Under the present financial swindle the people are sacrificed in order to pay financial tribute in the form of taxation for all time. To ask men and their families to pay the interest bill for all time on the materials they used to defend themselves is little short of treachery. Those who think that we should be sacrificed to an insane financial policy at the end of the war might note that Britain, during the last war, actually increased her assets by 25 per cent. This was done in spite of the millions of men taken out of production and doing the fighting in France. When these men had won the military conflict, they came back to civil life and started producing further goods.

In 1919 Britain possessed the greatest industrial machine in the world. She was in the position to give her people the highest standard of living the world has yet seen – in fact, a land really fit for heroes to live in. But, as we have seen previously, while the British people were standing up to the German military machine, the financiers were plotting to obtain ever a greater control of the nation. No wonder that William Jennings Bryan, the famous American statesman, once said: “The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity.”

We should always remember the sinister Cunliffe Committee, and its recommendations to put Britain back on the gold standard after the war. Dealing with these recommendations, Mr. A. N. Field, the New Zealand writer, has stated: “The recommendation of the Cunliffe Committee was ‘for the maintenance of a complete and effective gold standard.’ In plain language, this simply meant that the enormous debt incurred in 8/- and 10/- pounds should be paid back in 20/- pounds. The nation was saddled with a debt more than ten times that existing in pre-war days, in nominal value; but in actual value, in consequence of. the depreciation in the purchasing power of the pound, about five times the pre-war debt. This committee recommended that the load on the back of the people should be doubled by a restoration of the pound to the value it had possessed before the banks had lowered its value by lending thousands of millions of imaginary money.

To realise the enormous fraud which was perpetrated by this juggling with money it is sufficient to take one example. An important item in munitions manufacture was copper. A good deal of this was purchased from the United States. In a publication at hand it is stated that the average price for copper in the United States during the ten years preceding the war was 16.2-3 cents per pound; the war price was 27 cents per pound. Commodities bought with 8/- and 10/- pounds at wartime prices of this sort were lumped in the huge bill tied round the nation’s neck, to be paid off in 20/- pounds. In the words of Mr. Reginald McKenna, in his annual address as chairman of the Midland Bank at this time, the whole proceeding was ‘repugnant to every principle of equity and economic propriety.’

Dealing with the recommendations of the Cunliffe Committee in a series of articles in the London “Times” from May to October 1918, Mr. Arthur Kitson said: ” . . . The nation should be on its guard to see that the war debt is not enhanced by some jugglery with our legal tender after the war. . . . The method is so insidious and can be accomplished so easily that the public may be cheated before they are aware of it. The war debt has been incurred in cheap pounds, and honest dealing requires repayment in pounds and commodities of the same value as when the debt was incurred.
To raise the value of money after the war is an old trick of the financiers. . . . At all costs a repetition of such jugglery should be prevented.”


A loan of £80,000,000 to Germany would mean that Germany could buy that amount of materials in Britain.

The terrible fact emerges that the British people were working to re-arm their future enemies
because they did not control financial policy

The same individuals who were building up Germany were keeping Britain weak by telling the people that there was a shortage of money. Stanley Baldwin, one of the chief puppets of the Bank of England, openly admitted on one occasion that he kept the fact concerning German re-armament from the British people in order to win the general elections. Mr. Paul Einzig says, in “World Finance, 1918-36,” that “there can be no doubt that practically the whole of the free exchange available to Germany for purchase of raw materials was supplied, directly or indirectly, by Great Britain in giving her enemy free exchange for the purpose of raw materials. If the day of reckoning ever comes the liberal attitude of the British Government in this matter may well be responsible for the lives of British soldiers and civilians.”



This sabotage of Britain’s shipbuilding industry was referred to in the British House of Commons on January 21, 1941:
“Mr. James Griffiths (Llanelly): . . . ‘I came into this House very largely because of the way industry was being neglected. We are paying the price for the last 20 years in allowing our industrial equipment to rust and to rot. For 20 years we lived in a period when coal mines, workshops and shipbuilding yards were being closed down. By whom? By the financiers of this country. . . . I cannot give way, as I have not much time, and I am entitled to make my point. I want the nation to remember that for 20 years we have pursued a policy of restricting and cutting down production, and now we are paying the price for it. I will give one example. What would this nation give today for a shipbuilding yard at Jarrow? Who closed down Jarrow? . . .”
Jarrow was closed by the Bank of England!




It is now common knowledge in well-informed circles that certain German-American-Jewish financial interests were directly associated with the financing of the Russian revolution and the exploitation of that country. The same interests seek to foist International Socialism on the entire world – particularly the British Empire. The same interests were responsible, both directly and indirectly, for Hitlerism. Hitlerism and Communism are almost synonymous terms – as the world was shocked to learn when the Russo-German Pact took place just prior to the outbreak of the present war. The fact that Germany has since attacked Russia does not alter the underlying fact that International Finance is gaining more in power at the expense of the British peoples. We can only judge who wins a war by asking “Who benefits?”

A Question i always ask before jumping to the conclusion the Gov directs me to jump to.

