RIP England.

    • Fear is exactly the weapon chosen by government to make sure that you remain under their control.
      Take a step back, look at the feeble, selfish, pathetic excuses for human beings that we’re supposed to fear, they lie cheat and commit treason on a daily basis, in my book they need fear me more!
      That is in fact why they impose draconian measures upon us all. they fear us!
      Folk only take onboard that which they can handle, it’s difficult at first to realise that we are being ruled over by an elitist mob, that care only for themselves we are at the bottom of their priority list.
      Once that is accepted as fact, your confidence grows and eventually people realise what you are telling them isn’t from a paranoid mind but a caring one.
      Arm yourself with information and more importantly proof of what you’re saying.
      A good source of info, which usually comes to light long before the public become aware can be found at. The PJC JOURNAL..Just put that into your search engine then go to the main page.
      Another is
      Folk moan because deep down they feel something isn’t right, thats’ a start!
      It ain’t over until the fat lady sings- remember that!!

      A good start is to prove that the European Union [ superstate built on totalitarianism } is illegal under our own laws,
      That proves our rules are a bunch of traitors.
      In the 60s the Wilson government removed from schools the knowledge that would have allowed folk to realise their rights.
      Decades ago, the ruling elite conspired to dumb down the population of Britain, making them into no better than yes men to the state.

      That no foreign prince, person, prelate, state, or potentate hath, or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority, pre-eminence, or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this realm, So help me God.”
      The last time i checked Brussels was within a foreign state…………they BRUSSELS HAVE NO JURISDICTION OVER BRITAIN–AND CERTAINLY NOT AUTHORITY!

      Politicians fear, that before they can complete their treachery millions will realise what lying scum they are, selling out what is our birthright.
      Print off the bill of rights- you’d be surprised how so many so called intelligent people have never known of it’s existance, even though Ministers use it to protect themselves.
      This bill is all we ever needed, all fines imposed on us are illegal- ALL!
      Without a trial in a court of law, no such fines shoud be tollerated, thats’ the fault of the people by not questioning those they gave power to.
      Politicians have mucked about for decades with our constitution, cutting it to serve themselves!
      Removing powers WE allowed that thing at Buck palace to have, powers that are rightfully ours!

      D NOTICES PLACED ON DUNBLANE……………Try that in your search engine- that will open your eyes a little more……………….Thats’ the sum of the elite that try telling us how to behave. when their own morals are in the gutter.

      Fabian Fascism is what we have in Westminster and the civil service!!!


  4. The really sad thing for me is that I actually really love England. I’ve been there two times and it is by far one of the most amazing countries I have ever visited (granted, I’ve only been to where I live, the U.S., and Canada). I love the food, the people, the history, everything. I hate to think that such a great nation, a great place that I’ve loved to visit, even if only briefly, that has brought me so much joy, could fall…

    *sigh* Well, here’s to hoping things turn around. Maybe I’m just being defeatist right now and really things will change when people get fed up. I think we have similar problems of people not doing anything in the U.S., and our bipartisan political crap isn’t helping.

    Anyway, I’ll shut up now…

    • The Majority still live under the impression that the UK is still a democracy, gradually the changes have been implemented right under their nose.
      Apathy still reigns at this precise moment in time, there are rumblings that so far have remained hidden, are now rising to the surface thanks’ to corrupt politicians just taking the public for granted once too often.
      Folk are really, very fed up, very angry also, but the English/British tend to mull over stuff allowing it to fester within, thats’ the danger.
      When they removed our arms, it was, these days the Politicians had in mind,
      We still have our teeth, after all, weapons can be anything at all.
      They sprinkled their PC Dust across the nation, assuming that would kill thoughts, when all it killed was freedom of speech, we’re a canny lot here and play dead quite easily,
      Politicians in the main are not indigenous to this country, just plastic pretend patriots, that way, they never really know, what makes we the people tick.

      Tick Tock…

      The USA is treading the exact same path, it needs blocking now, before it goes much further.
      The situation today is far worse than anything we’ve faced before, today the enemies are within.!!

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