The Legal Mafia…


Why do we have never ending cycles of boom and bust?
This is what  the masons use to consolidate their power base.

Masons wont be losing their jobs.
Masons wont be losing their homes.
Masons wont be losing their business’s
Masons wont face impoverishment on the menial benefits provided
after years of graft.

Masonic run banks have been propped up to the tune of billions thanks
to following a masonic agenda by masonic run governments and the political leaders they funded and put into  power for their own financial agenda .
We get to vote ONLY for parties run by masonic dupes.

Masons will be picking up the cheap houses and business’s that have been bankrupted thanks to the MASONIC mortgage scams by forcing up house prices to artificially ridiculous levels and to get a roof over your head  fleeced into paying grossly outrageous mortgages  for homes worth
only a fraction of what you have to pay for them .Proven when the interest rates go up and the withdrawal of money and mortgage lending  leads to the collapse of house prices and the repossession of the homes the MOB barter, in an ever ending cycle,  using the boom and bust principle.

A whole glut of jobs have been created  especially for their dim witted goons. Executive positions, that pay huge salaries,  and bare no resemblance to the brain capacity of  masonic dupes who function as the
slave drivers for the masonic agenda and who head the management positions that dump employees who fail to follow their enslavement system exactly to that master plan.

This is an EVIL network of power . They know exactly what they are doing when New World Order General Gordon Brown talks about  helping people to stay in their homes when they are sacked .
He means the exact  opposite by giving the illusion of assistance when in fact the millions who lose their jobs  will also lose their homes . Some may get re-employed at a later date, but at salaries well below what they had  in the past, and after they have likely lost everything they worked their ass off for prior to the  crunch, having to start from scratch all over again. Men have, for years,  been  fleeced and losing their homes  in their masonic run family/civil  courts with ONLY masonic judges in judgement and presently masked by this latest credit crisis.NEVER A JURY .

While the executive positions will see  massive rises in salaries from the SAVINGS made and from the removal of NON   masonic business’s leaving a near monopoly of masonic companies who will consolidate their customer
base  on the back of another cycle of  an artificially created credit crunch.

We no longer receive  salaries that pay the bills . They have created a system were only by getting into massive debt can you manage to own? a house and car ,or the illusion of owning them until they come to take them back in the masonic based boom and bust cycles that ensure their EVIL powermongering continues.

This is a masonic ruse of the most enormous proportions . We are all in one way or another duped by a small self appointed elite group of warmongering mobsters who, at a stroke, can manipulate the worlds economy
with their banking scams. We are all caught up in a masonic web of deceit that can only  be stopped by  a complete re-alignment of the worlds resources . All non mason men need to create an alternative network  of finance and  employment. Also a complete realignment of the worlds  land and property that has been STOLEN from the people and into  the  hands of those who create the artificial mortgage scams that leave us paying them billions in interest while they  manipulate  ALL the worlds land , property and wealth for their own ends.

The head of this madness is Queen Lizzie, patron of freemasonry,  who at the last count owned one sixth of the  worlds land mass and who has the largest gun arsenal in the world protecting that wealth while an unarmed
populous can  only sit back and watch the monstrous theft of everything they own disappearing  into the masonic  coffers . The British crown and its legal mafia at the very heart of this ruthless system.



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