The forces behind Russia are forces which have consistently sought to destroy the British Empire; far too many of our Empire’s “leaders” have been prepared to betray us to these alien forces. In his book, The Alien Menace, the late Colonel A. H. Lane, one of the most patriotic Britishers who has ever written on this matter, said: “Our financial crisis in July, 1931, was largely due to the international financiers in the City of London having granted large credits to Germany, which Germany declared herself unable to repay. The newspapers described these loans or credits as being ‘frozen’ in Germany. Germany had passed on these loans, or a good portion of them, to Russia, and it was in Russia where they were – or are still – ‘frozen.’
The financial collapse of Germany, or even of Great Britain, would not necessarily mean any loss to the international financiers who ‘wangled’ our money into Soviet Russia. . . .

The following extracts from recent statements on this question of ‘frozen’ credits not only prove that the relations between International Finance and Bolshevism continue, but they suggest that these relations may have serious consequences for this country.

Lord Beaverbrook added that ‘these buck-jumping financiers . . . have ramifications all over Europe. We need not worry ourselves about them.’

While Lord Beaverbrook was right concerning the ramifications of the international financiers, he was wrong when he said that we have no need to worry about them The Bank of England is a vital factor in the plans of the international financiers. As we will see later, the Bank of England has been deliberately introducing a form of Socialism into Britain under the term, “Planned Economy.” This is similar to the Russian idea. It is being fostered by banking interests in all parts of the Empire.



We have’ dealt with the close connection between the Bank of England and the financing of Nazi Germany. Most people have heard of the Anglo-German Fellowship Association which existed before the outbreak of war. I have no doubt that many people who belonged to this organisation were sincere in their outlook. Whether we can believe the same of other members who belonged to the financial world is another matter. In the membership of the Anglo-German Fellowship were three directors of the Bank of England, three directors of the Midland Bank, Sir Walter Runciman (director of Lloyds Bank), a director of Barclay’s Bank, two directors of the National Bank of Scotland, including the late Lord Lothian, three directors of Schroder and Company (Anglo-German Bank), two directors of the British Linen Bank, two directors of Ratti Brothers (Anglo-Italian Bank), Sir Sydney Peel (director of the National Bank of Scotland), and Lord Hutchinson of Montrose (director of the London board of the National Bank of Australia) .


Sir Charles Morgan-Webb, in “Ten Years of Currency Revolution,” writes: “The operations of currency management conferred upon the Bank of England the power to restrict credit, to postpone new enterprises, to lessen the demand for constructional materials and other capital goods, to create unemployment, to diminish the demand for consumable goods, to cause difficulty in renewing loans, to confront manufacturers with the prospect of falling prices, to force dealers to press their goods on a weak market, and to cause a decline in general prices on the home market.”

Following the appointment of Lord Catto, Cohn Campbell and Sir B. Hornsby – all bankers – to the British Treasury in 1940 the following appeared in the London Evening Standard of July 3: “The Bank of England is now taking over Whitehall. That is the true meaning of appointments to the Treasury in the past few days. The Bank of England today is probably more powerful than it has been for years.”

It might be appropriate here if I deal briefly with the famous incident in the British Navy on September 15, 1931.
Montagu Norman and his friends in Wall Street were calling upon the British people to make even more sacrifices. This was too much for the Navy at Invergordon, and, as a result of certain drastic action, Macdonald, Baldwin and Norman had to “ease it off” a bit, so far as the Navy was concerned. The Daily Express of October 24, 1931, came out with a picture of the ex-Kaiser on the left-hand side and Montagu Norman on the right. This was part of Admiral Dewar’s election propaganda in North Portsmouth. As a background to these two figures was a picture of the sea, with battleships and other symbols of naval power. The title read as follows: “Leaders of Lost Causes”; “The British Navy at Jutland in 1916 beat the ex-Kaiser; and at Invergordon in 1931 it beat Mr. Montagu Norman.” However, Mr. Norman’s system of borrow, boom and slump went on.


We see exactly the same technique in this country where the local agents of the Bank of England are pursuing the same policy. The result is the centralisation of industry into monopolies and the rapid growth of innumerable bureaucratic boards to control the primary producers.

Sir Ernest Harvey, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England, admitted in his evidence that about October, 1929 – about the beginning of the world depression – the Bank of England had set up a Securities Management Trust to buy up control of industrial concerns. As we have seen, the policy of credit contraction was initiated by the Wall Street group through their control of the Bank of England.

Mr. Louis T. McFadden, ex-President of the Pennsylvania Bankers’ Association, and for twelve years Chairman of the U.S.A. House of Representatives’ Banking and Currency Committee, speaking in the U.S.A. Congress on December 15, 1931, said, in referring to the slump: “It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence – the International Bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they could emerge as rulers of us all.”



Apart from attempting to obtain control of industry, there was a move to obtain control of agriculture by the establishment of Boards. I shall deal with this matter at some length, because the future of civilisation may well depend upon the attitude that the primary producers adopt towards this plot to “Sovietise” them.

Every representative of International Finance who has ever been in this country – such as Mr. Bruce – has urged “planning” of primary production. It is essential that we understand the origin and motives of this sinister plan. Evidence given before the Macmillan Commission revealed that the Bank of England had set up an Agricultural Mortgage Corporation. Sir Otto Niemeyer took a leading part in this and became a director. The chairman was Sir W. H. N. Gosehen, chairman of the National Provincial Bank.
Allegedly the corporation was for the purpose of “assisting” agriculture.

In 1931, there came into existence in England a movement for promoting “Planned Economy.” Sir Basil P. Blackett, director of the Bank of England, was the first chairman. He was succeeded by Mr. Israel Moses Sieff, the present holder of that position. An examination of the list of people actively engaged in P.E.P. (Political and Economic Planning) reveals a curious mixture of conservatives, financiers and socialists. Mr. Sieff is director of a chain-store enterprise in England called “Marks and Spencer.” His idea is to run the whole nation as one big trust.

By 1934 the “P.E.P.” was in action in the following organisations: Milk Marketing Board, Pig Marketing Board, Electricity Grid, British Broadcasting Corporation, Import Duties Advisory Board, Town and Country Planning Board, United Steel Companies Ltd.

The following extract appeared in an English journal in 1940: “The Political and Economic Planning group, under the chairmanship of Mr. Sieff, is out to reduce every public and private activity in England to a compact mechanism of State-aided monopolies, combines and chain-stores, under the control of a few financiers. . . . This wonderful and genial movement for the enslavement of Great Britain is making a fair headway, and has succeeded in laying hands on pigs, bacon, milk, potatoes, turnips, buses. . . . The latest to join the movement is the National Birth Control Association, which has, accordingly, altered its name to Family Planning Association. It will tell when and whom to marry, how many children to bring into the world, when to divorce, when and how to die, all according to the lofty standards of a group of financiers’ needs and benefits.”

Speaking about this Political and Economic Planning group and its aims, Mr. McFadden is reported, in the Congressional Record of June 8, 1934, as saying: “This plan is already in operation in the British Government by means of the Tariff Advisory Board, which in many of its powers is somewhat comparable to the National Recovery Administration in the United States. This group organisation has gathered all data and statistics obtained by governmental and private organisation in administrative, industrial, social, educational, agricultural and other circles; and Army, Navy and airport statistics are in their hands. This has been made possible from the fact that the Prime Minister, Ramsay MacDonald, being a Fabian, the ‘Political Economic Plan’ Fabian group has had all archives at its disposal.

PRIME MINISTER RAMSEY MAc Donald BEING A FABIAN..Another Scot i presume.


An interesting bit of information has come to me in this connection to the effect that this Fabian group has close connections with the Foreign Policy Association in New York City. This Foreign Policy Association was largely sponsored by the late Paul M. Warburg, and has received the close attention and support of Bernard M. Baruch and Felix M. Frankfurter. “Many serious people in England feel that this Fabian organisation practically controls the British Government and that this Government will soon be known as ‘His Majesty’s Soviet Government.’ It is asserted that both Prime Minister MacDonald and his son belong to the organisation and that the movement is well financed and well organised, and intends to practically Sovietise the English-speaking race.



Sovietism, under the title of the New Deal, is being rapidly foisted on the American public. The fundamental idea is the same as “planning” and Communism: everything run by big State trusts controlled by Finance. Production is made to fit the money system which alone creates a set of circumstances conducive to getting the people to accept these ideas. The financiers know that primary producers have an independent outlook and have always found them hardest to deal with. This was particularly so in Russia. There should be no need for me to comment on the similar manner in which the primary producers are being treated in this country.

Writing of P.E.P. in 1935, Captain Bernard Acworth, R.N., said: “In the winter of 1933-34, Mr. Harold MacMillan, M.P., published a book, ‘Industrial Reconstruction,’ in which, with the aim of establishing an equilibrium between supply and demand, and so of eliminating price-cutting, proposals were made for amalgamating all firms in the several industries into one corporation which would control the industry. The author frankly admitted that the proposed corporations would constitute monopolies and that this would tend to make prices rise to the consumer.”

I think that this short history of the Bank of England and its debt-and-taxation system, although not as comprehensive as it might be, deals with all the salient points in its history since 1694. The facts which I have related should be known by everyone interested in discovering the cause of the breakdown of our civilisation. The more I study history, the more convinced I become that it will all have to be drastically re-written and the influence of money in social development clearly revealed.

Even H.G. Wells has written: “When I wrote the Outline of History I slowly gained the conviction which crystallised itself later on into a positive idea, that the great Roman Empire was ruined not only from outside by the storming barbarians; but also by the internal financial difficulties, by the indebtedness of all social classes, and by the heavy burden of taxation, until, under these financial burdens, the whole scaffolding of imperialism broke down.

It is dreadful to watch how gradually the same symptoms of decadence become visible in the great empires of the modern world.

Do we desire the British Commonwealth of Nations to be destroyed by “the enemy within”?
If not, we must use every endeavour to have our financial system altered and arrest the slide towards the abyss of destruction into which other civilisations have plunged in the past.
That we can still save the situation, I have no doubt.



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